Blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own:
Burning Our Money
Crabby Old Fart
EU Referendum
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
Vacant slot
News Bleat
Nobody's Friend
Vacant slot
Snail's Tales
the freethinker
The Tundra Tabloids
The unreligious right
Islam totally sucks links:
Gates Of Vienna
Jihad Watch
Up Pompei
Links to items
Darn gadgets never have what you want
Webcams with automatic grooming software

Why is technology sometimes so disappointing?
Nadal needs a baboon's arse

Do we need him or some of his members?
Bob Crowe and his £40k pa door operators

Unable to blog
Smoking Lupins

Vomit time
An award for Bliar

Unless they are very rare talents, even skilled migrants can make little sense
Wrecking the NHS

Higher education
For the useful, not for all

Strange fruit
Hanging corpse

Excuses and pretence
Most migrant problems are those they bring with them

Even the right talk crap at times
Tory MP does daft

bloggoth brings an end to some of the suffering in the world
For little flies

Brilliant analysis

An extremist Muslim with sense
What it says

Pass on - just musing
About memory and how it works

Congressional hearing - malicious, ugly and ignorant fuckwits
What it says

What we should be playing
Sports the British can win at

Going too fast
European nation

The artistry of nature (cartoon)

An invasion of tiny jumping spiders
What it says

The real question
Forced marriages

Another bloggoth exclusive - the effects of the BP oil spill are largely a US invention
What it says

An apology
Erotic plughole pics

Is there cause for just a little optimism?
Cameron seems not too bad - ish maybe

Blaming us for problems they largely create themselves
African views on gays

An appeal for justice
Guy Fawkes was innocent

EU culpability
In the UK bank crisis

Obummer crappiness continued
More anti-British emptiness on BP

Yet more sense from the French
Sell off our history - like the Royal Family

Even more reason to keep them out
The Turks, more Islamic by the year

Well said Tebbit
More US anti British hypocricy about BP

Equal opportunities - that phrase is clear enough surely?
It isn't preference for minorities

Equal opportunities 2
A new disabled member of the bloggoth editorial staff

Swing to the right in Holland

Fuzzy barriers
Ramblings on space aliens and stuff

Funny where things lead

Suicidal Midgets don't come crawling to us
What it says

What a surprise
HMRC to blame for massacre

5 Minute cartoon strip 1 - learning from nature
What it says (cartoon)

It's not fair - those should be lucky too

Page 34

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

Darn gadgets never have what you want

Felt in mood to post some crap this morning, got all fired up and then had to wait 10 minutes while the Logitech Webcam decided it wanted an update, the annoying little bastard. Every instal comes with this Logitech Vid popup demanding I subscribe. It allows you to interact with others on the net via webcam video apparently. Thanks Logitech, but apart from this blog and an occasional ranty argument on CUK and the blogs of odd member of the coven at left I don't want this internet social interaction stuff, or Twitter, Windows live, Facebook etc etc. We at bloggoth already have loads of "Friends" at home, a puppet parrot and two little rubber monsters on top of pencil sharpeners to name but three.

If you are to believe the news, these things are mostly used for grooming young girls. We did look into the provision for that but it seems you are expected to do all the grooming yourself. Pah! If we spend £37 on a webcam (ok, it was reduced to £24 in Tesco) we expect it to come with some basic grooming software. It just needs:

Logitech Vid does not have anything like this, there isn't even any basic grooming guidance in the help. We don't know how these companies stay in business.

Topic: Logitech Vid       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Why is technology sometimes so disappointing?

Some of it seems fantastic, personal Satnavs for example. If we at bloggoth were not far too mean to spend £140+ on one we might be able to go jogging in the country without getting lost for hours. As it is, we will probably wait until they are selling second hand ones for £5 at the "Help the Aged" charity shop, by which time all the maps on it will be well out of date.

On the other hand, progress in some areas seems pathetic. What the hell are our troops in Afghanistan doing using those crappy little hand held metal detectors? They look like the one we have from circa 1980. We daresay theirs work a bit better as doubtless, unlike us, they have got round to resoldering the wire that came off the earphones after that time when the Bluetit crapped on our Combat Jacket but considering lives are at risk they look completely inadequate! Surely an IED *Note can be detected without getting right up close to it with a limited range hand held device like that?

And why is interactive TV still so disappointing? Missus bloggoth is annoying the hell out of us by watching bloody Wimbledon constantly when we at bloggoth would rather be watching something more intellectually stimulating like The Simpsons. Even worse, she is supporting that ghastly Rafa Nadal over Andy Murray just because she always fancies blokes who look like they just escaped from a Cherokee Indian reservation. How dare she? We at bloggoth demand true interactive TV so we can press the red button and select "baboon's arse" to immediately augment Rafa's enormous backside with the attractive red lumpiness of a Baboon, see how she likes him then.

Images from photobucket

PPS Actually, that seems to be a fanny underneath so we got the wrong sex of baboon. Coooor. Some animals have all the luck. We would!

Topic: Interactive TV       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Note: There was yet another news item on BBC News South East about a soldier from our area killed by an IED but the newscaster accidentally said IUD. Its' an idea, a few Taliban Family Planning Clinics would certainly prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Do we need him or some of his members?

Haven't checked him out for ages but so agree with Guido Fawkwes' blog thingy about that piece of lefty crap Bob Crow.

All for union protection of the necessary working class. When they are more easily replaced and don't have the individual clout of highly experienced managers or professionals it is all too easy for companies to treat them like dirt and some do. However, there should be no support for pay and conditions far in excess of what the skills and economic importance of the job can justify. That simply reduces the wealth and endangers the jobs of others, including the working class.

Those non-existent lefties among the non-existent bloggoth readership may ask why not, it seems to be allright for top managers. Even if one was (farcically) to equate the unique skills and experience required to run a major company with the 16 weeks of training to qualify as be a tube driver there is a small matter of maths we need to bring to the comparison. 35,000 tube drivers overpaid by at least £15,000 each costs a darn site more than a handful of overpaid/overbonused executives and it is the commuting public who have to pick up the bill.

Some say we do not need tube drivers at all. If an aircraft can safely take off, navigate to its destination and land with no pilot input, how much simpler is it for a 60mph train running on a track through a tunnel? Driverless trains are not some fancy futuristic theory but reality, the unmanned Copenhagen Metro has won awards and has an excellent safety record. Tube driver themselves don't actually do much driving apparently, they mostly just open and shut the doors. The RMT does not seem very convinced of a driver's worth, the only argument I can find from it are "What happens if there is a crash or terrorist incident and no staff on hand?" That is plain ridiculous. Ruggedised CCTVs, sensors and speakers in the train and/or tunnels to monitor the situation and to reassure passengers that help is coming, backed up by a dedicated emergency team, would be far more effective than relying on some chap stumbling around in the wreckage, even assuming he isn't killed or injured himself. Cost a fraction of what it costs to have £40k+ a year drivers on every train. The RMT is the true successor to the Luddites, defending the existence of jobs that can be done far more effectively and cheaply by technology.

Going far beyond his role as RMT leader, it seems the twat has issued a call to arms to fight government cuts and has urged campaign groups, pensioner organisations and community groups to take part. Maybe those of us who have to pay for the guaranteed pensions, pay rises and job security of the public sector out of our unprotected pensions and frozen salaries and have difficulty keeping our jobs at all should take him up on it. If these selfish leftist bastards carry on as they have in Greece we should be rallying volunteers to break the strikes and find ways to negate the effects.

PS Crow, Crowley. Very similar in appearance as well as name, bald and ugly, although in other respects the comparison is an insult to Alistair Crowley. Satanism is vastly more rational than communism.

Topic: RMT leader and Satanist       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Unable to blog

As too high from smoking Lupins. Yeh man, like what wow.

For a moment there

We have a wild bit at the top of the garden where we at bloggoth keep our little asylum seeker centre. Not HORRIBLE FOREIGN PEOPLE obviously, it's where we put NICE little woodlice, worms etc displaced by any tidying up activities in the rest of the garden. Also NICE little weeds, (weeds have rights too!) and plants that missus bloggoth brutally chucks out of her posh greenhouse as surplus to requirements. The heartless bitch!

We rescued these from the compost heap last week. Hang on a minute! Ah no, similar shape but these leaves have smooth edges. Damn! Still, if any of the non existent bloggoth readership are after some grass we have plenty going cheap. We only cut the lawn yesterday.

Vomit time

Mad Messaiah Medal. He does deserve credit for Northern Ireland but where is any evidence that having this self serving bastard swanning around at our expense has furthered Middle East peace?

Take a look at his "charity" sites. If there is a 5p donation for every time they mention "Tony Blair" they must be raking in billions. What an utterly self-centred cunt. (We at bloggoth are experimenting with saying cunt a lot more as it seems to be the key to getting lots of readers.) Did we mention that we at bloggoth gave a whole £20 to RNIB last week? *Note Surely, if they give him a medal for NI they should immediately take it back for Iraq. And then shoot the repulsive smug git.

PS. Sorry, Devil's Kitchen etc readers, we meant to say repulsive smug cunt. Please don't hold this momentary lapse against us.

Note: They phoned up and caught us off guard but we will have our excuses ready next time. We at bloggoth had to spend £15 on new reading glasses last week. Did we get a contribution from RNIB? We did not.

PS. Apologies to DK, a quick look suggests he does not say cunt anymore, it is all fuck and bugger. Presumably these are the new in words. Well f* me, I can't just keep up with this b*ggering blogging lark.

Unless they are very rare talents, even skilled migrants can make little sense

We are told there is a shortage of experienced doctors in the UK and hospitals have difficulty in finding suitable locums. As usual, rather than address our problems nationally, we have relied heavily on poorly trained foreign locums but, as recent cases have shown, their English and their qualifications are not up to the standards expected in British hospitals.

However, it was the admission of enormous numbers of foreign doctors by the Labour government, along with their sheer bloody incompetence in other areas, that caused so many homegrown junior doctors to fail to get jobs in recent years and acquire the necessary experience. This failure, after so many have spent anything up to £50k in getting their qualifications will have the obvious effect, fewer will want to train in future.

This illustrates a classic vicious circle of excessive reliance on overseas workers, even highly skilled ones. Strictly limited contracts, renewed only while the shortage remained, would be useful but our governments persist with the bizarre idea that we have obligations to every foreign worker above the only ones we should assume, those of providing a clear contract and paying a salary appropriate to the work done. Skilled migrants are handed routes to stay on, move posts and gain permanent residence in the UK, excluding our own people. Reducing opportunities and lowering future salary expectations only reduces the number of our own students prepared to train, leading to even greater reliance on foreign workers in the future.

For the benefit of any lefties in the non-existent bloggoth readership here is an explanation of how market forces work in nice simple terms even you can understand:

Here is the leftist approach in nice simple terms even you can understand:

Topic: Skilled migrants       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Higher education

The Labour government had this idiotic ideal that everyone should have higher education. Wanting people from all backgrounds to have opportunities is fine as an ideal but college or university isn't the best option in every case, an apprenticeship or simply starting at the bottom may be more suited to some, even when they do have potential. Some don't and a couple of years spent outside the workforce to scrape a pass on some pointless qualification that won't get them a better job is simply a waste of the tax money that subsidises the colleges. We can't be arsed to research the figures but the wasted years before some enter employment and start paying NI must be as much a factor in the "pensions timebomb" as an ageing population. A better route in many cases would be to encourage employers to take on suitable young people by reducing the employer's NI contributions on trainees and apprentices.

Predictably the lefties are up in arms about possible cuts to further education or increases in student fees that may see big reductions in student numbers. We tend to agree with The Guardian article that the proposed cuts, without other measures, do stink. It is no good thing that someone with real potential cannot pursue a useful career because he or his parents cannot find the money. Surely what we should be doing is redirecting all the subsidies to the students with the greatest potential enrolling in the most useful courses. Why not bring back full student grants where necessary so that bright working class kids can train for skills and professions where a demand actually exists?

That should be affordable if we stop spending money on hordes of medicre people to study Fashion Journalism and the like.

Topic: Higher education       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Strange fruit

We at bloggoth are totally knackered, having gone for a 30 min jog in a different forest area and ending up jogging for almost 3 hours when we got completely lost. Still, we did find some toothy jawbones to add to our manky skull collection and this chap.

Did that unfortunate deer get its neck jammed between the tree trunks or did someone hang the corpse there? We offered it a job on the bloggoth editorial staff but it said it was too busy.

Topic: Strange fruit       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Excuses and pretence

Given equal upbringing, different peoples are probably as good or as bad as each other and if migrants are properly checked out as individuals then the nature of the society they come from is academic anyway.

The problems are that they do not have equal upbringing and neither do we have proper checks. Western governments are destroying their nations' cultures, reducing their wealth and endangering their citizens by failing to exercise these checks. Even faced with reliable evidence from government departments and reputable sources all we get is politically correct denial and excuses. Why excuse at all? Reasons are not relevant to the immigration debate, it is the reality that matters. In the absence of any easy solution it really makes no difference if problems are down to some supposed racial failing or our predudice, the affect on our society is the same and why should our society be paying a price when it has no obligations or duties to do so?

We cannot change past mistakes and it is necessary to address problems in ethnic groups who are British citizens with no more predudice than we bring to problems among the rest of us and in time the problems should disappear as the differences subside. We should also be careful in our language because that can raise predudice against a group, including the decent and useful members of it. Making it more difficult for those to get jobs is hardly going to help. That does not mean we should indulge in an absurd pretence about the facts or the causes because that leads to the problems not being tackled and that is entirely unfair on the rest of the populace. If an ethnic group has proved a liability then it is in our interests to change that, or help them to do so, but what we should not be doing is letting even more come in from the same countries without those proper checks.

Neither should we be persuaded that it is somehow all our fault when over and over again we see the problems among ethnic minorities are exactly the same as those that exist in their own countries and which they bring with them. Have the British taught migrants honour killing, acid attacks on women, forced marriage, trafficing of infants, female circumcision or belief in witchcraft? Is it a coincidence that the relative prosperity of Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the UK mirrors the relative education levels and economic progress of their own countries? That the same is true of those from West and East Africa? Regarding recent news about black crime in London, most serious commenters blame the lack of male role models due to the high incidence of single mothers in the community, around 57% compared to 25% of white children. This is another imported problem. The percentage of fatherless children is almost exactly the same in Jamaica, as is the nature and scale of the crime.

It beats me how some people's idea of "anti-racism" is blaming white Britains for everyone's problems while treating migrants themselves as if they were little children who are not responsible for anything they do. This curious blame and ignore game only raises resentment. Predudice is not entirely an irrational thing; unless they have a political motivation or personal grudge, nobody just decides to blame a group for invented problems; those problems usually do exist disproportionately within that group. The irrationality comes when we start to apply that predudice to the whole group without regard for the qualities of individuals and nothing furthers that second phase quicker than resentment when our own legitimate concerns are ignored.

Topic: Excuses and pretences       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Even the right talk crap at times

The bloggoth jury is still out on the measures themselves but we agree with the DT about the fatuousness of a comment on Ken Clarke's plans for prison reform.

Philip Davies fatuously suggesting that, if wishing to save money, the Justice Secretary could start by removing Sky TV from the 4,000 prisoners enjoying that luxury in their cells.

Perhaps there could be better opportunities for doing something else, maybe learning or working, but are they going to spend all their waking hours doing it? What do they do the rest of the time? If they are going to be in their cells staring at the walls how are you going to keep discipline?

Some possibilities are

Doubt one would get away with these today but in any event a few Sky Boxes sound a damn sight cheaper.

Topic: Sky boxes       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

bloggoth brings an end to some of the suffering in the world

Non existent readers may interpret our very occasionally flippant approach to serious issues as a lack of feeling but we have had to adopt this hard shell as a defence mechanism to avoid being overwhelmed by sadness. We do feel very, very deeply about all the death and suffering we see around us.

We refer of course to the way that so many little flies and other insects get trapped in windows at this time of year, frequently banging away until they expire of exhaustion, hunger or thirst. We have been doing our best with our little fly rescue jars made from the bottoms of old lemonade bottles but there was just no way we could cope with the huge numbers in missus bloggoth's greenhouse because of the difficulty in catching them due to the height, shape and all the plants in the way

But at last we have a solution. The bloggoth Fly-Rescue-O-Matic. Made from an old hair dryer, the ink cartridge container of a Hewlett Packard printer, a bit of greenhouse downpipe, a lemonade bottle, a kitchen sieve and a bit of cotton wool, plus some tape and self tapping screws. Use the low blow setting to suck the little creatures unharmed into the bottle. The sieve stops them going through the fan and the cotton wool stops them injuring their little legs and wings and things on the sieve. Once they are all in the bottle, just unscrew, put it to the normal end and use high setting to blow them all out into the garden from which the little dimwits can start the whole cycle of getting stuck all over again.

We at bloggoth have Googled extensively for "fly rescue machine" and similar terms and found nothing. It is clear from this that an immense market exists for these gadgets among all the millions of people who would like to rescue little flies but cannot get access to suitable equipment. This machine is potentially worth a fortune. If non existent readers would like to get in the ground floor and help fund development of a commercial battery-powered portable version and share in the enormous profits it is bound to generate just send your cheques for £1000 to the usual address at bloggoth Towers. Better hurry or James Dyson will get there first.

PS Those from abroad are welcome to participate. Simply send the equivalent of 1000 GBP, eg 5000 USD or 15000 EUR according to current bloggoth exchange rates.

Topic: An end to suffering       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


As the most brilliantly logical and rational person on the planet we at bloggoth do not pretend to understand economics. Economics is not entirely about logic or rationality but perception and emotion. Even if the basic factors do not justify it, if enough people fear a problem they can create it by dumping shares or by not buying. However, over the longer term there are rationalities even in economics, basic rules that apply just as they do to physics.

Socialist ideas on fiscal stimulus largely look like bollox. Yes, it is superficially persuasive to argue that by cutting government spending at all you increase the risk of recession. After all, if you lay off public sector workers or freeze their salaries then they are going to spend less and that impacts on businesses. The logic of that argument is that we can get out of recession even quicker if the government gives everyone £10,000 pounds to spend, it would come from the same place, ie taxpayers present and future, as the public sector wages after all. How does it help business if for every extra pound they take you are collecting an extra pound, plus extra to cover administration costs, from them as tax in the first place? What we should surely be doing is trimming, or allowing to wither, the unproductive parts of our economy, whether in the public or private sectors, freeing up the cash for the productive areas.

Some right wing lambasting of the public sector seems overdone. Concerns about poor productivity aside, much of the public sector, like the emergency services or refuse collection, does play an essential part in the economy. Most important is (or rather would be if we actually got it) proper government regulation of the private sector. Without that the large companies will not just rip us all off but collude in ways of ripping us off that have nothing to do with a free market. However, much of the public sector is clearly unecessary. How much of the wage bill of HMRC could be saved if we had clearer and simpler tax law for example?

There is a lot in the private sector that also needs to go. Companies whose profit is made solely at the expense of other companies or individuals are not ones that should be allowed to operate. It is hard to see how so many car clamping companies benefit the nation, for example, and proposed regulation there is long overdue. By far the biggest rippofs are by the accounting and legal professions. Just like HMRC in the public sector, these professions thrive on the often quite unecessary complexity of our laws and regulations. We need much simpler company and tax laws so that small businesses can handle most of their affairs themselves. Similarly, we need far simpler laws on property and other issues plus a straightforward and readily accessible arbitration system that can decide many legal disputes in a day or so.

A major distortion in the private sector is caused by unskilled immigration, by which companies can get by because they can pay very low level wages for those " jobs that British workers don't want to do". But are they jobs that should be done at all? Low paid workers or the extra profits they generate for the companies are hardly likely to yield enough tax to pay for their own future pensions, let alone anyone else's. As the government's welfare statistics clearly show, this strategy has just become a way of propping up unviable small businesses via the tax system and they then take business from the more dynamic ones.

Topic: Economics       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

An extremist Muslim with sense

On seeing this we thought "there they go again". Then we read a bit further.

Ishaq Kanmi, 23, posted messages of hate calling for the assassination of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown on a jihadi website.

And, posing as "Leadership of al-Qaeda in Britain", he demanded troops withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nothing wrong with calling for troop withdrawal, a majority of the non Muslim public would agree with him. As for the assassination of The Mad Messiah and {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}, those should be the sworn duties of every sane person. If we at bloggoth could be arsed and knew where to begin we would have a go ourselves. We might send Mr Kanmi some Halal doughnuts or something in appreciation of his common sense.

PS Please blow up this idiot as well.

and him.

and her

and him

To be continued

Pass on - just musing

Nonexistent readers can ignore this even more than they do other posts.

People's memories work in different ways. Missus bloggoth has total and instant recall of every trivial little detail in her life ever. She will say things like "This reminds me of that cafe we went to in Ipswich in 1975 when you dropped your spoon". We just look at her blankly. We at bloggoth do not have even the vaguest recollection of ever going to Ipswich, let alone what anything looked like or what we did. But it's all there somewhere and if we want to (unlike with dropped spoons in Ipswich) we can always recover it. Missus bloggoth has a large hard disc while we at bloggoth have a limited disc capacity and a huge warehouse of old backup tapes. It takes a while but once the request is put in, the right tape is usually located within a day or so and the data restored.

Most recently we were using Google Street View to wander around a few old childhood areas in South East London and tried to see if we could find our first girlfriend's house. We found the very long street of almost identical dwellings but couldn't remember the house name or number. The courier was dispatched to the warehouse and the backup tape with the number on arrived at 4am that morning when I woke up. We were slurping breakfast the next day when the house name backup tape arrived. It doesn't look very different from the way it did 45 years ago. There isn't anything very special about Caldbeck, 214 Green Lane, Norbury, SW19. Not to anyone else anyway. What happened to you Gillian Patterson?

PS The first house number tape had a slight flaw. We thought it was 217 to begin with and a quick reload was needed. Number 217? Tape 3 says that's the room in The Shining, the one with all the ghosts.

Shining girls Pictures, Images and Photos

Going to the world cup, not us, wait, hang on a mo...

Even if England weren't total pants we can't think of anything more dull. 'Till we read this anyhow. You can get a prostitute for around £3? We'll take ten please. When's the next flight?

Congressional hearing - malicious, ugly and ignorant fuckwits

What an utter lot of crap about BP CEO Tony Hayward having a day off.

There was a thing on BBC news earlier with shots from the Congressional Hearing. Fuck me, what a lot of ugly snaggle teethed wankers US congressmen are. I thought our politicians were ugly but those are something else. Congressman Phibes was good.

More seriously, what nonsense that hearing was. Just 50 days into the disaster, when all the effort (we hope anyway) should be going into tackling the spill, these fuckwits are complaining that nobody has been sacked yet, are demanding firm conclusions about an accident that involved a number of companies on a rig that was not actually owned or staffed by BP. Hayward was quite right not to be bullied into voicing conclusions which can have no sound basis. Perhaps somebody should remind them that it was two years before the enquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster was concluded and over a year before the report about Bhopal was issued.

Maybe somebody should also remind them that poor maintenance and cutting corners was a major factor in both of these American companys' disasters.

Topic: Congressional tosspots       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


Isn't eating oily fish supposed to be healthy anyway?

What we should be playing

Whether it's singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing or sport it takes real expertise in a discipline to distinguish the best among the talented. On the other hand, if somebody who knows bugger all about a subject and has little interest in it can see a performance is bad, you can be sure it's pretty bloody bad. Thus it was with the England vs some Arab country football match. Even we at bloggoth (who could not escape watching a bit of it because we live in an armchair-sports mad family) could see that England were total shite.

All sorts of factors are blamed for the way we suck at our national sport but the main reason is that all these horrible foreign bastards are better than we are. If we want to excel in something we should do what the Yanks have done, make up a sport of our own that only we can play. When did you ever hear of a team from another country beating the Yanks in "World Series" baseball? If others do take it up and start beating us then we can just change the rules, whose f* game is it anyway?

A new sport should preferably draw on expertise our citizens already have. Some might say darts fits the bill as we are good at being fat and ugly and drinking a lot of alcohol, but to attract a wider audience we need a more physical team game played in a large stadium for thousands to chant tunelessly at and fight about with the opposing teams fans afterwards. We at bloggoth recommend the following ideas.

1 Shopping trolley dodgems

In this game each player has to navigate a heavily loaded shopping trolley through a narrow course to the other team's goal without going over the lines or dropping any items. The other team can use their trolleys to try and barge them over the lines. The wonkiness of each trolley's wheels would have to conform to rigorous standards set by the national governing body.

2 Cat croquet

Very much our favourite. A load of bastard cats are released onto a pitch surrounded by high brick walls and the winning team is the one to wack more of the other team's cats over the wall with their croquet mallets. Teams will have different coloured cats, eg ginger, black etc. Some among the non existent readers of bloggoth may object that it would be extremely cruel to use cats in this way. It's a fair comment we suppose, noisy children might do just as well.

Topic: New sports       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Going too fast

This week's award for best article that bloggoth would like to have written but couldn't be arsed to goes to this one in the DT and in particular this quote.

Again and again in politics, great schemes don't work – Soviet Communism, for example, and now the euro. Rational people tend to conclude that, because a scheme doesn't work, it will quickly stop. Unfortunately, rational people are wrong. Bad political schemes are usually given up only when they have been tested literally to destruction. It would be much better for Europe if the euro had never happened, and I long for it somehow to fade away, but the process of destruction will be horrendous, and it is only just beginning.

Actually, that isn't quite true. Great schemes can work, just not when they are driven by obsessed idealists whose egos demand that they must come to fruition in their own lifetime and preferably while they are at the helm so they can be hailed as world saviours. It isn't the aims that are wrong but the haste with which they pursue them, disregarding all the many other elements that are necessary to make them work.

The Euro makes plenty of sense but to work it requires a common government and that in turn can never work until European nations have a common culture, until we identify as much with the inhabitants of the other European nations as we now do with those in neighbouring counties. That in turn, given that human attitudes are only fully malleable in childhood, can only happen with the passing of many generations. A more gradual progress towards common European economic policies, being careful not to tread on national sensibilities, may well have resulted in far more acceptance of the European project and we would not now be at the point where the whole thing looks like folding.

Society is a living entity and has to evolve at its own pace, it is not a machine that can be modified to meet the latest requirements.

Topic: Going too fast       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Short story time

Pass it on


Nature is far more cultured than most imagine, a recent article in New Scientist revealed that certain types of bacteria respond to Wagner.

Look at this briliant piece of natural artwork we discovered on our run today, to some it may appear to be a bit of dried up cow turd on a wire netting-covered bit of wood but how is that in any way inferior to Munch's The Scream? Just an accidental resemblance or was this a deliberate piece of creativity by a cow who used what limited physical capabilities she had to express herself?

The depth and creativity of animals are no surprise to we at bloggoth.

PS Pretentious little bastards.

Topic: The Scream       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

An invasion of tiny jumping spiders

Zebra spider, Salticus scenicus

PS They seem to like listening to Richard Strauss.

The real question

The Independent reports on police disinterest in a campaign to raise awareness of forced marriage.

Well, maybe that is because it really has nothing to do with the police, thanks to the politically correct cowardice of the last government which failed to make this appalling practice a criminal offence as it should have done. Instead, it set up the Forced Marriage Unit which offers "advice" to those who think they may be forced into a marriage. Under some circumstances protection may be available via a protection order or injunction. WTF? You would think this was some minor issue like being overcharged for an overdraft or having your car vandalised. I am surprised they just didn't deal with it by providing a few leaflets to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

If you look at that site you can see that the Home Office is well aware of the seriousness of this issue for the young people or even children concerned. They may be subject to strong family pressures, may be closely watched, may not read or speak good English and may be subject to violence or even killed if they attempt to evade their fate. How the hell are they supposed to navigate the legal options and contact the right people for advice? Hardly surprising that only about 200 cases a year are reported out of an estimated 3000. The proper protection of these young people demands that parents and others involved face prison sentences if a British citizen is forced into marriage either here or abroad.

On the other hand would another law have any point if, as with female circumcision, nobody ever gets prosecuted? Maybe the new government will act on these issues but we should not hold our breaths.

The real question is, why the hell are people who believe in forced marriage or female circumcision ever allowed to live in the UK or given British citizenship in the first place?

Topic: Forced marriage       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Another bloggoth exclusive - the effects of the BP oil spill are largely a US invention

We at bloggoth have learned through our sources at the highest level of US government that the effects of the BP oil spill have been grossly exaggerated in order to cover up a US made disaster. It is true that there has been a major oil leakage incident at a BP oil rig but the damage to wildlife seen so far has not mostly been due to that cause. Rather, it has been largely caused by an accident by a major US company and the BP incident has provided a convenient scapegoat .

bloggoth has conclusive proof that the oil-like substance coating seabirds and other wildlife on the Pensacola beach and other Gulf shoreline areas is not oil but Kraft Cheese. Since its takeover of British company Cadburies in January, Kraft has been engaged in frantic research to avoid losing loyal Cadburies chocolate customers by showing that it can produce something remotely edible, unlike its revolting processed cheese slices. It seems that there was an explosion on a huge container ship carrying Kraft processed cheese to the UK for cheese to chocolate conversion trials, apparently involving high level radiation, and over 120,000 tonnes of this disgusting material were released into the Gulf where it is now causing most of the environmental damage that is being blamed on BP.

Brown Pelican in BP Oil Spill Pictures, Images and Photos

A Pelican struggles in a sea of Kraft processed cheese. Unable to find its normal food of fish this poor bird will probaby starve to death. Anything but eat the disgusting stuff that surrounds it. Kraft Cheese Slices are the staple diet of the congenitally insane.

queueing to vote 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Kraft Cheese Slices are largely made from the earwax of illegal Mexican immigrants. Here we see desperately poor Mexican migrants queuing up outside the Kraft factory to donate earwax, for which they receive $30 per ton.

Images from photobucket

Topic: Kraft cheese       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

An apology

We know that our non existent readers really look forward to this Saturday, as we at bloggoth will normally have been to the local South of England Show with our camera and come back with lots of photos of lady pigs' bumholes to post on here but unfortunately we could not go this year. After that incident last year when we got a bit carried away we have been banned from all shows with pigs and placed on the Sex Offenders Register. It really is quite appalling that society should discriminate against what is plainly a perfectly normal interest. We can only hope that it evolves and ends this quite unjustified discrimination against us pig bottom fanciers soon.

In the meantime we thought our fellow pigs' bum fans might enjoy an alternative pornographic shot of a dirty plug hole. They can't touch you for it, yet. Dunno about you lot but after looking at that I am certainly off to touch mine. Mmmmmmmmmm!

Topic: Dirty plug holes       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Is there cause for just a little optimism?

We at bloggoth are undoubtably the most rational (not to mention most the handsome, intelligent, athletic and sexy) person and collection of manky skulls on the planet but we have to admit that we lack a few qualities necessary in this irrational world, namely the ability to relate to lesser mortals. We made our money from our technical skills and managing people was never our forte.

We were a team leader once and made the totally rational decision to put one of our team onto evaluating and preparing the new computer system because he had a lot of experience with that system. We were rather miffed to get criticised by higher management for not "showing leadership" by doing it ourselves even though we had never used that computer system and it would have impacted the project schedule by taking us longer (even allowing for our brilliance) than it took him.

Years later we realised that probably they were right, in a world of idiots these things that are solely about appearance and perception and emotion do matter. With that in mind we have been quite impressed by Cameron so far. He was visiting troops in Afghanistan today and what a refreshing change to see a very natural and normal person relating to these people who, whether we agree with this ridiculous war or not, are making the very best job of what our country has asked them to do. What a change from the repulsive, horrible, gum poking, grimacing, artificial, Scottish piece of excrement he replaced.

Appearance and presentation certainly aren't the most important things. Rationality, pragmatism and the willingness to listen to the public in what is supposed to be a democracy are still tops with us and maybe with most of the public too, as the popularity of the rather uncharismatic Vince Cable indicates. But Cameron appears to score on all counts, this is a bright guy by all accounts and his ability to make the most of a poor election result and find common ground with the sometimes batty Liberals and negotiate policies that at least address the major issues says a lot.

Neither does he rush into things out of emotion. Some would say the damaging and anti British rhetoric of that airhead Cunt Obummer over the last few weeks called for a major response, perhaps that we should pull out of Afghanistan and leave the Yanks to it. That sort of stuff is fine for us loony bloggers who control nothing and are responsible for nothing, it is not the correct response of a government leader unless you are a total lunatic twat like Imadinnerjacket. "Speak softly and carry a big stick" as a rather more sensible US President once said.

Topic: Camoron       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Blaming us for problems they largely create themselves

PS One never quite knows the truth of what is on the internet, so much stuff, so much bias, but there is a lot there that says Airhead Obummer is anti-British, it's about of the treatment of his grandfather in Kenya. Do people retain such resentments when the actual conflicts and injustices have long passed? Everyday experience says they do.

There was a TV discussion program the other day on the sentencing of those gay men in Malawi and a gay African asylum seeker in the audience started a tirade about Africa being tolerant of these things until the white missionaries came along. That is probably (from our profound knowledge of these things gained from reading Kyle Onstott novels) correct. We at bloggoth are certainly not going to defend the British Empire, interference in other peoples' cultures and sex lives or the irrational idiocies of Christianity.

However, we seem to recall that Oscar Wilde received 2 years imprisonment, the maximum sentence, for some fairly promiscuous and sordid activities back in the far more religious Victorian era. The sentencing of two men who wanted to make a committment to each other to 14 years in prison has little to do with the legacy of the nasty white man.

No surprise though that the dislike of men like him who blame nasty whitey for everything does not prevent them claiming asylum from us or living off our benefits.

Topic: Appeal       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


I suppose we all get these bits of nostalgia over people long gone. It isn't one of those sentimental sad ballads yet nothing invokes those feelings quite like this one.

PS Ignore the opening bit.

An appeal for justice

Convictions for the Bhopal gas disaster 26 years ago. Threat of convictions for the Bloody Sunday killings 38 years ago. Some might wonder how legal processes can possibly take this long and whether anything is really worth investigating after the lapse of a such a long time.

Not we at bloggoth. We always thought poor old Guy Fawkes didn't really get a fair hearing. We have written to our MP demanding that the case is reopened and have started a campaign fund to pursue this injustice. If you believe passionately in this cause, as we do, please send your donations to the usual address at xoggoth Towers.

Topic: Appeal       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Note: Clicking the above comment link will cause the minimum donation of £100 to be taken from your credit card wherever it may be. Do you seriously think a genius like we at bloggoth don't know how to do that?

EU culpability

In the DT

Take deposit insurance. Most academics now agree that introducing such insurance can undermine the foundations of banking, by encouraging banks to take greater risks (knowing their money is protected) and ultimately socialising the banking system (since they have to be bailed out when there is a crisis). So why do we have it in this country? The answer is simple – and disturbing. It was only introduced in 1979 as a result of a European directive. Before that Britain had a de facto split banking system with savings banks and regular banks (much like the narrow banking system Mervyn King has been recommending).

Obummer crappiness continued

In the DT

Mr Obama’s cabinet secretaries have demanded that BP stop paying dividends to its shareholders and that it compensate all workers across the industry who have lost out because of the six-month moratorium declared by the administration following the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig. This last request has been studiously ignored by BP, not least because it has a very dubious legal grounding.

Dubious and wrong. If drilling was being made more dangerous by the oil in the water the demand would be reasonable but that is not the case. This is an entirely political decision made to improve Airhead Obummer's ratings by looking as if he is doing something. Even if the moratorium was imposed for the more rational reason that there may be an unacceptable risk implicit in deep water drilling with current methods and procedures does that not imply that what happened to BP could have happened to any of the oil companies?

PS Lots of smears of BP going on with the amazing revelations that it did not have an up to date set of P&IDs for the rig. I worked in simulation of oil rigs for years and have been to a couple in the North Sea. P&IDs of the extraction plant have nothing whatever to do with this accident, they are relevant to maintenance. Do people seriously imagine that an automatic safety system relies on somebody locating all the senders or valves it uses before it will work? That nobody on a rig knows where the riser and BOP valve are without consulting a diagram? People who do not have clue what they are talking about should shut the fuck up.

Topic: Obummer crappiness       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Yet more sense from the French

To help cover the national debt it seems that the French plan to sell off 1700 state properties.

What a good idea. What could we sell in the UK that the rest of the world might want? Well, judging by what tourists come to see and what they say, it seems that many overseas visitors love our history. Not just the great buildings, art galleries and musems but our quaint traditions including those, like the monarchy or aristocracy, that their own countries had the sense to get rid of, or preferably execute, centuries ago.

Some Americans in particular love all this quaint crap, so why not sell off some of the stuff that is near the end of its shelf life anyway?

Obviously some things might not sell. Not even Yanks are that daft.

Images from photobucket. Apart from the wheely bin which is available here for only £100($589) a day

Topic: Car boot sale       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Even more reason to keep them out

Recent Turkish government support, indeed active promotion, of so-called peace activists' efforts to end the Gaza blockade showed that the idea of Turkey being a state committed to secularism died at the last election in 2007. Any pretence otherwise is now surely ended by the way that Turkey is increasingly finding common cause with Iran, one of the world's most extremist and brutal Islamic states with a leader committed to elimination of the state of Israel.

The absurd idea of admitting Turkey into the EU has not gone away. One would hope that, even if the thought of even more adherents of this malignancy having free passage throughout the EU did not deter them, those who rule us might have reservations about a government guided by Islamic principles which have no shred of commonality with democracy, individual freedom or rational law, let alone Christian tradition. Where the contemptuous elite are concerned, those who can always rig things to ensure that they do ok from whatever hell they impose on the rest of us, that's probably a forlorn hope.

For the time being, we can rely on the opposition of President Sarkozy but that seems rather a small barrier. There is a swing to the right in Europe by decent people who are not racist but think that the direction of Europe should sometimes be determined by the people whose forebears built it, that, like the rest of the world, they should be able to have a culture that they can call their own.

Results like those of the recent elections in Holland cannot come fast enough. Only more like that can save us.

Topic: Keep Turkey out       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Well said Tebbit

We at bloggoth were going to comment on the BP situation but couldn't be arsed and now Lord Tebbit, one of theThe best PMs we never had, has done it for us.

But Lord Tebbit pointed out that the U.S. engineering giant Halliburton was also involved in the events leading up to the Gulf disaster.

And he added: ‘It is time that our American friends were reminded that they sang a different tune when the American company Union Carbide killed many thousands of Indians at Bhopal. Not to mention when the American company Occidental killed 167 people on a North Sea oil rig in 1988. ‘At the very least, the President might acknowledge that the company directly responsible for the Gulf disaster was American, not British. ‘He may be holding on to some Democratic Party votes, but he is storing up a great deal of ill will that he might regret at some time.’

Some of the possibilities are covered here although even if the accident was mostly down to Halliburton, Transocean or Cameron International that would not absolve BP of financial responsibility. In the UK anyway, property owners are quite rightly legally responsible for damage to neighbour's property by builders or others they hire. It is up to companies to check and monitor the practices of those they use as subcontractors.

That isn't the objection, what is is the rhetoric by that useless cunt Obummer which is entirely counterproductive. BP has profits of some 15bn a year and should weather the compensation claims but if the company share price collapses simply because this airhead is looking for somebody to blame to deflect criticism of his own inaction that is hardly going to help the ability to pay out.

Topic: BP Obummer       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Equal opportunities - that phrase is clear enough surely?

As we at bloggoth have said before it was always obvious from his empty speeches that Obummer was at best a hollow leader and at worst a meddling lefty (by US standards anyway) who would wreck the dynamism of a US economy less encumbered with the socialist nonsense that impedes us in the UK. McCaine or Hilary Clinton would have been a far better choice. We did once argue that at least on foreign policy Obummer looked like being an improvement and would raise the negative opinion of the US in the UK and Europe but even that supposed advantage does not seem to have materialised.

There was probably even more irrationality in his election than in any other. Some white Democrats may have cast their votes elsewhere solely because Obummer was black but those sorts were more likely to be Republican anyway and it's a fair bet that he gained rather more votes from those who normally would not bother simply because he was black. Is voting for somebody because they are black somehow better or more acceptable than voting for them because they are white? Beats me why that should be so.

Now we are getting the same nonsense over here with the rather artificial moves to include Dianne Abbot as a candidate in the Labour party contest. We at bloggoth used to watch that late night politics show and quite like DA, she's a nice lady and reasonably sensible for a lefty. *Note 1 But leadership material? No way.

This issue should not be confused with that of representation in the House of Commons which should ideally reflect all sections of society, a little bit of positive discrimination is not out of place there. *Note 2 The election of a party leader who may one day be our Prime Minister is far too important to be determined by a single issue and neither should a leader supposed to act in all our interests be one with a minority agenda that he/she views as above all others.

Note 1: Although a a total hypocrite like all lefties. This is the reality of socialism, let them take power and instead of private schools and state schools there will posh state schools for our lords and masters and ordinary state schools for the rest, like the other black kids in Hackney. There will only be one real difference. When the state controls everything there will no independent checks or limits on what they can do.

Note 2: And it was the Tories who actually worked hardest to this end. Not the Liberals or fecking Labour.

Topic: Equal opportunities       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Equal opportunities 2

A while back, although we obviously can't be arsed to look for it, they had some obviously disabled person reading the news or something. Why not as long as they can do the job? We at bloggoth have felt for a long time that we should be contributing to the more inclusive society and are therefore proud to present our latest addition to the editorial staff, Mrs "Half My skull is Missing" Manky Deer Skull.


There has been a swing to the right in Holland, including more seats for Wilder's party. Naturally it is still being referred to as "far right", a slur that appears far from the truth. His comparisons of Islam to Nazism are much closer than we think maybe. It seems that the Nazis recruited many Muslims in the countries they occupied or invaded. Their hostility to the culture of the nations they lived in made them willing recruits. One can certainly understand siding with anyone against Stalin given his malignant opposition to all religion but that doesn't explain all of it. Assuming this history is not being exaggerated maybe we should learn from it once in a while and not keep repeating the same mistakes.

Germany did not have a Muslim population. Several of the countries occupied by the Germans did have Muslim populations. They were a populations that was safe for the Germans to recruit because they were for a variety of reasons hostile to the government of the country they lived. This was especially true in the Soviet Union because of Stalin's athiest campaigns. Yugoslvia was the other country where Muslims were recruited. Here the ethnic and religious animosities meant that again the Muslims were a population that the Germans could recruit. The SS recruited Muslims extensively in the Balkans and here the Mufti was especially involved. There were two Bosnian Muslim Waffen SS Divisions, an Albanian Waffen SS Division (in Kosovo-Metohija and Western Macedonia), the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS ìSkanderbegî, a Muslim SS self-defense regiment (in the Rashka--Sandzak region of Serbia. Many other units were formed, especially in the Soviet Union. Other Muslim units fighting with the NAZIs included: the Arab Legion (Arabisches Freiheitskorps), the Arab Brigade, the Ostmusselmanische SS-Regiment, the Ostturkischen Waffen Verband der SS made up of Turkistanis, the Waffengruppe der-SS Krim, formations consisting of Chechen Muslims from Chechnya,Ý and a Tatar Regiment der-SS made up of Crimean Tatars, and other Muslim formations in the Waffen SS and Wehrmacht, in Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Balkans, North Africa, and Nazi-occupied areas of the Soviet Union.

Topic: Wilders       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Fuzzy barriers

One thing we always used to hate about New Scientist was the number of items about stuff that we at bloggoth did not consider to be science. Psychology and studies of human nature and crap like that. What makes us believe what we do? That's not science or technology, real science is about chemical reactions or repulsion of like charged atoms, that sort of thing, things that can be easily measured or quantified. If you can't put it in a beaker and measure it, preferably with some very basic and ancient equipment that you stole from a lab you used to work at, it it isn't real science.

The Hadron Collider and all that, that's not real science either, far too removed from reality and whatever results it might provide, well, one just has to take those "scientists" word for it. So who funds that? CERN! Using money taken, without a by your leave, by European taxpayers. So what if they discover the Higgs Bosun particle? Who in their right mind is going to take the word of a bunch of state funded scientists whose future funding depends on their so called discoveries.? If a Higgs Bosun particle is found by these lefty "scientists" you can be sure it will not be long before it is claiming asylum and being given a million pound apartment in London and provided with legal aid to sue ordinary little British electrons for discrimination.

We digress. (again) In later years we have somewhat changed our view, not about that lefty welfare parasite the Higgs Bosun particle, but about the content of new Scientist in general. This is probably a symptom of Fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic is the state that besets an utterly logical mind like that of we at bloggoth when it has had an Archers or two too may (blame Mr P, the evil little puppet parrot who controls us) or perhaps due to shear age. You look at commonplace issues and you think, hang on, that isn't logical and come up with a much more rational theory of your own. Let the Archers expand your mind a little more and you realise that actually your "logic", far from being more logical, is just another misconception thrown up by a very restricted viewpoint.The New Scientist articles that deal with the way that we, and higher animals think cannot be dismissed. That which we think of as logic and reason does not always have meaning exist outside of the mechanism that does the reasoning.

We are not talking about that existential "do we really exist?" nonsense, if we think we do, we manifestly do, as no other definition of reality has any practical meaning. Rather, we are thinking of the way our conception of the world stems from a limited viewpoint. We reason the existence of 20 from the sequence 1 to 10 and have no idea a million, let alone infinity. actually exists. Take the commonplace issue of an invasion by creatures from outer space. The liberal lefty will tell you that creatures advanced enough to conquer the vast reaches of space will be advanced in all other ways, they will have a society in which the petty squabbles that concern the human race will have been left behind and these enlightened creatures will be looking to welcome us into their own galactic society. Not so, say us nasty righty, logical sorts. Everything we observe about the laws of nature tells us that those who reach the top of the evolutionary tree do so at the expense of lesser creatures. It is a matter of survival, the basic mathematics of the expanding species. If there are aliens then they will be Independence Day write large. Like the American Indian or the Australian Aborigine when the whites came, mankind can only expect extinction or subjection at their hands.

Then we realised how limited was this viewpoint in turn while cleaning our drive. We at bloggoth always carefully transplant any woodlice or other little creatures we find to somewhere suitable like the compost heap where they can continue their short little lives. We even make sure they all go to the same place so they won't miss their little friends and relatives. Who knows? Creatures which can travel freely through the immensity of space will have developed far beyond ourselves and may be so successful at providing everything they need that nothing we have will be of any great interest to them. Maybe they can afford to treat us benignly or even leave us alone entirely.

On the other hand, if we are too insignificant they might wipe us out accidentally without even noticing that we exist at all.

Topic: Aliens       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Funny where things lead

Reading the generally sensible if somewhat lefty Guardian and noticed this article on the Bilderberg 2010 conference.

Which leads to this link which, on the face of it, is a bit less sensible. NATO was formed with the idea of decimating the population in a nuclear holocaust? Not quite sure I go along with that one but can you really argue that a new world order, a global state, is not the intention of our rich and powerful elite? Look at the way that the concerns of ordinary people are ignored in the drive towards an ever expanding EU, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the pursuit of globalisation, the laxity of immigration controls, the outsourcing of so many jobs to developing countries. All of these things have had largely negative consequences for much of the populace, the real beneficiaries are the wealthy industrialists, the politicians and the other political elite, who cream off the profits and can afford to insulate themselves from all the social problems their policies bring.

Maybe there is no formal organisation with an intention to rule the world but there is little doubt that Bildeberger does contain some very powerful and influentual people and they are excessively secretive, exercising firm control over the media. Do they need to formally control our world when they have the ear of those that do and the financial influence to make things happen the way they want?

There's a familiar face in that first video. Ah yes it's David Icke, he of the Yogic Flying and Giant Lizards. His book looks well worth a read, expounding the staggering revelation:

that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct – a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out 'planetoid') – which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, not so sure about that one either. Nevetheless, we have been a fan of DI since he gave up his job as a sports commentator, as many of his other comments are rather sensible in our view. (Well ok, he hates and distrusts government, same thing). If he is a nutcase, he is the sanest sounding nutcase we can think of. That is not necessarily a reason to believe what he says, if he's not a nutcase perhaps he's just a communicative guy who saw a way of making money out of human gullibility and love of conspiracy theories. But is it all nonsense? Some of the items on his site about paedophile rings within the echelons of government we have heard before from other sources. For example, there were rumours that Blair covered up for paedophile ministers a few years back.

Where did these rumours circulate you may ask? Well, as far as we can see, on blogs and rather far right websites, not in any major publications. Ah, so that means they were just nonsense then! Maybe. But then, if the rich and powerful protect themselves and control the mainstream media that might be just the pattern you would expect. And isn't it a little strange that David Icke names names and yet, so far, nobody has sued him?

Topic: Bilderburg       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Suicidal Midgets don't come crawling to us

Loved this notice on a local recycle binny thing. It must have been about 3 feet high and the aperture was about 10" square. Hang on a minute! So if I see a homeless midget climbing into this box I have to pay 5p a minute hanging on the phone in order to save him? Sod that for a laugh, even assuming they do crawl into it during working hours 9.30 to 5, we couldn't be arsed. Who likes midgets in any case? Trouble makers, the lot of 'em.

Topic: Midgets       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

What a surprise

It seems that the mass murder in Cumbria was all the fault of HMRC!

We spent yesterday evening filling in their crappy PDF based CT form with its ludicrously complicated security procedure, pop ups that prevent you viewing the PDF based instructions at the same time and a bug that des not take accounts of Windows 7 advanced screen settings. Why does it need a procedure that is 10 times more complicated than I use to log in to my bank account? If there is a mass murder round here, blame HMRC for that too.

5 Minute cartoon strip 1 - learning from nature

Topic: 5 Min Cartoon strip 1       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Bam a lam

Tape discovered in attic. Wahee. Music was good back then.

It's not fair - those should be lucky too

Tomorrow is June 1st. It is supposed to be lucky if the first thing you say on the first of the month is "white rabbits". We at bloggoth are never lucky and this is probably due to the fact that the first thing we probably say (shout) on the first of the month, as on every other day of the month is either:

  1. "I didn't get where I am today" OR
  2. "Oh, smell my bum" OR
  3. "Pee up my nose"

Perfectly sensible and very normal ejaculations you may say. We agree. Why can't we have some luck for those too?

Topic: Lucky sayings       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


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