The coven:
13 blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own:

Bad Science
Burning Our Money
EU Referendum
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
News Bleat
Vacant slot
Snail's Tales
the freethinker
The Mad Hatters
Vacant slot
Vacant slot
Vacant slot
Islam totally sucks links:
Gates Of Vienna
Islamist Watch
Jihad Watch
Creeping Shariah
Last commenty thing that we could be bothered to create. (Lazy old git)
Links to items
Forgotten heros - 1
What it says (cartoon)

To boost religion we need more devil

Are even the left waking up?
To the illiberal nature of islam

Help Fatah fight Hamas

The real reason
Bungling surgeons and The Beano

Personal Wikileaks
Mankies moan

Changing perceptions of mental illness
Superheros with mental problems

Good for the Swiss
Deporting foreigners guilty of serious crimes

And bollox to the Lib Dems
More ridiculous crap on council tax

More unrelated incidents
Coincidences tarnishing Islam

Don't worry about it Mr C
True comments from a Tory

Religious hatred laws

Only slightly behind the times
Children in need

Feng Shui
What it says (cartoon)

Dreams that we got stuck with

That's an idea
Who needs a care home when there's prison?

Three blind mice
Little disabled mouse

Why the hell do people respect integrity?
Anne Widecombe and Hitler

The proofs of religion are just similies
What it says

But then
A sane article on Islamism from The Guardian

But as usual
Objectionable Muslim protests ignored

Too right
Idiotic parallels to Islam

Ranty old Ceefax twats
What it says (cartoon)

Deer and a lost phone

Crazy priorities
The least help for Asylum seekers those who deserve it most.

Darn it Photobucket! We are not gay!!
No more Roger Moore pics please

Let market forces rule
Why should the poor live in expensive areas?

Drug reports
Misused conclusions

Racist van slurs
What it says

bloggoth van accessory shop
A range of really useful accessories

Foreign aid

As ridiculous as religion can get
Islam obviously

Retro corner
President Kennedy

Any woman who converts to Islam

Sham marriages to be declared legal
What it says (cartoon)

Nicking our ideas again
What it says

Pervy bear
Bird's Eye

Not all it seems
Jane Austen

We remember the real thing
Kyrie Eleison (Youtube)

Strictly Come Dancing as an inverse model for humanity
Honesty reviled, bollux respected

Talking of honesty
Nigeria IS the major source of fraudsters

xoggoth plans terrorism in a good cause
Free little Turkeys

Horrible foreigners


Broken promises? Hardly
Makes no sense to accuse a coalition

Piss off, oh wait, hang on though
Halloween comments

More things to fancy
Perversion is a sign of intelligence

More arrests please
More copyright free pics for bloggers

End tax breaks for all religion
What it says

Story time
New story - Memento from a Holiday

Time marcheth on
Nature pics

Shades of Autumn
More nature pics

Hospital errors they don't want you to know about
What it says

Phil Collins (Youtube)

More Bucket Lists
For boring timid people

Much as it pains us
Sane comment from Blair

Boring stuff - Google Android notes
What it says

Looking up
Attack of the 80 foot woman

Sluggies and Waspies coming to a phone near you
Android app

End of waspy season

In our garden

Beyond our control
Viruses invade everything

Going back in time
Using out of copyright images on blogs

Can't believe
Richard Gere on Top Gear


The coven

No surprise
Ed Milliband

No surprise 2
HMRC collude in theft

An inclusiveness that brings peace
Sports events in the poorest countries

Almost every year
Dean Martin (Youttube)

Page 37

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

Forgotten heros - 1

We had news today that the internet is almost full as most of the IP space using the current system has been allocated. What would we do without the internet?

Which reminds us that it was 170 years ago today that our first hero, Broderick James in the county of Fulton, Illinois, wanked off to the world's first ever electrically transmitted porn message telegraphed from a brothel in the adjacent county of Tazewell over 35 miles away. This was some 28 miles further than the previous record distance for transmission of a porn message when semaphore was used by a brothel in France to transmit pornographic stories to clients on neighbouring hillsides.


Deep snow today and still falling. The old chap next door has dug out two neat tracks for his car to the end of his drive although he doesn't actually go out in his car, just digs the tracks for it. Maybe it's for an emergency, if he gets ill he can drive to the pavement and call for help.

We see Christians are banging on about their faith being "attacked" again. That's awful! What is it this time? The state banning mass? Atheists beating up children going to Sunday school? Ah no, it's stuff like the rest of us sending Christmas cards with pictures of Santa Claus and "Season's Greetings" on instead of manger scenes and bible verses. How terrible that the rest of us should want to celebrate a holiday in our own way. Since Christmas was celebrated as the Roman period of Saturnalia long before the Christians changed it, maybe the rest of us could complain about Christians "watering down our rich legacy" with rather more justification.

If the church really wants to bring people back to the fold it needs to start convincing them that the spiritual world really exists. Manifestations like miracles and appearances of God, Satan, angels, demons and saints have stopped occuring since technology provided the means to record them. It is a mystery why this should be the case, possibly they are shy, or this is simply a case of "god moving in mysterious ways" like he always does when it suits him. Maybe it is the duty of all Christians to supply the proof that us doubters need.

What has this to do with the first paragraph? cry the non existent readers. Simply pointing out an opportunity to do god's will. Every Christian should be out in the snow tonight with huge claws made of wood. The rest of us are much more likely to pray or go to church this Christmas if we can see that Satan has been at large in our streets and fields.

Here we see that Satan has walked across my neighbour's garden. He found it easier to get to than our garden as his 4x4 is in for servicing and we have not cleared the snow from our front drive.

Are even the left waking up?

There has always appeared to be an alliance between Islamic groups and the left but recently we have seen a few truths about Islam in the supposedly "liberal lefty" Guardian as we reported a little while back. Are some real socialists now starting to wake up to reality? To see how deeply reactionary these groups are which they have been so ready to join forces with in the past?

The author of this item on the Workers' Liberty website thinks so. He makes the point very well that while some groups such as the Muslim Association of Britain and the international Muslim Brotherhood to which it is linked present themselves as moderates, this moderation is only relative. Even if they really are at the moderate end of the Islamist spectrum they are still part of the spectrum. As the article puts it: "The MAB is a political organisation with a very specific political agenda: a reactionary one which we should be doing everything in our power to oppose."

And is this image of moderation just a facade? The article says the left is being duped and there is much on the net, links to extreme groups and policy pronouncements, to support that view. Two more measured articles are here:


There's another item on the same socialist site that we very much agree with. Help Fatah fight Hamas.

The world is understandably sceptical after so many decades that any solution in the Middle East is possible but with Fatah there is a faint glimmer of hope. With Hamas there is no possible solution that does not involve the destruction of Israel and, in all probability, the death, expulsion or subjugation of all the Jews in it.

The real reason

Bungling doctors have been blamed for soaring death rates at some NHS trusts. Among the problems listed were 150 cases of foreign objects being left inside patients after an operation.

Foreign objects? Turbans, charms to ward off witches and bottles of Polish White Spirit we suppose! What more proof do we need of the damage being done by the influx of foreign doctors and surgeons? In the good old days, patients' bodies were sewn up with traditional British objects left inside, like bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale and Craven A fag ends, and it did them a world of good.

Real British surgeons in the 1950s preparing to insert several copies of the Beano into a patient's thorax.

Good wholesome British comics like the Beano, Dandy or Eagle inside you were reckoned to speed up the recovery process by over 20%.

Personal Wikileaks

What's the fuss about? Surely any senior diplomat, soldier or politician with any influence on international affairs should know that they are going to be profiled by other states and that the contents of reports may not be flattering?

That's right! And are we to suppose other governments do not make equally unflattering comments about the US? About their airhead president whose only discernable skill is the clockwork precision with which he turns his head during speeches?

Or their totally predictable foreign policy blunders in which they invade countries then withdraw ignominiously after a few years when the electorate gets bored, leaving a far bigger mess than before?

Yeh, but it still offends I suppose. Just think how we would feel if we got to know every comment that friends, family, colleagues, bosses and subordinates made about us behind our back.

Good point. Just as well xoggoth doesn't know the things we say about him behind his back. About the crappy stuff he gives us to post on here. Some makes no sense at all, I am not sure he isn't going a bit senile.

Tell me about it. The spelling and punctuation in the stuff I get is terrible.

The scruffy old bastard could do with showering a bit more often too.

Topic: Personal Wikileaks       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Changing perceptions of mental illness

The non existent readers will be aware just how humane and socially responsible we are at bloggoth are and we totally support the comments here about the "frightening and misleading" depiction of the mentally ill on TV. It is quite appalling that these poor unfortunates are always being depicted as deranged serial killers and axe wielding maniacs.

The same comment has been made about films and one of the most widely criticised blockbusters was Batman film The Dark Knight. In the hope that they have seen the error of their thoughtless ways, we at bloggoth have sent the makers a script for a new Batman movie in which the mentally ill are shown in a more realistic and sympathetic light.

We know the non existent readers will agree with us that what this script lacks in terms of cheap thrills it more than makes up for with its realistic and compassionate portrayal of socially stigmatised illnesses and will write to Warner Brothers showing their support for the making of this film.

Good for the Swiss

Swiss voters have approved a plan to automatically deport foreigners found guilty of committing serious crimes or benefit fraud. Here

And bollox to the Lib Dems

The Lib Dems want to see owners of second homes stripped of their council tax discount.

Mr Farron, whose Cumbrian constituency has more than 3,800 second homes, claims their owners are being bankrolled by poorer local residents. He said: "People living on council estates, maybe working on the minimum wage, are subsidising the council tax of a barrister from Manchester with a second home in the countryside. We are having to put up taxes, scrap certain benefits... it is a case of social justice."

Oh really? In what way can net recipients who get council houses or housing benefit, in addition to all the other council services, be subsidising second home owners who pay 90% of the council tax (+full wack on their first homes) while receiving next to nothing in terms of council services? Peter is paying £1000 pa to fund benefits for Paul but an MP thinks the sum should be £1100 so Paul is subsidising Peter by £100.

That's leftist "logic" for you. If we allow this strange logic that says that net recipients can actually be subsidising anything they will also be subsidising all the council tax waste and the inflated salaries and pensions of rather too many white collar council staff. Best not mention that.

PS We note that Mr Farron has in a previous year claimed the fifth highest expenses of any MP in the commons, some £172,327. Rail against the supposed rich getting discounts from the state while grabbing as much as possible from the state yourself. That's pretty leftist logic too.

More unrelated incidents

Sure these old bits of news have been linked before but we just happened to notice that at the bottom of the page linked to above it states that top of the list for expenses claimed in that year was Labour MP and Britain's first Muslim Minister Shahid Malik.

A couple of months back the UK's first female Muslim peer, Baroness Uddin, faced prosecution and was suspended from the Lords after claiming expenses for a main residence house she visited only occasionally. The amount of money claimed is said to be the largest amount in any of the House of Commons or House of Lords expenses scandals.

The UK's first Muslim MP, Mohammad Sarwar, whose elevation to the peerage was blocked due to undisclosed concerns over his finances, was "branded Britain’s most expensive MP after submitting the largest expense claims in the Commons in 2008/09".

It really is a damn shame that these awful coincidences keep tarnishing Islam. We at bloggoth utterly deplore anyone even mentioning them. We wouldn't.

PS We are very happy to state that our first Muslim cabinet minister, Baroness Warsi, seems a decent and sensible lady and one of the few Muslim politicians not of the left. She has also been pelted with eggs and threatened by those who do not regard her as a true Muslim. That figures; as we said, she seems a decent and sensible lady.

Don't worry about it Mr C

Yet another "insensitive" comment by a Tory peer today who suggested that those who are on welfare are encouraged to go on having children. Last week another peer suggested that a lot of people in the current recession have never had it so good.

The language left something to be desired but both comments are entirely true; of course people will have more children if they are given the money to afford it, *Note while those on high mortgages who still have jobs are benefiting from the lowest rates for... well ages, we can't be arsed to find out. When me and missus bloggoth had a mortage we were paying about 12%.

Is the furore in either case coming from anyone but the intellectual middle class left? Many in the working class and the more sensible "liberal left", like the BBC, seem rather to endorse the comments. BBC News did some interviews in the wake of the never had it so good furore and some agreed they were better off. Tonight they showed Ed Milliband talking to some Tesco workers and a lady was complaining loudly, to the approval of the others present, about those on benefit having children and being able to afford luxuries that she could not. Channel 4 News also cited evidence that it was true.

It is a myth that the left represents the views of the ordinary working man (using working in its correct sense). Certainly the working man may be deeply resentful when the rich and the elite reserve to themselves opportunities that are not allowed to them but the same justifiable resentment also exists when others receive what they do not deserve, whether welfare scroungers or migrants who take from our society while never having given anything to it.

Note: According to the study here birth rates among welfare recipients rose 15% in the wake of Labour's increases.


Inciting religious hatred should be illegal when it means what it appears to mean, that someone has deliberately inflamed tensions against a group in a way that might lead to ostracism or violence against them.

But surely an essential point here is that the group which is targetted should be the innocent party. Does burning a Koran directly increase in any way the probability of attacks on Muslims? No, the only threat that is increased is that of attacks by Muslims on others, often random innocents rather than the perpetrators. It is their own actions that cause any marginalisation.

The definition of what constitutes an inflammatory action should also be consistent and it should be something serious, falsely accusing a group of some crime perhaps, not just saying something only they object to because of their ludicrous sense of priorities. If a sect believes Ken Dodd's big toe is the Messiah, should others face prosecution for laughing at them?

Maybe our ridiculous law makers should consider that it is the prosecution of "offenders" like this that does more to stir up resentment against Muslims than the so called crimes ever do.

Only slightly behind the times

3 days actually, which is quite cutting edge for we at bloggoth (have we done the Vietam war yet?) ie the Children in need thing. We loath that Pudsey Bear. If we had our way we would give the boring one eyed git the sack and replace him by the Bird's Eye pervy bear. "Well, hello there kiddies, would you like to see me do THIS?".

Children in Need, Live Aid, actually all these things are awfully liberal and socialist aren't they? Why should us nasty righty sorts care? what we want is a good charity begins at home sort of thing in aid of us middle class sorts who send most of the dosh. How about Dandruff Aid? What better use of aid money than to spend it on medicated shampoo for wealthy posh people with a minor cosmetic problem.

Many people in the third world have no proper sanitation? Ah yes, but do they have dandruff? That's the important thing.

Feng Shui

We at bloggoth had occasion to look into Feng Shui while trying to write a story. What a load of guff.

There is no doubt that mood is influenced by surroundings *Note 1 and it probably makes sense to create light uncluttered places facing trees etc, it's just all the stuff about making sure your male lion statue is left of the female one and not lighting a candle in the direction of the black north facing star or some such we have a bit of difficulty with. We could be wrong.

Note 1: Nobody is more aware of that then we at bloggoth at the moment. Having spent the last two weeks in a constant mess while decorating we now have a near empty living room with bare concrete floors waiting for the new fitted carpet and are hardly able to get into bed due to all the furniture piled in the bedroom. This is all the fault of the ghastly missus bloggoth, we decorated only 15 years ago, why do we need to do it again? When we get her hideously expensive Everest conservatory in a few weeks she might just find herself under the floor.

Dreams that we got stuck with

Nice if they had some deeper meaning but dreams are nearly always woven about very recent things, sometimes actual experiences or sometimes just things you have read or seen on TV. Quite often these basic plot ideas are mundane but our minds construct a more involved story and a spectacular scene around them.

Last night, for example, we had a dream where we were travelling in China (or somewhere with a lot of Chinese anyway) and the contents of our car and wallet kept changing, apparently the government was using magic to alter them in accordance with the current exchange rates. Clearly a consequence of watching Merlin and reading the news about the Chinese resisting any lowering of their currency valuation.

It makes you wonder about the dreams and "visions" of prophets whose idiot notions have been inflicted on humankind ever since. Maybe the commandments of Allah or Jehovah were nothing more than memories of a puppet show and seeing a beggar trip over in a market.

That's an idea

We at bloggoth were going to redo we at/missus bloggoth's wills, principally to put half the money in trust to prevent rip off care homes taking all our dosh if we end up senile for umpteen years. What do you mean, a bit late for that, how dare you?

Anyway, maybe there is a better strategy. It seems that the number of pensioners being sent to jail has soared in recent years and not just in the UK, this is happening in other more advanced countries too. Brill! If we feel our mind is going (more than it already has) maybe it would be simpler to just go out and commit a major crime, like murdering Mr PIKEY SCUM, and spend our final years tucked up in some nice prison cell with all the mod cons and free health care. We can't think of any downsides to this plan.

It's probably even safe to drop the soap in the shower when you have a wrinkly old arse. Darn. We were rather looking forward to that bit.

Three blind mice

Well, one partially sighted one anyway. Filling up the bird seed containers and almost stepped on this little creature nibbling away. Fetched the camera and got within three feet of it and it never noticed I was there.

It doesn't seem that unusual that animals have some disability but still grow to adulthood, in the past we have had a similarly dim sighted sparrow, a three legged frog and young blackbirds who can't fly properly and they seem to do ok. All the same, can't help feeling this mouse is not going to last long if it carries on like this.

Why the hell do people respect integrity?

Integrity: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code

It's 6pm Saturday and we at bloggoth have once again had to flee upstairs to escape one of Missus bloggoth's TV obsesssions, Strictly Come Fucking Dancing. Ann Widdecombe is still there - why? She is fat, unfit, uncoordinated, ugly and she can't dance. In a competition that is about dancing, or at least about providing a spectacle that is worth watching, WHY?

Oh yes! People respect her for her integrity. Unfortunately, integrity can be mean nothing more than staying true to whatever utter bollux you are daft enough to believe in. Julius Nyrere was a man of integrity and he bankrupted his country with his Marxist policies. His motives have been the subject of endless conjecture but for all we know maybe Adolph was a man of integrity, perhaps he really did believe in his Aryan world and he stuck to it although nobody seems to respect him for it.

Unfortunately Widdecombe's enhanced popularity has been a boost to her appearances at Right to Life events. Right to Life is yet another religious lobby group, one that holds to the irrational idea that a human being has a soul from the moment of conception and consequently seeks to impose this view on everyone else via the law, preventing women from making their own choices about their pregnancies.

The reality is that, until about 3 months or so, there is no more thinking, feeling human being in a feotus than there is in a slice of human elbow. Such fragments are discarded by the umpteen million every year by nature often without a woman being aware of it and the concept of a humanity beyond the mere physical is manifestly disproved by the dependence of everything that makes us human on how our physical processes are functioning. The only "proof" for a soul is the prattlings in the numerous vague, contradictory and often politically inspired religious texts that most people only believe in because they have brought up to do so.

Integrity is bollox. Give us honesty and, above all, practicality and pragmatism.

When it comes to religion, the best proofs are no better than similies

The supposed proofs of the existence of the soul seem to be of two main types. Some draw on evidence from scriptures which is manifestly no evidence at all since these texts show no indication, other than by highly selective interpretations of passages, of being anything other than the writings of mere men. The other main proof holds that thought, self awareness or emotion are not obviously things of the material world, that they cannot be explained by motions of molecules or other physical processes and so require a supernatural source, the soul.

We do not know exactly what consciousness is, so there may be something "beyond" in the sense of processes we do yet understand, but we certainly do know that it is inextricably linked to physical processes because we can see certain parts of the brain firing when different thoughts are entertained and conversely, by application of physical or chemical means, we can alter those thoughts or extinguish them altogether. These same processes are also discernable in higher animals which are not supposed to have a soul.

But what does consciousness, which requires the existence of a certain advanced configuration of nerves, have to do with a soul which is supposedly present from birth months before they are formed? If "self" exists from birth why do we need to develop a brain at all? Consciousness and soul are completely different things. This is yet another example of extrapolating from a reality we know a little about in support of a quite unrelated concept for which there is and never has been a scrap of evidence. The relationship of consciousness to the soul is no more than an abstract simile.

The religious are rather fond of such logic. Another favourite is to argue that since a watch cannot exist unless a man makes it, the universe must necessarily have been made by a far greater intelligent being. Assembling existing materials to a desired arrangement and creating something out of nothing are of course entirely different processes and one cannot be used to argue the other. Again, it is mere simile.

It beats me why the religious bother with such arguments, why not just have faith and be done with it? Why bother with these so called proofs? It would have saved we at bloggoth from reading all that Catholic Apologetics nonsense during our school days.

But then

It is always a nonsense to call The Guardian politically correct for all it's liberal-left viewpoint. In news items on the EDL for example they will on occasions at least accept that people may have valid concerns, unlike the Daily Mail.

With this article they go a lot further. Well worth a read unless you are one of those clueless illogicals who have swallowed the manifestly untrue idea of tolerant Islam.

But as usual

It was only the Mail and Express who reported in any significant way on the Muslim (not Iraqi or Afghan) protests on Armistice Day.

Some might say it's a democratic right. Maybe, if it was simply a protest against these insane wars and unjustifiable Western interference in other people's cultures although most of us would not choose to offend relatives of deceased soldiers by protests of this nature at this time. It's hard to keep count but who are this particular bunch of offensive Islamists? There isn't much content on the Muslims Against Crusades website but it does contain these phrases:

"until the justice of Islam is implemented all over the world"
"everything that is wrong with democracy and man-made law"
"(video) their filthy ideologies of democracy, secularism, liberalism"

Maybe we should seriously reconsider according democratic rights to those who would destroy democracy or respecting protests against interference in others' cultures from those who are clearly bent on imposing their own on all of us.

Too right

There seems to be a bit less political correctness around than there used to be. It may only be The Daily Express, a paper of the right, but a few years ago I don't think we would have seen an item like this in any mainstream paper. Bang on, at least some in Europe, even mainstream politicians, are starting to recognise the nature and scale of the problem.

There have been the usual veiled threats from some about demonising Muslims, that we will have to face "2 million terrorists". One seriously daft comparison is this one:

When the IRA was blowing people up, the entire Catholic population of Britain was not demonised, so why is it happening to the Muslim community?" he asked.

Because the conflict in Northern Ireland was nothing to do with Catholicism. The reason that British Catholics were not "demonised" was because they did not see it as their struggle, were not involved in it and did not openly support it. Had the 7/7 bombers or the plotters or the offensive demonstrators been mostly Iraqis or Afghans retaliating for the invasion of their countries it is probable that nobody would have blamed Muslims in general either but that was not the case. The terrorists and would be terrorists have mostly been men of South East Asian, African and Carribean descent and the only thing they have had in common with Iraqis is the Muslim religion. They themselves have consistently stated they are acting on behalf of Islam; are we supposed to disbelieve them?

It is only Islam that sees every regional conflict over secular issues as a matter of concern for everyone of their faith simply because some are involved. When we see Muslim sympathy almost always goes with fellow Muslims, regardless of the reasons or the causes of conflict, despite huge differences of language and culture, it is scarcely surprising if we conclude that they will support Muslim nations in any disagreement or conflict with Britain, will put the interests of foreign Muslim nationals above those of non Muslim British citizens and will always pursue the furtherance of Islam at the expense of our secular principles.

In short, terrorists or not, that these are people who threaten our nation, our citizens and the democratic, rational and free society that most of us believe in.

Ranty old Ceefax twats

We at bloggoth and the accursed money-wasting missus bloggoth always view the news summaries on good old Ceefax while slurping our first morning coffee. We tend to skip the letters pages which are mostly about politics and characterised by an extreme over simplicity and anti government bias.

When Labour was in power they were all about lazy civil servants and welfare scroungers and now the coalition are in they are all about wealthy tax dodgers and poor people being driven onto the streets by welfare cuts. Since few of the coalition cuts have taken effect yet the current lefty batch often resort to blaming Margaret Thatcher for a host of existing problems as if the past 12 awful years of Labour government had not existed. These are not rational people.

Perhaps it is inevitable that those who use such an antiquated means of communication will be somewhat backward thinking. Makes you wonder what comments you could get out of them if you circulated a broadsheet inscribed on parchment.

Topic: Ceefax twats       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


Nice running day, last we might get for a while and, as often happens, came upon a herd of Fallow Deer. Harem would be more accurate as they usually consist of a stag and a bunch of females. Lucky stag! The only other males are usually young ones who haven't got the horn much yet and are not a threat. Here we see a large antlered stag at left and a few of his totties (about a quarter of the total) plus a pale little tiny horned stag following respectfully at the rear. Yeh, they are crap photos but you can't get near enough for a decent shot.

The downside of today was that we lost our mobile phone in the forest. It really is a problem being so insanely anthropomorphic about everything as we are now sitting here imagining our poor little phone all lonely and cold in the dark woods.

Crazy priorities

Many rightly get pissed off with the abuse of our asylum system by economic and too often criminal migrants who should not be able to apply here at all if we adhered to the UN convention. Yet on those occasions when we really should help, when we know the stories are not baloney, when these are people who have risked their lives to help us, when it is because of us that they face a problem, we seem to do very little. Surely Iraqi interpreters deserve more than those others.

Darn it Photobucket! We may be suspiciously handsome but we are not gay!!

We only wanted a PD photo of Roger Moore as he is now to illustrate an item on aging and the way that we at bloggoth were almost immune to it. Now we keep getting emails from Photobucket to say that another photo of a youthful Roger Moore has been uploaded. Look 'ere Pb, do we look like the sort who wants to drool over sexy pictures of a young Roger Moore?

Let market forces rule

This BBC article asks "Do the poor have a right to live in expensive areas?" to which the only sane reply is no.

Rights should never be accorded to anyone if others have to pay for them. It may be that others are willing to contribute, to support people who have disabilities for example, but even that support should not regarded as a right and should not be provided regardless of cost. It is especially bizarre when people insist that things paid for by others are a right when those others cannot afford the same things for themselves.

There is obviously a problem with having expensive areas that the lower paid cannot live in because the area will still need lower paid workers, like nurses, street cleaners and dustmen. If they have to spend more travelling to work then it may be necessary to pay them more to induce them to work there but that is a far better thing to do than provide blanket subsidies.

There is no sensible measure of value other than that set by supply and demand.

Drug reports

According to a report in the Lancet alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack. This is based on both the harm to the individual and the harm to wider society. Presumably then, a major factor is the sheer scale of the problem due to alcohol because far more people use it.

We wouldn't quarrel with the results of a conclusion by experts and when you think of the social and health problems that alcohol causes or exacerbates it certainly sounds about right. However, on the same basis of the scale of the problems caused would you not also conclude that normal people losing their temper is far more of a problem than violent schizophrenia?

The danger with any study, no matter how accurate, is that the conclusions tend to be misused and in this case some will claim support for the misguided view that currently illegal drugs should be legalised. There are three realities here:

  1. The fact that we have a huge problem with one drug is hardly a rational reason to increase the problems caused by other drugs. If we legalised them what would be the consequences if society was using other drugs on the scale they are now using alcohol? Even relatively mild drugs cause problems with high usage, the widespread consumption of Khat in Yemen is blamed by many for the failures of its citizens to better themselves. High levels of mouth cancer are a lesser effect.

  2. We need to concentrate on problems that might have solutions and as far as alcohol consumption is concerned the cat had been out of the bag for millenia, anyone can make this stuff from unbannable foodstuffs after all. We can and should crack down on consequences like drink driving and anti-social behaviour but we can't stop consumption. On the other hand, the major drugs are either imported or need access to equipment or chemicals for production and they are used by fewer people so some containment is at least practical.

  3. You cannot solve every flaw in every man. We need to concentrate on those whose habits cause a disproportionate problem to the rest of us. This certainly includes those whose life failures or bad behaviour is exacerbated by alcohol but one suspects that the ratio of (problem consumers/total consumers) is a smaller figure for alcohol than it is for cocaine or heroin and far less than for psychosis or depression inducing drugs like LSD, skunk cannabis and ectasy which get low ratings in this study.

Racist van slurs

We VAN owners, especially when the van is white, are constantly the butt of racist stereotyping, the least of which are suggestions that we drive recklessly and are aggressive to other road users. It isn't remotely true as this BBC report shows and anyway, if you bastards got your stupid little cars out of our way and stopped holding us up there wouldn't be a problem.

The idea that white vans are the favoured vehicle of child abductors is so prevalent, covering every continent, that it is part of the urban dictionary. You do seem to get far more abduction cases coming up if you Google "white van child abduction" than if you Google "black car child abduction" but some of them are without foundation as here, here and here. It's another stereotype. If there is an ounce of truth in it it is only for the practical reason that you can cram more children into a van.

We even get blamed for mass abductions of Tamils in Sri Lanka. This advice from crime stoppers really is the last straw. What criminal intent is implied we are not sure. Robbery, kidnap, rape, carjacking perhaps. Maybe all of them, we are VAN owners after all.

Do not park next to a van. If you find that you are parked next to a van when you return to your car and the van is on the driver's side, enter your vehicle from the passenger side.

It's disgraceful!! Much less racist comments about blacks, Muslims, gays or travellers have attracted police attention in the past. How are we van drivers less of a "race" than travellers? We demand an apology on behalf of our victimised and socially excluded minority. Any anti-van racists among the non existent readership can bog off now.

bloggoth van accessory shop

Have they gone? Great, now we can get down to business. We at bloggoth have designed two great new low cost accessories for our fellow van owners.

Protect your van from pedestrian collisions with the bloggoth van shield - only £170+VAT

Sensible van owners choose small children or the very elderly to run over on pedestrian crossings as they cause less damage to the bodywork. However, even a frail old skull can crack your windscreen or dent your bonnet so we think our removeable front shield will be very popular. Based on anti IED technology used by the British army, this lightweight folding shield will completely protect the front of your van from damage while being unnoticeable to the untrained eye.

You can also fit or remove it in under a minute and there are no signs of the fitment. After a pleasurable "accident" just remove and hide the shield and the police will be unable to find any visible sign that your van has been in a collision. Use in conjunction with our quick-remove false number plates for best results.

The shield comes in sizes to fit all common models and any colour as long as it's white.

Looking for ways to attract children to your van while disguising it as well? Why not buy the bloggoth ice cream van pack? - only £55.90+VAT

The pack includes a set of resusable stickers and a "Mr Choccy Cone" for the roof of the van with a built in chime. The large panel stickers look just like the serving hatches of an ice cream van and will also cover up any give away trade signs like Joes Building Services etc. There are also 30 smaller stickers of 99s, ice cream cones, whippies, lollies etc for that authentic look.

When children hear the familar "Popeye The Sailor Man" tune they will come running up clutching the change their mums have given them and you can capture them with the big net included in the pack. All parts of the kit can be quickly removed before the police come looking. When you have had your fun, keep that lolly and choc ice money and this kit may even pay for itself!!

Coming soon. We did not think there would be much demand for Tamil capturing features on UK vans but further research showed we were wrong. It seems that there have been so many extremely violent incidents in London by Tamil gangs that police have had to form yet another special migrant crime task force to deal with it. We are therefore working on a Tamil capturing kit for use by violent gang members from other fantastic and vibrant migrant communities. Oi blood! Get respec with bloggoth van accessories. Yo.

Topic: Van accessory shop       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


TIME FOR A RANT! says Zebedee


Today the main news story is that a bomb was planted in Yemen on a US bound cargo plane. Rather less well publicised is the news that the recent huge increases in foreign aid will include a 400% rise in aid to... you've geussed it, Yemen. The UK is now the largest EU donor to that backward Muslim country which most experts agree is the new centre for Islamic terrorism.

Some may argue that, by reducing poverty, aid is likely to reduce radicalism. Those some are either incredibly naive or they have far too much faith in the competence of our government to check how aid money is spent. The reality is that far from helping ordinary people towards prosperity and democracy, aid is often used by those in power, either in central government or locally, to serve themselves. This article cannot simply be dismissed because it is in The Telegraph, the report that the article is based on is by the Human Rights Watch, no rightist organisation as their stance on the Roma in Europe and those accused of terrorism in the US indicates.

This report actually contains nothing new. People should read "Where we have hope" by former Guardian correspondent Andrew Meldrum on Zimbabwe since independence. The only reason Mugabe began the white farm invasions is because the UN refused to provide further finance to buy them out unless they could exercise proper control. The billions previously provided by the UK and other donors had been largely wasted, with much of the land having been given to his own supporters rather than to those who might have run the farms properly. Contrary to romantic perception, Mugabe was corrupt from the day he assumed power.

Nor is it simply about political corruption, many believe that foreign aid is destructive in other ways, for example it discourages production by depressing prices for local farmers, allows complacency and the pursuit of counterproductive policies by governments and undermines the work of more effective charities. There is every reason to believe that the foreign aid that costs every family in the UK £300 a year is money largely wasted. Returning to the idea that aid reduces extremism, an especially relevant point quoted in that article is this one:

The West has created an entity hostile to itself—this is the biggest and most intriguing of the many anomalies of aid. Individual Third World countries are often neutral or even friendly to the West, but the organized and articulate Third World is at best critical and more often hostile. The purpose of the Third World qua collectivity is to coax or extract money from the West.

This should not surprise anyone who has any grasp of human nature. Gratitude turns to acceptance and acceptance to expectation. What you give freely to people for no return turns into something they think they have a right to receive and they resent you if they do not get it. This is likely to apply especially to Muslim countries who are hostile to the Western way of life. The criticisms by Muslims for military and political interference in Muslim countries are frequently justified but does anyone ever see any credit given for EU aid to Gaza, the NATO intervention in Kosovo or the ousting of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait?

There are good reasons for not giving aid to Yemen, a) It is unlikely to benefit ordinary people there b) It is highly likely that at least some of it is actually funding the fanatics, c) It will not bring us one ounce of goodwill and will do nothing whatever to secure our own safety and d) We could find much better uses for it in the UK.

As ridiculous as religion can get

A Muslim man jokingly says "I divorce thee" three times online and finds that, not only is he actually divorced under an Islamic ruling but he cannot remarry her unless she first marries somebody else. Is there any better example of what a ridiculous fucking idiotic joke this religion is? Knowing Islam, there probably is.

Retro corner

As non existent readers will know, we at bloggoth are always bang up to date in our reporting of the news. The burning question of the day is....

Why is President Kennedy sniffing a giant Dalek's bumhole?


Glad to see The Indepependent has once again said what we at bloggoth would say if we could be arsed. This time about Lauren Booth's conversion to Islam.

What sort of woman converts to a faith that does not think women should truly control their own lives? Come to that, why on Earth would anyone out of free choice convert to a religion that thereafter allows them none?

Sham marriages to be declared legal

Sham marriages are in the news a lot recently, usually between EU brides and third world grooms, but occasionally it's the other way round as here. When the bride and groom can't even speak the same language, as in that case, it would have needed connivance by corrupt officials for the marriage to go ahead but this may not be true for much logger.

in another bloggoth exclusive we can reveal that the European Court of Human Rights is shortly expected to rule that preventing a similar couple from marrying was a violation of their human rights and this ruling will mean that a marriage between willing parties must be regarded as legal whatever the reason.

Furthermore the state will be obliged to provide assistance, including government funded translators, to ensure that the marriage is given every chance of success, at least until the right to British residence is attained.

Nicking our ideas again

A new quality paper that offers news items in a concise brief format. Just as we recommended a little while back.

Oh yes, and those little preview boxes that you see when you hover over things in your Windows 7 taskbar. Had those in our educational programs 6 months before Windows 7 came out. Bastards.

Pervy bear

That Polar Bear in the Bird's Eye ad has to be quite the perviest animal anyone has ever found in their fridge. Hi there Fiona, glad you got that pack of frozen prawns out of the way, now would you like to watch while I do THIS?? Feeling hungry Fiona? Here's something for you to snack on. It may be a bit cold right now but it will soon warm up. Oh Yeeeh!!!

Not all it seems

I see Jane Austen's marvellous prose may not be hers after all.

Tell me about it. The non existent readers should see the crap xoggoth gives us to post before we get to work on it.


We remember the real thing

Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison.
The lord be with you. And with thy spirit. Stand up. Sit. Kneel down
Pater Noster,
qui es in celis,
sanctificatur nomen tuum,
et veniat regnum tuum,
qui est in celis et in terra er um
um er
stand up
sit down
stand up again

Why people find comfort in religion we have no idea. We at bloggoth always found it a total crashing bore and could never wait for the mass to be over. This tune is good though.

You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view this video



Strictly Come Dancing as an inverse model for humanity

We may have mentioned on the odd occasion how much we hate the missus for watching Strictly Come Dancing. This program is surely the best justification for murdering one's spouse that has ever been invented. It is not only utterly tedious, it epitomises a total inversion of every attitude that sane men should cling to.

Like, why the fuck is Anne Widdecombe still there? Yes, even though we totally disagree with her Christian views we would agree she is a very likeable and principled lady but none of that has fuck all to do with anything in this context. She can't dance! This is a dancing contest so what else should be considered?

The judges are all archetypes. The Italian bloke is an affected loony, we are supposed to love him but personally I would shoot him, how f* irritating can one person get? The old chap is ostensibly the epitome of a kind sort, looking for something nice to say about everyone but it is obvious to we at bloggoth that he is a ghastly old perve. Trust us, we know about these things. Aleisha Dixon? We remember her name because she had celebrity outside this narrow reference but as to the bits of the show we have been unable to avoid nothing much springs to mind.

Which brings us to the villain, Craig Revel Horwood, the only honest man in the bunch. Why does this man get jeered when he tells Widdecombe and the various other fat, unfit, so-called celebrities who can't dance worth a fig that they can't dance worth a fig? This is how society should mostly be, based on honesty. There must be an exception for those who have no potential for improvement or for pursuing other paths, we do not support jeering at disabilities, but we do not do the able, whether individuals or whole sectors of society, any favours by pretence. Pretence only provides ready made excuses, reasons to avoid necessary actions.

We need more people like this man in real life.

Image by Peter Taylor

Talking of honesty

Today Alan Sugar has been accused of making preposterous and demeaning comments about Nigeria. "I had an offer like that from Nigeria once and, funnily enough, it didn't transpire"

Those of us who have email accounts will know that the only remotely preposterous thing about Sir Alan's comments is the use of the word "once" Fact! Nigeria is one of the major causes of fraud for those in the UK and it costs the UK billions. Maybe His Excellency Dr Dalhatu Sarki Tafida would do better to concentrate on trying to improve his country's totally deserved reputation than damning Lord Sugar for commenting on the reality.

While he is about it, maybe he and his scumbag governmental cronies might reconsider the institutional corruption that sees 1% of the Nigerian population getting 80% of the oil wealth while most ordinary Nigerians have to get by on $1 a day. Give them a little more of what should rightfully be shared among all Nigerian citizens and defrauding the rest of the world might not be so necessary for them.

Don't blame Sir Alan, blame yourself.

xoggoth plans terrorism in a good cause

Another good jogging day on Sunday and another great new set of footpaths that took us past this lot being readied for Christmas.

How the hell can you horrible non existent readers eat these nice little creatures? Wonder how many we could let free before we got arrested?

Horrible foreigners

Ruining our nation. We are referring, quite obviously, to invasive species of plants and animals. Another one we read about today is New Zealand Pigmyweed. Looks famiar, that's the plant that is completely choking our pond to the detriment of the British species in it, like the Loch Ness Monster.

We have to own up to almost spreading it even more. We were planning to dump it in the stream at the bottom of our garden once it was running freely again as we just can't bear the thought of poor little pond snails and other water creatures being thrown on the compost heap to dry out. Now we will have to spend hours picking them out by hand, apologising to them all individually and putting them back in the pond. Darn!


We at bloggoth doubt the benefits of our wonderful human migrants? Of course not, the very idea! They are all fantastic! Anyone who would be swayed by trivia, like the facts that all five of the murder convictions reported by the BBC and non-tabloid press today (21 October 2010) were by migrant/minority persons and that a 50%+ proportion for the most serious crimes in England is not particularly unusual, must be utter racists. Shame on them.

We note from the last link that the UK’s first legal advice centre to offer free confidential support to people who witness street violence opened a few days ago in Hackney and Islington. We really can't think why they would need one there. 2,195 robberies? 12,244 violent offences? That will be the BNP again. Bastards!

Diversity is truly fantastic. On the same day, how splendid to find robust differences of opinion envigorating our society and to observe the generous nature of some of our newer citizens. Well done to them all we say!

Broken promises? Hardly

One continually reads of people accusing the Tories of breaking promises. How about a bit of logic here? Those promises were about what the party would do if they formed the government but they didn't. How can a coalition of two parties keep pre-election promises that are mutually incompatible exactly?

Why are people so daft?

Piss off, oh wait, hang on though

A bishop has urged parents not to let their children dress up in ghoulish gear on Halloween, rather they should dress up as saints to celebrate All Hallows day. Our first thought was, what's wrong with kids dressing up as monsters, ghosts and witches? They enjoy it; the idea that it is somehow drawing them all into Satanism is complete bilge.

But then, casting our mind back to our Catholic days, we decided that actually the grim fates of some martyrs were great subjects to celebrate on Halloween, that of Saint Bartholomew for example. Kids would just love dressing up in plastic St Bartholemew skins.

More things to fancy

Perversity is a sure sign of intelligence and the proof of this is to be found in nature. While animals may use devices like crests or bold colours to attract mates these appear to be the equivalent of stylish clothes or a flash car in human males, there is no evidence that they actually have any significance during sex. A bull has never been observed staring laviciously at a cow's underneath and lowing "Cooor! look the udders on that".

It takes the rationality of man to extend sexual pleasure by fancying a whole range of other body bits, not just fannies but other parts like arses, tits, feet, faces, legs and hair. There are probably even wierdos who have a thing about elbows but obviously they would keep quiet about it.

More arrests please

For bloggers wanting to illustrate a good rant, the most difficult free images to get hold of legally are those of politicians. One good source of public domain and basic attribution images is Wikimedia Commons and for that we have to be largely grateful to the US government who release many photos taken on official state occasions into the public domain, including some good pics of our own major politicians. Wish one could say the same of our own government who insist on Crown Copyright and only flog off rights via expensive and litigous image licencing companies. Good old UK! Whatever its citizens are trying to do, they can be sure their government will be busy ripping them off.

Celebrities can be hard to get good pictures of too, unless they have been arrested in the US. Using this picture of Mel Gibson is entirely legal unless Wikimedia have got it wrong. "This file is in the public domain, because It's a photo released by the Los Angeles sheriffs department whose mugshots are by default public domain"

Doubt our police do the same thing but it's worth a look, except we don't really want lots of pictures of most celebrities anyway.

George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael


TIME FOR A RANT! says Zebedee

End tax breaks for all religion

It is that time of year again when we can't drive to town by the usual route without passing rows of people in Guy Fawkes masks protesting at the International Association of Scientologists conference outside Saint Hill Manor. Coincidentally or not, a minister has today urged councils to give no tax breaks for Scientology.

There are some distinctly disturbing aspects to Scientology, most notably the policy of disconnection that breaks up families and the way they use harrassment to silence critics. Those occasions in the US with their stalking of BBC's John Sweeney do not seem atypical, they appear to be doing it in my neighbourhood too. But in what sense are they worse than other religions?

Following their active opponents around with cameras is hardly as bad as physically attacking others of a different creed or engaging in terrorism like our wonderful Muslim community does. At least Scientology appears to accord equal rights to women, which is more than you can say for the Catholic Church or even the good old C of E. At least (so far as we know) it is not involved in widespread child abuse, promoting idiot views on condoms that are killing millions, cutting off limbs, imprisoning homosexuals and adulterers or successfully interfering in the freedoms of the general public.

As for the idea that Scientology brainwashes people, have a look at this exposition. So they take in vulnerable people, present them with solutions in black and white, encourage them not to interact with those of other persuasions or consider other beliefs, appeal to fear and guilt, use ritual to heighten mystical experience, manipulate language to construct a new reality. How are those things different to the practices of other religions exactly?

According to Mr Pickles, Scientology is not a registered charity since it does not provide a public benefit. So how do other religions provide any more of a public benefit? The only positive of religion is that it provides comfort to its believers and in some cases that may reduce problems for the rest of us, but Scientology does that too. How is it not a benefit to us all that these "vulnerable people" the drifters, alcoholics, drug addicts, petty criminals and those with mental health problems are encouraged to find some focus in their lives, even if that is following the writings of Ron Hubbard? Hubbard's idea may be daft but no more so than a lot of religious teachings and at least they don't appear to lead young men into an even worse path of fundamentalist terrorism.

As religions go, Scientology seems to a be darn sight less of a problem than Islam or Christianity. We quite agree that it should not receive tax breaks except for specific activities which may qualify on their own merits but that should apply to all religions. The rest of us have been picking up the bill for other peoples′ superstitions for long enough.

Story time

We think we must be a bad influence. All the nice old ladies at our writers′ club used to write cheery little romances and stories about their childhood but more and more we are getting dark tales of murder, supernatural and the downright wierd. Here is our own contribution in which a couple bring back more than they bargained for from a routine holiday in Scotland.

Memento from a holiday

Time marcheth on

Regular non existent readers pass on. Simply musing.

Probably to do with

Last great day of the year. We tend to take weekends off from major exercise but today was too good a country jog day to miss. We remembered the camera this time so lots of nice little creatures.

This one spotted us and came trotting over to share its flies. A lot of horses round here are like Muslim ladies in the summer, their owners fit mesh veils over their heads to give them a bit of peace but presumably it was a bit late in the season.

Another nice little thing. For some reason neither donkeys nor cows seem to attract flies like horses do. It must be their aftershave.

Quite what these are, not sure. Look like young crickets or grasshoppers but not seen green and red ones like that before.

We took some pictures of some flies on dung too but they did not come out very well and in any case we could not post them here. On looking closely (we did not have our glasses) they were being RUDE! Things sitting on dung being RUDE!!!! Well really!

Mmmmmmmm! Lucky little bastards. Some things have all the luck. Maybe the next reincarnation.

Shades of Autumn


Hospital errors they don't want you to know about

Today the papers had a list of NHS mistakes that should never happen, including people having operations on the wrong parts of the body. In another bloggoth exclusive we can reveal that worse events have been covered up. In some hospitals surgical records have been mixed up with general administration records, with dire results.

Bloggoth's source told us "This has been a particular problem in recent years due to immigration. Surgeons from Germany or Nigeria are performing operations while Polish plumbers and other craftsmen have been taken on to do hospital maintenance. Due to poor ability in written and spoken English and a reluctance to question instructions from managers neither has been able to spot when a mixup occurs".

An anonymous patient admitted to a Hertfordshire hospital last year for a routine appendectomy woke up to find this luxury washbasin fitted to his chest.

The reception area of the same hospital after it was recarpetted reusing available materials as per instructions.

Topic: Hospital errors       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Images from photobucket


Are some people, some things, demonised and hated for no good reason? Jews, Japanese Knotweed, Phil Collins. Ok, Japanese Knotweed can't dance or talk or sing but Phil Collins can.

More Bucket Lists

We at bloggoth watched The Bucket List again the other night. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman can't (usually) go wrong in our opinion.

In the film the aged and ailing heros set out to do all the things they want to do but haven't yet done before they die. The idea will strike a chord with many but the relevance for many ordinary people is perhaps diminished by the fact that they can't actually afford to do those things or they may be too timid and cautious to do them. We at bloggoth therefore present an alternative Bucket List for boring timid people:

There are also Bucket Lists for a) very silly people which we would post except that we can't be arsed and b) very pervy people which we have not published here for fear of being prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Act. Any non existent readers of bloggoth who want a copy of The Illustrated Pervy Bucklet List should send £100 ($497.32) to the usual address at bloggoth Towers. Your copy will be sent in a sealed envelope purporting to be from the British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Much as it pains us

We have to admit that, on this one issue at least, the Mad Messiah is the only major Western politician with any grasp of reality.

Moderate Muslims who believed in co-existence and tolerance were, he said, being undermined by the unwillingness of the West to take on the extremists′s arguments.

We think if we sympathise with the narrative - that essentially this extremism has arisen as a result, partly, of our actions - we meet it halfway, we help the modernisers to be more persuasive.

We don′t. We indulge it and we weaken them. Worse, a reaction springs up amongst our people that we are pandering to this narrative and they start to resent Muslims as a whole.

The hostile comments in The Mail llustrate his point. While it is true that his absurd actions in Iraq have helped the Muslim extremists, we should not overstate the effects. As 9/11 surely showed, it did not create the extremists, it only made their recruitment job a little easier by handing them another issue to exploit.

The aggressively proselytising nature of major branches of Islam, their opposition to the basic concepts of Western secular democracy built on individual freedoms and their intent to impose their irrational, intolerant and often repulsive principles on the rest of the world existed long before the Iraq war. As did the stupidity of our governments in not requiring all migrants to commit wholly to the major principles of our society before they were admitted.

If the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had never happened it is unlikely that the terrorist threat would be significantly lower or that the extent of separation from our society by the Muslims in our midst and the challenges they make to its principles would be much less than they currently are.

Boring stuff - Google Android notes

We don't know where the problems lie but developing for Android on Eclipse is initially like battling a horde of evil demons and anyone used to the relative ease of .net on Visual Studio will feel like giving up. You spend your time on the net finding others with same problems but answers are few and far between. Here are some tips for beginners. It does get easier fortunately.

Looking up

First we had Paddington Bear mooching around our garden dropping marmalade, now we seem to have a giant trying to steal our greenhouse. Assuming that is a thumbprint, whoever left it must be about 80ft high.

We had hoped it was the lady of "Attack of the 80ft Woman" fame but it seems our memory is deceiving us, she was actually only a 50 foot woman. The film was very silly. Not in the idea that there could be such a giant woman (perfectly credible that) but that she would have clothes on. Since when can radiation makes clothes or other inanimate objects grow? Where could a 50 ft woman buy knickers or any other underclothing? Not even specialist shops for the larger woman do them that big.

An 80 foot woman would have an 18 foot unclothed arse and you would be underneath looking up. What bliss.

Sluggies and Waspies coming to a phone near you

We at bloggoth have been working on an Android app to identify British invertebrates. We need to tidy up the appearance and navigation now, the identification is all working properly. You answer questions about appearance and it gives you a set of thumbnails with the most likely matches. Select that to see the full picture and description.

There have been calls to ban an app Apple/Android that tracks planes on security grounds. Position location is built into the SDKs, with Android it takes just a few lines to add it to your app. Bit surprised that these people are allowed to tap into the airline radio system quite so easily but their ability is nothing compared to the genius of we at bloggoth. You just wait until my app detects that some bastard has been swatting nice little waspies. Every nest in a radius of 5 miles will be summoned to the attack!

PS The picture is from the emulator. You don't seriously think that we at bloggoth would spend £400 on a decent phone do you?


While on the subject, we are sure the non existent readers will share with us our sense of sadness at the end of the waspy season. There were 4 or 5 waspies eating our jam on 30/9, 2 on 1/10 and none at all the last two days. Still, we hope it will have given more of them the energy to survive the winter and that next year will be an even better year for waspies. Hurrah!

Update Contrary to the gloomy story above we are pleased to announce that late today (5:30pm 3/10/10) there were 5 waspies in our arbour eating jam. Hooray!!!


We keep finding large blobs of what seems to be marmalade on our lawn. Some might say that this is something to do with the similar blobs one can see on the Cherry tree above but we know better. Paddington Bear is wandering around there at night. Just wait until we catch the messy little bleeder.

Beyond our control

In another bloggoth exclusive we can reveal that the detection of a computer virus at an Iranian power station is the mere tip of an iceburg.

Rogue governments and terrorist groups worldwide have woken up to the fact that it is not just PCs or other devices with accessible storage, like mobile phones, that can be got at. By hacking into the computers that program them these trojans can be put into the firmware of any programmable device and that means almost every modern machine or gadget from automated car production lines down to your Sky Box or your washing machine. The powers that be are trying to keep it quiet to avoid a general panic but we at bloggoth can reveal just two of the many incidents that have already occurred. Beware!

Workers at a Ford plant came back from tea break to find that the production line robots had welded huge steel rabbits' ears to 156 new cars

An elderly lady in Kent is still in shock after discovering that her washing machine has attacked and eaten both of her pet poodles.

Topic: Beyond our control       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

Going back in time

The non existent readers will not have noticed some images missing on bloggoth. We mostly use our own photos and drawings/cartoons but have temporarily removed any others with odd bits from the net, pictures of horrible politicians etc, in view of some increasingly litigous companies equipped with search engines that can pick up a small part of an altered image. Not heard of bloggers or forum posters getting sued for such minor use yet, especially over bits of dustbins etc, but it will come - you heard it here first.

These images will get put back or replaced at some time once checked to be a) Public domain b) Licenced by owners for distribution or c) Unknown origin but widely used and available from Photobucket or other image sites. Even then you can't really be sure that downloadable images haven't actually been nicked from someone else. Conditions of these free image sites state that the uploader must own the content or that the image is free to use but in at least one case we have checked out that ain't true.

The only way to be totally safe is to use really old out of copyright images. Not a major problem for we at bloggoth as we mostly post utter bollux anyway and have wierd obsessions with dinosaurs (photographs taken in the Jurassic era are clearly out of copyright whatever the museums will try and tell you) but not a great option for those interested in topical affairs.

David Cameron meets with other EU leaders in Brussels today

Bob Crow calls for more tube strikes

PS: For any serious political blogger wanting a photo to illustrate a post about the RMT/unions/strikes we have placed into the public domain our astute observation that Bob Crow and Alisteir Crowley are clearly one and the same person.

Can't believe

Nobody seems to have thought of this one.

Images from Photobucket


The Daily Mail seems to keep giving us stories about women not being allowed to breast feed in public places. Can't really see the problem personally, although we at bloggoth would obviously much prefer if they got their tits out without sticking one of those ugly little things on them. But why can women exercise their natural functions while we males can't? We got arrested the other day just for jerking off in the baked beans aisle of Tesco. It isn't fair!


The coven at left (must be 13 obviously) is now more vacant slot than link as another good one (Mr C) seems to have died and not been unpdated in any significant way for yonks. Also trimmed some righty sort of atheist ones as just too many. Where have all the SILLY blogs gone? Ho hum.

No surprise

So Ed Milliband is the new Labour Party leader. He only went ahead when Ed Balls dropped out because of the union vote. Says it all really. The unions, whose main membership is in the state sector, act like an extended arm of the state to preserve the jobs, pensions and perks of every department and quango regardless of how unecessary and inefficient they might be and they do it at the expense of private sector workers, many of whom are paid a lot less.

Some naive souls might say this is nothing to do with socialism, which should be about distributing wealth according to need, but it is in fact everything to do with what socialism is in practice.

No surprise 2

We at bloggoth do not have any offshore accounts or other tax avoidance schemes unfortunately but given the way so much tax is utterly wasted in ways that are totally contrary to the wishes of the productive populace we do not condemn those who do. Contrary to the bollux we heard from the Lib Dem conference recently, gainfully employed people keeping a bit more of the income they have worked hard for is not remotely comparable to the claiming of benefits by those who have contributed absolutely fuck all to society apart from a lot of kids who will probably be as useless as they are.

Ok, the law is the law and we are stuck with it so we have to accept legitimate ways of of tackling this so called evasion but it seems now HMRC are using the results of theft in their pursuit of the so called evaders:

It is understood HMRC has acquired a list of high net-worth individuals with accounts at the Swiss division of HSBC.
The list was stolen by an employee and passed to the taxman by the French authorities.

Why did this HSBC employee steal this information and how did it end up with the authorities? Could the theft actually have been carried out at the behest of HMRC and/or other European tax authorities? Given the way government at all levels spies on its citizens nothing would surprise us. We are all familiar with the way that laws they represent as being intended for one purpose, to tackle terrorists, identity fraud, illegal migrants or paedophiles for example, are directed against ordinary citizens as soon as they enter the statute book. Using criminal methods to gather information about us is the logical next step.

An inclusiveness that brings peace

As non existent readers will know, we at bloggoth are full of concern for our fellow man especially those unlucky enough to be born into poverty in the third or developing world. What a disgrace that there are all these criticisms of India about preparations for the Commonwealth games!!

Shame on you all!! The important thing here is to make sure that India, and preferably even poorer countries, are encouraged to join in the society of nations. We look forward to the Commonwealth games and all the other major sporting events like the Olympics, The Davis Cup, The Football World cup etc being held in places like Ethiopea, Sudan, The Congo, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Eritrea, Chad and so on. If they all get cancelled due to lack of readiness or poor security so what? It's allowing these nations to participate as equals in the global society that matters.

The fact that we at bloggoth and others who live with armchair sports mad families might get some peace from having FUCKING SPORT on TV, morning, noon and night and may even get to watch The Simpsons occasionally has absolutely nothing to do with it!!

One of the superb olympic pools in Yemen

Almost every year

When we are in the shower or bath we at bloggoth sing just like Dean Martin.

Now got the lyricy thing working that shows lyrics for youtube videos that aint got 'em. Obviously there is no point on this one as you can hear every slushy word so we put rubbish in just to test it.

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