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Hey, I see some of you Brits finally are actually fighting back against the muzzies, namely the English Defense League. Yeah, I know, "where have I been?" but it hasn't exactly been big news in our media. I had to stumble across it and then Google it to realize what a large and growing movement it is. Nobody wants to report on progress AGAINST the fucking muslims, or, Heavens to Betsy, actually promote a sense of hope or give Englands true patriots any positive news coverage.

I did an article on the EDL today. Fine bunch of violent football hooligans if ever there was one. All power to them. You have my permission to read it. You know who I am. Baaaa.

Racist White Van Hating Bastard ON Van accessory shop       Dated:2010-11-06 22:27:24

My commenty box would work great if I could ever remember to change the page number when I split the pages. My documentation skills have severely declined since the days I got paid for stuff.

Sorry about the unemployed, not great time for finding new contract I imagine but drunk is good. I have recently discovered Archers (or cheap substitute) which has ousted vodka as my life's inspiration. It's dull destroying you liver in the same way all the time.

x ON Van accessory shop       Dated:2010-10-31 11:22:55

I'm not quite dead, just unemployed and drunk. My comments make no sense for the same reasons.

For a fat fee I will re-engineer your Commenty Box so that it actually works. Imagine that, eh.

Chertiozhnik ON Van accessory shop       Dated:2010-10-31 11:11:02