
Blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own. The coven:
Burning Our Money
EU Referendum
Gates Of Vienna
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
Lord Likely
News Bleat
Nobody's Friend
Not Proud Of Britain
PC Blogs
Snail Tales
The hitch-hiker's guide to Earth
The Two Wolves
I love juice
The Atheist blogger
Jihad Watch
Your ghost stories
Muffled Vociferation
Islamist Watch
Up Pompeii
Last commenty thing that xoggoth bothered to create. (Lazy old git)
Links to items
Where will it end?
Ever younger mothers (cartoon)

A government corrupt to its core
What is says

Things to come
The Angel of the South is finished

Paddy's revenge

Wikipedia is not always wrong?
Lord Ahmed is

Here we go again
A crap comedian bangs on about colour and

Sound chap, in part
Political correctness killed off the dinosaurs

Typical leftist smears
Of Gert Wilders

Better suggestion
A proper monument to Europe

Ozzie fires

Unforeseen consequences
Racial conflict in your toybox

Change of tack
The Brown eye

Sparrowhawk on bird table
What is says

So is he?
A one eyed Scottish idiot

You can't always believe the headlines - 2
More (alleged) attacks on Christianity

This useless, charmless, inept socialist. What is he for?
GB obviously

You can't always believe the headlines
(Alleged) attacks on Christianity

You make a dead man come
Stones song

The merit of any sound idea ceases once it becomes an unquestioned dogma
What it says

Have we ever before had such a deeply ignorant arsehole as chancellor or PM?
GB again obviously

They really do have a point on this one
Global warming

Come on Rimmel, L'Oreal, Maybelline, get cracking!
Invisible faces

Let's have a bit of decadence while we still can
Frankie goes to Hollywood

We told you so
Cows with names

Classification of illegal drugs

We demand scientific accuracy
How to dispose of a corpse

Pat Condell on the dhimmi Dutch
What it says

Pah - who cares?
Benny Hilling blackbirds

Old age brings wisdom
Denis Healey on GB

Idiocy of religion - 666 at least
Atheism should do daft pointless things too

Whack a mole (without a mole but with a big steel hammer) - 1
Ken Clarke - fat arsewipe

How long will this socialist shit go on?
Mao Tse Brown

What world do they etc?
Stupid unions

Let's see shall we?
Violent protest? Must be lefties

High alert
Gaza - why should we do more?

A man after our own heart
Digging tunnels

The power of the sob story
One sad case is not an argument

This is the difference
Israel are not publicly so unacceptable

This proportionate stuff is drivel

Scientists crack secret of healthier lifestyle
get high on vegetables

Cosmetic surgery now available to unborn babies
What it says

What fools they make of us
Hamas (cartoon)

Modern illnesses 1 - paranoid CCTV obsession
What it says

The next problem?

Stupid Christmas speeches from the religious

Eartha is gone

bloggoth potted histories 1 - The battle of Gettysburg
Daft beards vs stupid moustaches

Festive brew
For Pikey Scums

Military solution
The Belgium bomb

One less reason
To vote

He is now
Wacko Jacko

Just this once
Stupid Come Dancing

They might have a point there
Brownstuff is the antichrist?

Bomb 'em
Somali pirates

Page 27

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

Where will it end?

News today that a 13 year old boy, not even 4 ft tall, has become a father. Last year, although obviously we at bloggoth cannot be arsed to look for it, we had news that girls are starting puberty at three years old. We look forward to the day that a baby girl gives birth while in process of being born, you can never have enough unproductive mouths to spend taxpayers' money on in our view.

A government corrupt to its core

A large company that we at bloggoth used to contract to always sent us a delightful letter before Christmas warning us that we faced termination of contract if we gave even the smallest gift to any employee involved with the award or management of contract, even team leaders. Generally, major private companies have very strict policies to avoid even a suggestion of undue influence in awarding contracts, however small, and have had for many years following various scandals in the 70s and 80s.

We were frankly amazed to discover that this does not apparently apply to the public sector.

It is not just (Labour) home secretaries lining their own pockets and (Labour) lords taking money to influence legislation, the rot goes right to the very bottom.

Things to come

bloggoth has been in our time machine again

Paddy's revenge

Wikipedia is not always wrong?

We at bloggoth were reading the news about the arguments between Boris Johnson and Lord Ahmed, the same Lord Ahmed who was behind the exclusion of Geert Wilders from the UK.

This pursuit of Johnson over a very trivial matter all looks like a partisan vendetta with Ahmed as the appointed Labour rotweiler. Anyway, with various vague unsavoury recollections about this noble lord we had a Google. Ah! Wikipedia! Not always reliable as we know. Oh, I dunno though. Quote:

Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed (born 1958) is a shithead member of the House of Lords...

PS: Lest anyone think that it is only intemperate or inflamatory criticism of Islam (and we would agree that is a pretty fair description of Fitna) that is off limits, perhaps they should read this and the "offending" article.

Betweeen them, the Islamists like Ahmed and the leftists are out to remove any vestige of free speech from our society.

PPS Bah! Somebody changed it back to "Labour member of the House of Lords" - we much preferred the first version.

Here we go again

Difficult to know exactly what dimwit Prince Harry had in mind with the latest comment but the chap was probably just trying to think of something to say. If you put people in the public spotlight purely on the basis of birth you really can't expect expertise in public relations or anything else. Get rid of the lot of 'em we say.

But it is perfectly true that in most cases you can tell if someone is black or white from their voice, why is that racist? Ah yes! the non existent readers of bloggoth may cry, but why mention it at all? Would anyone go straight up to a white comedian and mention his colour? Of course not, but there is a difference. White comedians do not spend most of their act reminding their audience they are white!

Take a look at this item. 5 seconds on stage and Stephen K Amos is into a joke that infers that the BBC has racist policies towards black comedians.

Here's a tip to black/gay/whatever comedians. If you don't want your colour/sexuality/whatever to be in the forefront of people's minds when they meet you, do try to stop banging on about it yourselves!

Sound chap, in part

Ed Balls is considered a total dipstick in sane circles although we at bloggoth have never singled him out among Labour ministers for any scorn on this blog, Labour ministerial dipstickiness is a pretty crowded field after all.

A recent Balls pronunciation is pretty accurate, the current world recession really is the worst we have had since the great recession that wiped out the dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous period. Fossil records indicate how the dinosaurs ruled the earth until an overwhelming financial crisis made them all extinct.

Pity Balls was so far out on the other point though. It is conceivable that the dinosaurs might have pulled through had they taken the necessary steps to secure their recovery but political correctness was around even then and some Cetiosaurus version of Ed Balls talked them out of resisting the invasion of the mammals.

Triceratops were turning up to interviews to find stiff competition from proto Rhinoceruses, Glyptadons were excluded from contracts by Giant Armadillos, and even T Rex's own functions as top bitey thing got outsourced to an office full of Sabre Tooth Tigers.

We trust the British will have more sense.

Typical leftist smears

The crappy Independent, commenting on Gert Wilders's exclusion from the UK by our corrupt home secretary refers to him as a "far-right Dutch MP". Ah well, fair enough to exclude these awful Hitler followers isn't it?

Except that is a baseless smear. Wilders is not a Nazi but a man, probably with Jewish ancestry, whose father fled Nazi Germany. The party to which he belongs, the VVF, is no neo Nazi party but a libertarian one that believes in individual freedom and it is because of that belief that it opposes the spread of Islam, an intolerant political creed with policies that far more resemble Nazism than the (admitted) ones of real far right groups like the BNP.

We at bloggoth were not great fans of Fitna. It was a sensationalist film that recycled all those well known abuses by fanatical Islamists and as such could easily be dismissed, with complete justification, as giving an innacurate picture of the majority of Muslims in the West. We would much rather have seen a movie that concentrated on what Islam actually means for non Muslims in many of the 57 Islamic states of the world including the so called moderate ones and what fate lies in store for us if we continue to allow the growth of this creed. It would have been an extremely dull movie but then again perhaps some of the woolly sorts who never bother to look into these things and whose view is based solely on the fact that the "Muslims they know are very nice people" might think twice about the society that those nice people will eventually bring about.

Not that Fitna was completely irrelevant, there is another reminder today of the barbarism that even official Islam can mean. Of course we may not be so unlucky as to get a Saudi Arabian, Iranian or Northern Nigerian style Islamic state here, maybe we will get away with just having to practice our own faiths very very quietly, being told what language we can have a bible in, only being imprisoned for sexual "offences" like being raped or having consentual sex with another adult instead of being hung or stoned to death or whipped. They may even let us run for government office in minor departments dealing exclusively with the affairs of non Muslims. Who knows? Do you really want to take that chance?

It is high time people started to object to Islam for the irrational, authoritarian and frequently barbaric creed it really is and stopped allowing themselves to be browbeaten into silence by accusations of racism simply because most adherents are black or brown. The issue is much too serious for that.

Better suggestion

Some self apppointed so and sos have chosen a 164ft white horse as "the Angel of the South". Oh well, as long as they are paying for it and not us (ha, ha, ha!)

The Angel of the North, combining an angel with aircraft wings, was imaginitive but this horse is utterly tedious. There are so many better things we could have had. After all that has been inflicted on us over the last ten years, there would be huge support for a 150m high V-sign on the white cliffs of Dover that eloquently says "Piss off EU! Sod off asylum seekers!"


Funny, this was my first thought on the Australian arsonists too. It may just be some dimwitted chavs; we shall have to wait and see but where Islam is concerned no degree of barbarism ever really surprises.

PS: How curious, a couple of hours after posting link and that page has been removed, although it was dated Nov 2008. This is similar. Will that disappear too?

Unforeseen consequences

Political correctness in our world unleashes a storm of racist attacks on un-PC stereotypes in toy boxes and cupboards everywhere.

Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

Change of tack

It is patently obvious that history will remember {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}, if it remembers him at all, as one of the crappiest British PMs ever, comparable to the ghastly Grocer Heath, may the atheist god rot his non existent soul.

Why is Washington remembered by the man in the street? There was that boring freeing slaves stuff we suppose but it is at least as much for having wooden teeth. Gladstone? Went round rescuing prostitutes. Disraeli? He was Jewish and dressed foppishly. But what did Gladstone or Disraeli actually do politically? Anybody? Roosevelt attended the Yalta conference in a wheelchair. Attila the Hun - he invaded erm in the year er um but all we really remember is a bloody great moustache! Stalin had a big moustache too and did some other stuff that caused a few million to die but we forget what. Randolph Churchill? Syphilis. Harold Wilson? Dementia. Lord Home? Face like a skull. Edward II? Red hot poker up the arse. Nelson and Wellington are remembered at least as much for the one arm and hooky nose as for winning battles. Was Richard the 3rd the one in the Wars of the Roses or the one who murdered the princes in the Tower? Dunno, but he was a hunchback, we are certain of that.

In the minds of the masses rather than the dull history books, it is often the personal foibles, wierd fates, eccentricities and disabilities of politicians and statesmen that survive while the major achievements and failures are forgotten.

It is much too late, after ten years of the leftist crap he has inflicted on the UK for {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} to get a reputation for competence and he certainly won't win anyone over with charm. When we sit there watching him on TV, AGAIN, seeing that tongue poking random bulges in his cheeks, he reminds most of us of some sort of deformed toad.

Maybe Clarkson's one-eye jibe could be {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}'s salvation. He should be turning up at G8 conferences with an oversized glass eye with a picture on it, that is the only way anyone will remember him.

Let's see, what picture could he use that would remind everyone of him in future years? Something that sums up his tenure as chancellor and PM? What would make people really remember the BROWN EYE?

Sparrowhawk on bird table

Ok, so it's another crappy fuzzy photo through a dirty window but we had to get it quickly before it flew off.

So is he?

So is {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} a one-eyed Scottish idiot? Well, he only has one working eye and he is Scottish. An idiot? Not in the sense of low IQ, the bloke got a first class honours degree (like some others - ahem, ahem, did we mention that?) back in the days when degrees and exam results actually meant something so he must be pretty bright. The OED also defines an idiot as a person permanently incapable of rational conduct. That seems to fit rather well, come to think of it it fits the great majority of lefties, the principles of their unworkable creed come first and reality comes nowhere.

It is easy for us nasty bloggers to be critical from the comfort of our office chairs but I cannot ever recall any PM being accused of nonsensical policy by so many individuals and organisations other than political opponents who really must have considerable expertise and knowledge, numerous economists, the German Finance minister, heads of major retail chains, the IMF and now the The French president

In comments said to have caused anger in Downing Street, he replied: "The British chose a recovery plan by boosting consumer spending, notably by cutting VAT by two per cent. It is plain to see that it has brought absolutely no progress.

When the English decided to cut VAT by two per cent, a certain number of politicians rushed to tell me that I should do the same. Since then, not only has consumption in England not gone up, it continues to go down.

The reason is simple: because it's in people's heads. If the consumer no longer consumes, he won't change just because we add or subtract one VAT point, it's because he's scared for his future, he's scared for his job and says to himself: 'I must save, because bad times are coming.

In France, we chose investment because when we put France into debt by taking money to invest, in return we have assets, infrastructure. When you put your country into debt to pay for operating costs, you have nothing in return for your debt and you ruin the country.

If the English did that it's because they don't have any industry left. Gordon Brown cannot do what I am doing with carmakers [giving them up to 6 billion euros]... in construction and other industries, because they haven't got any left.

We at bloggoth think Clarkson summed him up nicely.

You can't always believe the headlines - 2

Here we go again! Following on from the item before last, another headline on that Christian nurse.

NHS staff face sack if they discuss religion

All National Health Service employees risk losing their job if they discuss their religious beliefs with colleagues or patients, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

Gosh that's terrible! What has the NHS actually said?

The document.... states: “Members of some religions... are expected to preach and to try to convert other people. In a workplace environment this can cause many problems, as non-religious people and those from other religions or beliefs could feel harassed and intimidated by this behaviour.

"To avoid misunderstandings and complaints on this issue, it should be made clear to everyone from the first day of training and/or employment, and regularly restated, that such behaviour, notwithstanding religious beliefs, could be construed as harassment under the disciplinary and grievance procedures."

By what curious interpretation does an injunction against "preaching and trying to convert" become a threat to sack staff simply for mentioning their own faith, offering to say a prayer for somebody or having a conversation about religion in the canteen? Maybe some people are also ignorant of how these things work, when we at bloggoth were briefly a union rep with a large company any disciplinary procedures (not necessarily leading to dismissal) had to be preceeded by a verbal warning and a written warning and I rather doubt the NHS has less strict procedures. In other words, only someone making a damn nuisance of themselves and ignoring previous requests to desist would be at risk.

On the nurse in question it is clear that she ignored at least one previous warning. Nevertheless, the trust has not sacked her and the statement they have made seems perfectly reasonable. Her response says everything about her failure to grasp the point.

"It is acceptable to offer spiritual support as part of care when the patient asks for it. But for nurses, whose principal role is giving nursing care, the initiative lies with the patient and not the nurse."

Last night Mrs Petrie said: "I am not sure what I think about this, I want to know what conditions there are to me coming back to work."

This useless, charmless, inept socialist. What is he for?

It seem that Obummer has met the Mad Messiah before meeting {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}.

Despite the desperation of the press to show Obummer is losing his grip (let's face it, anyone who embraced the ridiculous optimism that much of the world had about the chap in the first place was an utter dimwit) this shows sensible priorities. The Mad messiah was an egotistical bastard but at least he did have one big success, the Northern Ireland peace agreement and if anyone could do anything about the Middle East (which they can't) he could be the man to do it. Now we don't have to look at his idiot grinning face on TV every night, we at bloggoth are at least prepared to give him some credit for that. Long after the memory of the many failures have faded, history will at least rember that one thing.

His greatest failure? Keeping the {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} on as chancellor. Of all the failures of the Labour government since they have been in power, most of them including the waste of our gold reserves, the endless tinkering with the tax system, the burgeoning red tape, the absurd incentive destroying tax credit system, the ruin of what were once the healthist private sector pensions in Europe by taxation, the destruction of our road haulage industry by excessive fuel taxes, the regulatory failures and leftist overspending leading to our poor position to cope with the current crisis, have flowed from this man's chancellorship.

It is unlikely that the {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} will ever have any sort of success that history will recognise, this man is a Neville Chamberlain without the historic significance, a Lord Home without the basic decency.

You can't always believe the headlines

It is annoying when one gets revved up for a good rant over a headline and then have cause to suspect the affair is not quite so simple.

We at bloggoth have grown sick to death of the religious, Muslims and Christians anyway, trying to impose their views on the rest of us through interfering laws but quite why a believer just offering to say a prayer for someone should be a problem we have no idea, what's wrong with "no thanks"?

But according to the item on the BBC it seems that two separate complaints had been made about this nurse, in at least one case by a fellow Christian. So maybe she made a brief and innocuous mention of her faith on two occasions and both these people felt it necessary to complain? what are the chances of that? Is it actually more likely she was making a damn nuisance of herself by pushing her beliefs on those around her including elderly and sick patients? In her own words she felt prayer was a valuable part of the care she gave. That does not suggest someone accustomed to confining her religion to those who shared it.

It would be nice to have more certainty over so many things in the news but you never get the details. What do some things really mean? What is behind the story? What was the context of that remark? Is it safe to rely on that poll when you do not know the actual wording of the questions asked or what the respondents actually had in mind?

All you can be really sure of is that this one will be more propoganda in somebody's armoury, the Christians will be moaning about assaults on their religion, the atheists will be complaining about people pushing their faith when it not wanted and umpteen Disgusteds of Tunbridge Wells will be banging on about PC society and hinting that it is all the fault of Muslims.

Was she a kindly Christian lady offering words of comfort or was she a zealot making a damn nuisance of herself? We really don't know so maybe we should all belt up.

Another news item has assured us that children are unhappy because of materialism and working parents. Is that actually true? Not to someone who has actually read it it seems.

You make a dead man come

This one will get us out of our coffin at any rate.

The merit of any sound idea ceases once it becomes an unquestioned dogma

The theories behind globalisation are not without merit. For many reasons such as climate, availability of raw materials and the education, expertise, and expectations of its population, some countries will do some things better and cheaper than others. It can make perfect sense to buy some goods and services from another country while concentrating on those things that we ourselves are good at. Provided there is a broad balance of trade in the world economy as a whole we all benefit.

That last is the problem, there is no balance. Maybe those who continually bleat about the benefits of globalisation as if it was some article of religious faith handed down from god should look at those figures that surely provide the independent measurements of the benefit. The US has a deficit with China that is so enormous that it has effectively handed over control of its economy. Should the Chinese decide to dump their dollar reserves (and some think they may have to) they could cause enormous damage to the US economy and indirectly to the rest of us. The growth of the Chinese economy on the back of exports to the West has been collosal while in the West we have long term unemployment (often disguised as disability or higher education in pointless subjects) and a benefits burden on the employed that itself lowers economic activity.

True, that tee shirt seems so much cheaper than a British or US company could supply it for but factor in the tax we pay to support all those unemployed marginal people, the cost of state bureaucracy to administer welfare, the cost of the social problems and the crime that long term unemployment brings and how cheap is it then? Perhaps too we should consider the future. If we hand all our manufacturing industry to the Chinese and Indians, when we have no expertise of our own, what happens when the standards of living in those countries rise so that their goods are no longer bargains?

It is the same story with the related issue of immigration, there are some good arguments in favour, it is the implementation that goes awry. If a company cannot expand or keep going because it is unable to recruit in the UK despite offering wages and conditions appropriate to our standard of living, it makes sense to recruit abroad. This helps the company to flourish so that British workers can be taken on when they become available, replacing the foreign workers who can return home. Why should they not return? The contract was to the mutual advantage of both sides while it lasted, there is no reason to assume some longer term obligation on our part.

This is not what happens. Companies are allowed to recruit abroad when there is no serious long term shortage and when they have expended very little effort to find workers locally. The proponents of free immigration love to tell you that migrants do not take British jobs because they only take those that employers could not fill. Rubbish. Think about this logically, do you seriously imagine that if there are job vacancies for X people with expertise A there are going to be exactly X suitable people with expertise A looking for jobs in that area at that time? Of course not, fluctuation in supply and demand for labour are entirely normal in any labour market. Sometimes companies can pick and choose and sometimes they have to get by for a while with the staff they have or use temps.

If every job that has been vacant for a few weeks can be advertised abroad you destroy the normal equilibrium of supply and demand and create a long term and destructive disincentiving process. It is important that this natural demand exists because it is the demand that drives the solution. Take a look at how people think in schools and universities, do students decide to do a course in A when they can see there are absolutely no jobs going in A because they have all been filled by workers from India? Of course not, they choose something else. Or give up altogether.

The other problem with the reality of immigration, as opposed to the marvellous theory, is that the migrants do not go back when the job is finished or when demand is low. When a recession comes along and there are numerous unemployed British nationals who could and would do those jobs that "the British don't want to do" they can't do them because they are occupied by migrants. When the migrants do vacate the positions they were recruited for they go into the general jobs market and compete for vacancies where there is no particular shortage. Back in the 60s, before these jobs were almost exclusively the preserve of Asians, many of whom came to work in our doomed textile industries, did anyone notice a major shortage of taxi drivers or petrol station staff? Me neither.

If you ignore the human disappointments and take a very, very long term view the proponents of immigration are quite right, they do not take British jobs. Trouble is, they don't actually add anything to our per capita income either. Add a million people and you need so many thousand doctors, so many thousand plumbers etc. to satisfy the demands of that million. In another words those people create and satisfy their own market. Assuming (for the sake of argument) they are of average ability they neither add nor subtract from our standard of living, from an economic standpoint you might just as well annex Belgium and call it part of Britain, it would make not an iota of difference to someone in London.

Except that the Belgiums already have their own land - effects beyond the economic considerations, the overcrowding, the language problems, the cultural clashes and frictions, the difficulties the authorities have in coping with different sensitivities and the problems of illegal immigration that follows legal immigration as night follows day are almost wholly negative.

Have we ever before had such a deeply ignorant arsehole as chancellor or PM?

{Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} has commented on the current wildcat strikes over use of foreign labour.

"When, when I talked about British jobs, I was talking about giving people in Britain the skills, so that they have the ability to get jobs which were at present going to people from abroad."

Oh right! So seeing British companies bussing in teams of cheaper foreign contractors will encourage these British people to see a bright future in the industry will it? When they finish their night school, these jobs in a sector dominated by foreign firms and staffed by foreign nationals are going to be equally open to them are they? British companies with untried workers competing against foreign firms who can point to a track record will be in with a chance will they?

Isn't it so fucking obvious every time they open their mouths that this wanker and most of his ministers have never had a proper real-life job in their entire lives?

It is a great pity that the target of the strikers' anger should be Italians or Portugeuse on this occasion, the arrangements we have with the older members of the EU are both legally and practically* reciprocal and we at bloggoth do not have a major objection to reasonable exchange of labour with those countries when there are few reasons for cultural friction between us. The idea of a united Europe is a great concept, if only the enthusiasts would not drive us towards it at a rate that ignores every reality of human nature.

But good for the wildcat strikers in principal, especially if these actions broaden towards a general protest at the excesses of globalisation and immigration generally. At last someone in the UK other than the far right has spoken for the majority of the population and said "enough is enough"

*The practically part does not yet apply with the recent members and admission of the likes of Bulgaria, Romania and Estonia at the present time was totally insane.

PS In the 80s we at bloggoth did some work for an American oil and gas company in Borneo and the government had a policy of "Indonesionisation". They were realistic and knew that Indonesia did not have the expertise to extract their own gas and oil but they insisted on a process of formal and on the job training for their own workers at all levels, Indonesians should replace foreign staff when they had the expertise to do so. I never felt this was unreasonable, it was their country, their gas. Nobody I talked to, among the US managers or the numerous expats, thought this was in any way unreasonable. The governments of India, China and everywhere else in the developing world are quite rightly looking out for their own citizens. Why have we allowed ourselves to swallow the bulllying mindset of the leftists, that we are somehow racist or xenophobic to simply expect our own governments to put their citizens first?

They really do have a point on this one

As we at bloggoth have said before, the opponents of the theory of man made global warming often seem to have no idea what they are talking about. You so often follow a link to a "proof" which turns out to be a rant by another blogger who has no idea about the principles of mathematical modelling or a clue about the fundamental physical processes involved.

Not always. We have recently been assured that the Continent of Antartica is warming up, contrary to previous assurances that is it is not. The studies apparently involve modelling to fill in the gaps in the actual measurements. Well, modelling based on incomplete or sparse measurements is fine, so long as you do not misrepresent the accuracy of the data you have or the basis of your assumptions. Modelling measurements to use in your models, well sorry, but even to us fans of modelling at bloggoth that sort of sucks. We do not claim that our experiences of modelling heat transfer in cement kilns and oil and gas plants makes us experts on measuring temperatures in the Artic but here is a site where the respondents do seem to know something about it. Judge for yourself.

There is another big problem here. We are assured that this warming of the Antarctic is consistent with the concept of manmade global warming despite the fact that we were previously assured that the failure of the Antarctic to warm in step with the rest of the world was also consistent with and explainable by the models of global warming. That should set a few alarm bells ringing with any pro warming type with any claim to objectivity.

Come on Rimmel, L'Oreal, Maybelline, get cracking!

This article in New Scientist about face blurring technology was interesting. Of course a proposal to a solution to CCTV monitoring that relies on the goodwill and competence of the state is not worth the paper it's printed on. Come to think of it, it's not worth the paper I wiped my arse on last week.

But surely there is a better solution which those of us who like "Road Wars" will be familiar with. You can get a paint that prevents a number plate being filmed by a camera but leaves it looking perfectly normal to the human eye, you can buy a can here.

So why would this not work equally well against CCTVs if applied to the face? We would not recommend putting that paint on your face as there is no knowing if it is safe on the skin* but surely the same principle of incorporating reflective particles could be used by the major cosmetic manufacturers to provide a skin foundation that would safeguard us from having our faces photographed? They could make an absolute fortune from sales to bank robbers let alone the general public who are pissed off with being watched everywhere they go.

* Actually feel free, apart from Nurse M who sent us a photo to prove she is actually quite chewy after we accused her of being an ugly bloke, we are sure you other non existent readers of bloggoth are extremely ugly anyway and we do not really care if your faces fall off.

Let's have a bit of decadence while we still can

It's so depressing at the mo. The economic crisis is not just a thing on TV anymore, lay offs are affecting people in our village. So much to rant about, that stupid woman in the the US with 6 fatherless kids already who is allowed to produce 8 more for the working population to pick up the bill for or yet more street stabbings/shootings by... but ah no, we are not supposed to mention that.

Worst of all, news that the Muslim population is rising 10 times faster than the rest of society. It is unlikely that the moderate and successful Muslims from India and East Africa are producing loads of kids, because well off educated middle class people rarely do. Check out the social housing and welfare stats for Bangladeshis. We are picking up the bill for the extinction of our own society. Rant rant rant.

But what is the point? Let's celebrate a bit of decadence before those dreary Muslims impose their miserable, irrational, backward crap on us all and while we have any money left of our own that is not being spent to reverse those nasty right wing principles of Darwin or provide benefits to anyone who can smuggle themselves in in the back of a lorry, AKA almost anybody.

Adverts are normally things we at bloggoth swear at while waiting for South Park but we are most impressed by Virgin Atlantic's latest ad, all those women in those fantastic red suits walking to the most exciting pop/rock tune ever after Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones. (We can no longer find our CD, sure the wife has hidden it!).

The proper banned version of the video. To any among the non-existent readers who think it should be banned remember this, you will have plenty of bannings once the Muslims take over and it won't be just mildly suggestive gay videos, I doubt that even Branson's ad with all those great ladies in red uniforms would be aired.

PS We are off to Brighton to get our arse plugged before we can get executed for it.

We told you so

Our non existent readers laughed at bloggoth when we insisted on naming waspies and other little creatures with alliterative names. Now it has been shown that cows with names produce more milk. It doesn't say so in the article but I bet cows whose names began with C performed much better. Surely this is the solution to the potentially disastrous decline in the honey bee population. They are declining because they feel unappreciated.

When spring comes, we call on all our non existent readers to help halt the decline in the bee population by going out and naming all the bees they can find. You can start preparing now by making lists of all the female names beginning with B that you can think of, they will not feel individually valued if too many in the hive have the same names. Right, Barbara, Betty, Beyonce, Billy, Bridget...

Classification of illegal drugs

There seems to be a lot of debate in the news recently about what class drugs should be in and the experts cannot seem to agree. Why is this so difficult? The class of drugs is surely obvious.


We demand scientific accuracy

Despite the advancing senility that causes we at bloggoth to frequently go to the shops without our trousers, we retain a great memory for unsavoury facts. A few days ago we read here about the "Mexican Stew maker".

Santiago Meza, called the "stew maker", said he was paid $600 (£440) a week to dissolve the bodies of murdered rival gang members in caustic soda.

The trial was in the news again today.

The job of Santiago Meza López was to dispose of the enemies of a notorious drug baron by dissolving them in tubs of acid.

Most sane people would agree that Mexican drug gang members are no great loss to the world whatever they are dissolved in but as qualified Process Chemists* we at bloggoth find it very irritating that they cannot get the facts straight. Non existent readers of bloggoth who wish to dissolve the wife (say) would surely like to know which is the best and most cost effective route, caustic soda or acid?

From our recollection of the properties of these things we would recommend both. Caustic Soda is better for dissolving flesh but does not adequately dissolve bone. The correct steps in our view would be:

*BSc 1st class Honours, did we mention that before?

PS Maybe the association is just in our head but there seems to be something left/socialist about Caustic soda while Acid is clearly right wing. Organic solvents are clearly woolly PC liberals.

Pat Condell on the dhimmi Dutch


Pah - who cares?

xoggoth is complaining about the lack of activity on here recently and suggests we post some pictures he has taken with his new camera of blackbirds doing their Benny Hill thing.

Oh fantastic! A shot of the dirt on his office window! Hasn't anyone told him that using autofocus through a dirty window is not a great idea?

He says this video's much better although what's left of the hedge is in the way.

Click here to play video

Hey! Nice bits of string! The evalution copy message because the old bastard is too mean to buy the full version really makes it too!

It's good to see that the quality of this blog is being maintained.

Old age brings wisdom

Brownstuff is a total arsewipe says Denis-Healey

Idiocy of religion - 666 at least

There are still some who object to the message on the atheist bus although I don't recall us atheists objecting to all the posters about that stupid Alpha Course or the biblical quotes outside many churches. "I am the light. Kevin 4.6" or some such meaningless piffle. In a free society why should we?

We would be justified in protesting about how much Sunday BBC is taken up with "Songs of praise" etc. We atheists pay our TV licence too you know. If there is a god, how come he doesn't start his own TV channel? Created the universe and he can't even put together a simple program format, shots of blue-rinsed tone deaf old white ladies singing in church, shots of some enormously fat black people singing in high pitched voices to add a bit of street cred and Alleyd Jones wandering about looking wholesome.

Muslims don't tend to have messages in English outside mosques that we have noticed, but they often use Muhammed or Islam as christian first names or surnames.

What's good for the goose etc. From now on we at bloggoth will carry quotes from famous atheists on our van, this one is splendid: "The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one" G B Shaw. We will also be renaming ourselves Sartre Russel Atheism.

Whack a mole (without a mole but with a big steel hammer) - 1

A bloggoth Whack A Mole target is anyone who should stay in his/her hole but keeps annoying us by popping up repeatedly.

Ken Clarke. Fat hush-puppied undemocratic lefty arsewipe - piss off to the Labour party where you belong.

How long will this socialist shit go on?

Mao Tse Brown orders middle classes and intellectuals to dig ditches

What world do they etc?

Nottingham City Council could cut up to 350 jobs in a bid to save £12m and help make up a budget deficit.

But Unison's head of local government in the East Midlands Ravi Subramanian said he was stunned by the news.

He said: "No reasons have been given to the union at all for why these job losses have occurred."

Answers on a postcard please, preferably nailed to his face.

Let's see shall we?

We have had the violence we expect at a pro-Palestian protest and from the details it was the protesters doing it. Leftists and Islamists are never noted for peaceful behaviour. Today there will be a protest in support of Israel. What is the betting that if there is any violence at this one it will come from the many counter protesters who will turn up and attempt to disrupt it. Wait and see.

What is it about this unholy alliance of Islam and the left? Is it simply because they share a common enemy in the capitalist West? Or is it more to do with their way of thinking, that the individual does not count. Submission to Stalin or submission to Allah, what is the difference?

Maybe the rest of us should organise another demonstration on the issue and we can carry banners like "What do you expect us to do about it?", or "Solve your own problems, nobody else can do it for you". We expect it would be very poorly attended as basically most of us don't give a shit and have better things to do. In a world of limited resources there are people much more deserving of our sympathy who can make better use of our help than a state led by scumbags like Hamas who put their own fanatical and hate-driven crusade for an unrealisable goal ahead of the needs of their own people.

And as usual they get away with anything

George Galloway calls on protesters to go to shopping centres and "shut down Israel's shops". Nick Napier, a protest organiser, states that the trail of blood leads from Gaza back to Britain and Gordon Brown. Had anyone on the right made similar comments about Arab businesses or trails of blood leading back to Pakistan in the wake of any of the bombing atrocities perpetrated by them here and abroad, comments designed to stir up violent attacks on those not involved and who may not be in any way supporters, he would probably be arrested.

High alert

Ok, I can only find it in The Sun but that does not necessarily make it untrue. It is a warning from Muslim advisers that the Gaza conflict could spark a violent Islamic backlash in Britain.

Anti-Islamic bloggers will often call this sort of warning a "threat" but that is not necessarily true, Maajid Nawaz is certainly no Jihadist as this article indicates and the warning itself contains much that is sensible. In particular, a more balanced approach by the US might make less extreme Palestinians feel a Palestinian state under the two state deal might be worth having. As it is, it looks like excluding large areas for Israeli settlements, much of Jerusalem and various buffer areas for security and be subject to ongoing rigid control by Israel.

Unfortunately there is very little difference the UK can make to this situation anyway. {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} has supported calls for a ceasefire binding on both sides and for a country not involved in the conflict what the hell is wrong with that? Why should any responsible country support a UN call for a ceasefire by one side but not the other? He has even donated yet another £7m of British taxpayers' money to the Gazans to cushion them against the consequences of their self inflicted problems but that is not enough. We have to face threats to our own safety because, in the view of the same people who are always threatening us for other reasons, our government does not take a sufficiently pro Palestinian stance.

Some of us are less than sympathetic to their cause, funny that, we really can't think why.

A man after our own heart

Some old guy has been found dead in his house inside a maze of tunnels made of rubbish. This is just brill! We at bloggoth are not old or alone enough yet (the missus would complain) but as soon as we are, this is just what we will be doing.

Tunnels are fascinating! As a child we often spent hours happily digging holes in the garden for no better reason than just to see how deep we could make them. And they were useful too! Did you know that if you filled a two foot deep hole with sawdust from the rabbits' cage and lit it, it would smoulder for months? Parts of our garden resembled some volcanic region with little wisps of smoke coming up from the ground.

We at bloggoth are not alone in this, it is just that most males pretend to be mature and think up reasons to dig holes. Look at every war and conflict there has ever been from Roman Times. Unless they were very brief, complex mazes of tunnels featured in all of them, both world wars, Vietnam and more topically, Gaza and Lebanon. They were there for a reason? Hiding places, refuge from shells, ways to hide and smuggle weapons? Or is it more likely all of these conflicts were simply created so that blokes had excuses to dig tunnels?

Part of the tunnel from our garden under MR PS's house. A few camping gas cylinders should do it.

This is the difference

Let's not kid ourselves that the Israelis are blameless, just maybe if there was more accomodation on issues like settlements in the West bank some on the Palestinian side would not be so extreme. It is probably true that many simply see the two state solution as going nowhere except on Israel's terms so they have nothing to lose.

But as far as Hamas goes, and let's not forget they have popular support in Gaza, we repeat, they are scumbags. If many in the West are less sympathetic than they would like it could be a little something to do with the fact that Jews and Israeli sympathisers do not appear to be attacking people elsewhere simply for being Arab or Muslim or threatening random terrorist attacks on our own civilian populations. On the other hand, too many Arabs and Muslims and their supporters, rather too many to be dimissed as a tiny extremist handful, appear to have fewer inhibitions.

Anti-semitic attacks in the UK have been on the rise for some time. A few lefty blogs argue that this is mostly due to right wing groups but if any of our non-existent readers can think of a reason why the far right would step up attacks after the conflict in Lebanon we would love to hear it. During the current conflict London and many other places in Europe have again seen a sharp rise in indiscriminate attacks on Jews. This delightful comment comes from the leader of Hamas:

"They have legitimised the murder of their own children by killing the children of Palestine. They have legitimised the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people."

Memo to Arabs and Muslims: If you want a more even-handed attitude to the real issues, try not to hijack our airliners, behead our oil workers, execute aid workers, fly planes into our office buildings or blow up our commuters. And if you support an utter scumbag like Mahmoud Zahar who advocates children being killed anywhere in the world simply because they share a race or religion with his real enemy then expect us to draw our own conclusions about you.

This proportionate stuff is drivel

We keep seeing complaints that the Israeli response is "disproportionate" to the Hamas rocket attacks.

So, if instead of a military response where troops can at least try to avoid unecessary civilian casualties, Israel just encouraged its citizens to fire an equal number of home made rockets back that would be fair would it? The reality is that that would kill far more civilians because Gaza is so densely populated. What other options do the Israelis have? Do nothing and just hope that their luck holds?

Israel is fully justified in attempting to stop the attacks and the fact that so few rockets have got "lucky" so far is no reason to sympathise with the Palestians. It isn't concern for innocent women and children that has caused Hamas and other militants to kill so few, as previous suicide bombings have shown very clearly. These people are scumbags who would rejoice at major civilian casualties in Israel.

Perhaps, before whining about disproportionality of a short term action, people should look at the long term history and at what these rockets would do if they just happened to hit a crowded market or a high rise building. According to this:

If the current rate of fire continues, by the end of 2008, over 4,500 rockets and mortar shells will have been fired by Palestinian terrorist organisations based in Gaza.

Since 2001 rocket and mortar shell fire has been directly responsible for the deaths of 24 Israelis and the wounding of 620. This statistic does not take into account the massive psychological cost borne by the 190,000 Israelis who live within striking range For comparative purposes, note that the July 7 2005 suicide bombers each detonated 5-7kg suicide bombs killing 52 civilians and wounding 700. The average rocket fired from Gaza contains 7-8kg of explosives.

Scientists crack secret of healthier lifestyle

In yet another exclusive, bloggoth can reveal the findings of a secret study that will revolutionise our health in Britain.

The government has been alarmed to find that no amount of exhortation appears to be able to stop us indulging in unhealthy and often life-threatening habits like drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, smoking or taking drugs. It does not take a genius to figure out why, these things give us a high in the short term and free us from our inhibitions.

Now scientists have found an additive that can trigger chemicals in our brain to make us feel high on healthy foods instead. Once the full trials are complete it is expected that public houses and clubs all over Britain will switch to selling healthy vegetable-based drinks by the pint and high fibre bran cocktails.

Your bloggoth reporter talked to a number of young people who took part in the secret trials and found nothing but enthusiasm. "It's fantastic" said one "I ate a few Brazil nuts and some celery and within an hour I had got into a fight and had unprotected gay sex with a chap I had just met at the vegetable bar. It's cheaper than booze and ectasy too". Another was equally positive "Brill!" he said "After just two apples and few grapes I went off my trolley and spent the night in a police cell for vomiting on a policeman, it was great!!!"

Scenes like this are likely to become common.

A young man who became violent after consuming a bag of carrots is carted away by police, while an irresponsible young lady publicly consumes a whole stick of brussels sprouts with scant regard for the positive effects on her bowels and with no thought that such behaviour means she is unlikely to die before she is 90.

Before the government allows the additive to be used it has a few legislative problems to sort out, such as whether the duty on potatos will be 97% or 98% of the cost price and how much cabbage we can safely eat before driving.

Cosmetic surgery now available to unborn babies

bloggoth has learned that a London clinic is shortly to offer a combination of keyhole surgery and laser techniques to recraft the foetus. It is probable that the service will be open to those beyond the 2nd month of pregnancy.

"A number of factors can effect a baby's appearance" a spokesman for the clinic told your bloggoth reporter "these include inherited traits, the lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy and even the health of the parents before pregnancy. We can now correct a lot of problems with a range of intra-utero techniques, including liposuction, nose jobs and hair transplants. If the scans show the baby is likely to be an ugly fat bastard like your partner you can do something about it before you have to look at it and pretend to think it is adorable."

The clinic anticipates a demand even when the baby is of completely normal appearance. Research has shown that practically everyone except their mothers thinks that babies are perfectly hideous anyway and it therefore plans to offer surgery to make any baby look like the filmstar of the parents' choice at birth.

Here we see the pioneering techniques have been used in a "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme to deliver a twin boy and girl who look just like Johny Depp and Kiera Knightley although obviously the baby girl has much bigger tits than Kiera.

Freedom fighters eventually becomes criminals and terrorists

Setback for the Tamil Tigers. Pity in a way, we at bloggoth feel that unless there is a darn good reason, people in their own country should always control their own destiny and not be ruled by some greater power.

But should the UK be affected by Tamil crime to fund their struggle? Should the Kurdish struggle for independence be financed by drug smuggling? The way the IRA and the Protestant groups, in the end, became nothing more than violent criminal gangs is well known. Every one of these groups has engaged in widespread and indiscriminate killing of civilians.

Do all those who seek justice for long enough become monsters?

What fools they make of us

Mr Brown! Mr Brown! The infidel Israelis have attacked us merely for firing a few thousand rockets into their towns in pursuit of our completely just demand that Israel should cease to exist. It's so DISPROPORTIONATE!!!

Och! That's just appalling! Have £7 million of British taxpayers' money so you won't have to worry about food and medical supplies for your people while you are busy firing your rockets. There's plenty more where that came from.

Of course this won't affect the completely just actions of our supporters when they storm your embassies or attempt to indiscriminately blow up more civilians in London over your support for Israel!

Och! Good lord no my dear chap, have another £10 million!!

Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

Modern illnesses 1 - paranoid CCTV obsession

Initial stage of the illness - monitoring your boundaries for PIKEY SCUM incursions.

Second stage of the illness - monitoring your vodka because you are sure it cannot possibly be you drinking all that.

Third stage of the illness - monitoring your toothbrush because you could swear it is not exactly where you left it.

The next problem?

It used to be a democracy and among the most moderate of Islamic states. Now it is not a democracy and it remains to be seen whether elections will restore one. Moderation is dying too, do a Google on "Bangladesh" and "Taliban".

They are among the highest recipients of welfare and social housing among all the ethnic groups in the UK but at least Bangaldeshis have never been associated with major crime or terrorism. How long before that changes we wonder. How long before growing Islamic extremism in the most populous Muslim country finds it way into the UK? How long before this group's poor economic performance is exploited and becomes all our fault?

Ten years ago, Pakistan did not seem to be a problem to us, extremists were from the Middle East. In a few years we may look back on our current problem with extremists from Pakistan as the minor one.


The most irritating thing at Christmas is surely the pontifications from all all these religious leaders. Pope Grandpa Munster stands there on the balcony of a fabulous palace equipped with enough precious jewels and rare paintings to buy up the national debt of several poor nations and pontificates about the selfishness of the rest of us. It is even more irritating when the idiotic dogma of his church on contraception is a contributing factor to the fundamental problem that underlies all others - too many economically useless people.

How we yearn to return to that golden age when mankind was not driven by greed and commercial considerations, that more spiritual time when everyone was inspired by their simple faith to look out for those less fortunate than themselves. No, I don't remember it either and it certainly doesn't fit with anything I ever read in my history books but it must have existed, our religious leaders tell us so.


You know you are getting old when your great childhood crush dies at 81. She was in some film the other day as a brothel keeper in the West Indies, still remarkably sexy for an old woman.

PS. I never fancied Harold Pinter at all. No really.

bloggoth potted histories 1 - The battle of Gettysburg

The missus has brought this immensely long and boring double sided DVD "Gettysburg" and we felt inspired, for those of you not familiar with this defining event in the American civil war, to provide a brief educational summary.

As everyone surely knows the civil war was fought between Southerners who wanted blacks to say "Yassah massa" and cut cane all day and the Northerners who wanted blacks to be free to say "Yo man" and sell crack cocaine all day. *note It was nothing at all to do with the North being a bunch of bastards, like the EU, bent on imposing their grand ideas on everyone else.

General Lee invaded the North equipped with only a moderately daft grey beard, he did not really stand much chance on the face of it.

Fortunately he had some good men under his command, Lt General James Longstreet had one of the stupidest beards in the confederacy, looking like he had stuck his head out through a lion's mouth.

Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell and Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart beards were both laughably insane, they looked like Rasputin but with less hair on top. Lt. Gen. A P Hill's beard was acceptably ridiculous.

One of the South's most famous generals, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, (left) had died before the battle, but we suspect his beard was much too neatly trimmed to get the job done anyway. Another notable beard on the South's side belonged to Brig. Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew but unfortunately this formidable beardpower was wasted as he apparently spent the battle wandering around looking for shoes.

The Union side had been lead by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, left, but Lincoln dismissed him before the battle, we can see why from the picture. It was because of Hooker's pathetic apology for facial hair that the union had lost the battle of Chancellorsville. He was replaced by Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade (right) who has a nutty beard and looked acceptably like one of the old meths drinkers you used to get round New Cross back in the days when any white people lived there.

Their cavalry was lead by Brig. Gen. John Buford (left) whose moustache was only faintly ridiculous although, according to the film anyway (so it must be true) there were some quite impressively stupid moustaches and mutton chops on the union side like those of Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and his brother Lt. Thomas Chamberlain.

Those who are not knowledgable in these things may wonder why, looking at the relative facial hair power of the leaders of the two armies how the South lost, but believe it or not, there is more to winning a battle than just having the generals with the stupidest facial hair, you have to consider the distribution of stupid beards and moustaches and sideburns among the troops and the strategy in which they are employed. A turning point was "Pickett's Charge" in which the Confederates took their ludicrous Colonel Saunders beards towards Little Round Top but were decimated by the incredibly laughable northern sideburns. The Confederates were forced to march in the rain back to Virginia and their whiskers went all droopy in the damp. It was the beginning of the end.

*Note: We do apologise for this racist slur, but cutting cane, selling crack cocaine, it was just too good to pass up. Let's get our priorities right here.

PS General George custer also fought on the union side. He only had a big stupid moustache but it was bigger than anything the Indians had. They did not apparently appreciate the military significance of ridiculous facial hair or they could at least have come up with some laughably stupid little things like Ho Cho Min and driven the whites out. They must have cheated at Little Big Horn.

Festive brew

Down our road they have an advent thing where we all take turns serving wine and stuff outside every evening of advent. Naturally we at bloggoth are full of Christmas cheer and happy to do our bit. Here is a recipe for mulled wine with some special ingredients you can buy cheaply at any branch of Halfords.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with 1 litre water and heat to simmering point, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved. Anti freeze is very sweet so note this recipe only contains half the normal amount of sugar. If it is still a little too sweet for your taste restore bitterness with some winter windscreen wash which contains methanol.

Keep it barely at simmering point for at least 20 minutes, do not boil or the alcohol and methanol will evaporate. Fortunately, ethylene glycol does not evaporate readily.

Keep this special brew in a small container just behind the mulled wine you give to everyone else and deftly fill a glass from it should MR PIKEY SCUM decide to come round.

Watch from your window next day as tries to feed his chickens and laugh as he progressively goes blind and starts falling over.

Merry christmas and good cheer to most men.

Military solution

As anyone who has ever been there a few times knows, it is always raining in Belgium. Belgium is a huge waterlogged field and it is no coincidence that WW1 got so bogged down. Had the troops fought mostly in France or Holland or Germany the war would have been over in a year, but somebody misread a map and they all ended up in Belgium where they immediately sank up to their necks in a muddy quagmire and could not move.

Surely this is the solution in Afghanistan? All they need to do is transport in huge amounts of Belgium and drop them on the mountain hideaways. There will be no melting away after attacks then, the Taliban will be totally bogged down in muddy trenches getting trench foot and unable to muster any attack apart from the odd burst over the top going raaaaaa! when our helicopters will pick them off.

Mountainous border region where the Taliban hide

The same area after some Belgium has been dropped on it

Another great idea from history we could apply. The Indian mutiny. Hmmm.

One less reason

For some reason, and this seems to apply to the US and the rest of Europe as well, you face a difficult choice when it comes to deciding when to vote for the left or right. The left offer a lack of economic freedom with high taxes and excessive business red tape but on the other hand they offer far more liberal social policies. Voting right gives you more freedom to spend your own work time and hard earned money but the right are socially illiberal, constantly interfering in our private and sexual lives.

Until now anyway. Last week we had counter-productive measures against prostitution necessitated by their own total failure to control our borders. It will interfere with the right of independent women in the sex trade to make their own decisions as to how they earn their money while offering no solutions whatever to drug-dependent or coerced women who will simply be forced underground.

Now we have more interfering measures on lap dance clubs. Over-regulating, overtaxing, economically incompetent spendthrifts AND socially interfering busybodies in one government. Why the hell would anyone sane vote for these people?

He is now

Wacko Jacko. we at bloggoth quite liked him because he was wierd. Too easy for some to throw allegations at a chap like that, especially when there profit in it. Now he has converted to Islam. What a total nutter.

Just this once

How there can be such interest in Strictly Come Dancing the atheist god only knows. Unfortunately, we at bloggoth cannot entirely escape it as the missus really likes it. If we at bloggoth were running the thing Sergeant would never have got past round one as a) We didn't fancy his partner much and b) He is crap. Bollox to charisma, charm, sympathy with the underdog and all that guff, the world needs to judge by what really matters which are a) The appeal of the female arse and norks and b) Ability.

Unattractiveness and lack of talent need to be punished much more severely in our view. Why not exterminate the losers properly each week? Might be worth watching then.

They might have a point there

the Amish are opposing US government schemes to electronically tag their cattle because this is associated with satan in the Book of Revelation. Presumably, they have in mind this bit from Revelation 13:

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

Hmmmm. This certainly fits with the way this fecking government is increasingly logging our every detail, tracking us and trying to control our thoughts. The prophecy had to be in terms that readers in bygone ages would have understood so a mark on the hand or forehead could stand for a database entry or a card with your fingerprints on and not being able to buy or sell could mean not being able to do anything without paying to go through some expensive and pointless government red tape, signing up for fecking online corporation tax or what have you.

Could it be possible that the beast is {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}? His birthday is 20/02/1951. (2+0)*(0+2+1)=6,9 is the 6th month of the fiscal tax year, and 5+1=6. 666! he is the Antichrist! What more proof do you need?

Bomb 'em

The major military powers of the world resort to military action on flimsy excuses, often to the detriment of real progress in solving the underlying conflicts. Serious military action appears to be the only solution to Somali piracy and would probably have international support given that that the economy and the citizens of so many countries are being affected, yet nothing is being done. Whenever there is an incident of piracy why not go in and blow the hell out of the Somali ports from which the pirates operate?


Copyright xoggoth