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Regarding your picture of a mouse, it's eyes are almond shaped. That means it was sick, which is why it didn't notice your approach. Healthy mice have circular eyes when open.

Having survived another day of mad celebration over our initial escape from those horrid British (I refer to Thanksgiving), I read with interest your plea for equal treatment in movies of the coherency-challenged among us. I agree that those other people, whose ranks we, of course, will never join, should be treated much more humanely in their depictions. It is certainly true that most of them are not axe-murderers. Of course, it's also true that 100% of all axe-murderers, psycho killers and serial killers come from their ranks and their alone.

So the next time you see someone washing their hands over, and over, and over in the loo of some country pub or petrol station, give this person a wide berth of sympathetic respect while getting the fuck out of there as fast as you can.

Sheep Droppings ON Ceefax twats       Dated:2010-11-29 02:29:19

Commemorate. 3 "m"s.

Supersheep ON Ceefax twats       Dated:2010-11-24 20:51:43

Greetings and Palpitations: Tomorrow, the 25th of November, is the second of our two days of riotous celebration commemmorating our freedom from the blasted bloody English, the other day being July 4th, Independence Day. Actually, though our Thanksgiving Day happened chronologically way before our Independence day, it is the second of the two, calendar-wise. You needed to know that. Tomorrow, dead turkeys by the millions will have been thawed out, stuffed full of bread crumbs, raisins and spices and baked to a golden brown, and will be served up with cranberry sauce, mashed potatos, yams, bisquits and all sorts of other little goodies, and topped off with a mug of hot egg nog and brandy. This is all because of you fecking Brits, although I should acknowledge that everyone aboard the Mayflower was also a fecking Brit and I am descended from those very same fecking Brits, so I suppose I shouldn't be calling those fecking Brits fecking Brits. It's so much fun though, it's hard to stop. Anyway, HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY, whether you give a feck or not.

Sheep armed with keyboards ON Ceefax twats       Dated:2010-11-24 20:47:42