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Aaaagh. Not sure i can be arsed to get layout sorted for 2 comments a year. Anyway, it's great portrayal as is, all screwed up.

x ON Hospital errors       Dated:2010-10-15 10:19:33

O crap, your commenty thing totally bollixed up my painstaking piece of fine art. Why do I even try? (sigh...)

Baaaa ON Hospital errors       Dated:2010-10-15 03:00:03

Those green and red striped bugs are called leaf hoppers, very common in Southern California. They don't seem to do anything or even eat anything, they don't bite or sting or even emit noxious fumes, and like "moderate" Muslims they are totally unresponsive to acts of terrorism other than to dance in the streets, or in this case upon plant leaves.

Now I know why the Muslim women wear those mesh veils, it's to keep flies out of their faces.

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< o o > Picture of Mohammad. That's a lit fuze atop his turban.
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Baaaa ON Hospital errors       Dated:2010-10-15 02:55:51