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If I have to pluck one value from aomgst agomts amongstr many, I would choose Continence.

Chertiozhnik ON Beyond our control       Dated:2010-10-30 22:34:08

Your 'Commenty Thing' has got so mad that I no longer know what I am commenting on or why.

Believe me, they are not after you. Sex generally ends in tears, it may take decades but it does. There is little reason to suspect your fellow citizens where money and/or violence are not cobcerned. Mostly. The terrorist only has to win once - a pity that that is incorrect because it encourages the bastards immensely. The internet would only be a form of self-castration if human understanding had not advanced in the meantime to... okay, whatever, Radio 4 is lesbian-infested waters and many of the presenters are Old People. And [[Stupid]], which should widen the debate considerably.

Chertiozhnik ON Beyond our control       Dated:2010-10-30 22:29:32