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RE: "That makes sense, oh but...", very astute observation and you're right, the more the lot of the least productive (and least deserving) among us is improved, the more crimes they commit and the less productive society as a whole becomes. When you set the dregs free of their drudgery and give them more time to play, you haven't changed their outlooks and attitudes, you've only improved their ability to cause more trouble.

There are plenty of oppressed people who will rise to greater heights if given the opportunity to do so, but there are far more who won't. Welfare has given the lazy more free time to do wrong and less incentive to do anything useful.

You need a new comment box. This one is about to fall off the bottom of my monitor.

Baaaa ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-03-07 17:03:51

Hey teeth!! Fancy bothering to scroll that far down. Have a (cheap) medal.

That was a proper wedding that was, registry office, four people and an 18 months preggers bride. I would have given number 2 son 5 quid and expected the little bastard to be grateful, it was the missus gave him £10000.

Fortunately, no 1 son is wierd and just lives in his bedroom. I might spend £250 on a second hand shotgun for when he goes on a deranged killing spree.

x ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-03-05 10:54:07

Our number 2 son got married recently too though fortunately (for us) it was to the daughter of a rich accountant who paid for the whole lavish affair. We did fund the honeymoon however which was expensive enough. I think back to when the missus and me tied the knot. The only people there were you and your future missus. Which reminds me - that wedding present you promised?

bovine ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-03-05 08:47:04

Sorry to hear that Mr S, got the odd familial worry here but nothing like major drug use.

Being horribly middle class I have known the odd recreational user but offhand can only think of two I knew well with serious problems. Some others I met during volunteer work seemed a total mess, hard to get themselves out of it as they seemed to have nothing else going for them, no education, no career.

Your last para is very expressive, probably sums it up.

x ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-03-01 22:36:45

Grumpier than usual? I don't know. That's a hard one to beat. Yes, I have to agree, great minds do think alike, don't we?

Here's the thing. Having survived this long, I found myself without family other than a worthless few, (the rest died off) so I adopted, literally, legally, a nice (I thought) lady and her children, making me a proud (I thought) grandfather and no longer alone in the world in my dotage. Now I have come to find that my adopted daughter is very likely on drugs. This makes me rather unhappy. Hence the grumpier than usual. Her home has become a perpetual mess and getting worse, and I mean it's bad, I never see the kids anymore, all the people she hangs out with now are known druggies, and so on. It just pisses me off. What can I say?

The problem with people on drugs is that they can't be reasoned with, because you find yourself conversing with a drug instead of a person. People on drugs "go away" somewhere and what's left in their place is this attitude that all their problems are someone else's fault. Trying to help someone on drugs is like trying to draw well water with a bottomless bucket.

Ebon Ovis ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-03-01 16:00:10

I like your idea of punishment implants and have the perfect application for them. Stick one inside every Muslim in the UK and make them cause excruciating pain every time a recipient begins to be sexually excited. Think of the wonderful results: Every muslim in a prison will be heard screaming in agony all night as the usual horny blokes make their buttock rounds. The pregnancy rate for muslim women will drop to zero. The rapes of British women, girls, boys and very small children will stop.

I know this is more expensive than just shooting them all, but it's a lot less expensive than having them around or deporting them, either one. I mean, the operation to insert the gadget doesn't have to be real fancy, it could be done with a paring knife and a sewing kit in the back of barber shops. Splash a dash of cologne on the wound afterward is good enough. Then after all the muzzies die out, or a lot sooner, all those hideous mosques can be converted to pig farms and dog kennels and finally be put to good use.

Sheep of Black ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-18 17:09:22

No, in fact I did not know all that about Phillips. Now I see why you see him in a better light than I have. If he'd just get off the BNP's back I might even send him flowers.

$58,000? Okay. I'm happy to owe it to you. Beats hell out of actually paying it.

The guy getting his guts sucked out by Hugeassed Fleaman looks just like George W. Bush. No coincidence, I hope.

Your article "Why psychopaths might make the best leaders" is remarkably similar to my recent post on Human Rights. Please tell me that you plagiarized it so I can get all proud and huffy.

Permanent loss of voting rights. Yes, in fact, anyone who fails to feed the parking meter and gets a ticket should lose them for life, as well. Also anyone who rises before 7 AM, or after 7:05 AM even once should lose them. Ah what the hell, no one needs to vote anyway, all we ever get to vote on is which self-serving bastard we like best. Any issue that matters is never given up to the public to decide, after all, if one were, we would probably decide in our own best interests instead of all the self-serving bastards. So I agree. Ban voting entirely.

Your art work is improving. Is that due to less vodka or more?

Black Strap Sheep Molasses. Or just asses... ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-13 02:35:41

Agree about taking away voting rights permanently. Air freshioners on their way. With all the other stuff that's $58000 you owe me.

x ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-11 21:38:50

I wonder if you are aware that Phillips gets called a racist or uncle Tom by black and liberal leftist groups? You don't really expect British Nationalism from a bloke in his position, he gets paid to promote the interests of minorities but he does not blindly defend everything they do or PC attitudes. If people get flack from both sides it is often a fair indication they are trying to steer an honest path as they see it.

He has attacked multiculturalism, said that we cannot keep ignoring the costs of HIV from Africa, that homophobia among blacks is hampering the fight against it, that an obsession with the interests of minorities can risk ignoring white children, that whites have legitimate concerns about impacts on their own culture, that there should be the right to free speech with reference to Islam and that those who want Shariah law should leave Britain. He most recently defended the main thrust of Cameron's recent speech on British values.

Unfortunately, my spammy thing does not allow links and can't be arsed to look for them all (some are in wikepedia) but will post a few when I can be arsed to change it.

x ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-11 21:38:23

Umm... "Here's to", not "Here to".

Black Sheep Fudge ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-11 19:29:42

Here to more disgusting Xoggoth rants than ever! Long may they wave or some such.

I actually agree, in a limited fashion, with the Arse biship. (Nice touch there, by the way.) Taking away voting rights while imprisoned doesn't seem so bad, the problem with that over on this side of the Great Waters is that in many states it's a permanent thing, which means someone who's done his time is still considered to be an outlaw. That has to have a negative effect on the persons attitude and probably leads to saying "Fuck it" and committing more crimes. Dysfunctional people leave incarceration even more dysfunctional, not less, and extending their punishment even after they're released seems rather stupid to me. Why make things worse?

By the way, your Aunt Sheila IS a bit of a shit, isn't she?

I would like to order three of your xoggoth Fart 'N Stink air fresheners. Please send them Air Post and put it all on my tab, as usual.

My dear Xoggoth, Trevor Phillips is a Leftie, a Liberal radical who wants to see Britain overwhelmed by immigrants, preferably African ones, from everything I've ever read of him. Forgive me if I don't share your positive attitude toward him. He's done everything he can to destroy the BNP, which I support. I could care less about their current level or lack of racism as I care far more about the future of England. Equalities Commission my reeking ass, Highly Paid Witchhunt Forum is more like it. Phillips concern for equality does NOT include the equality of white Britons but only those of other (black) colors. I never heard him speak a single word against anti-Semitism, for example, but he sure cries over discrimination against blacks. Trevor Phillips reminds me of your Aunt Sheila. The skin color is close, too. Moral values are wonderful when they're affordable. Personally I always felt that survival comes first.

Lastly, you don't have a problem over there with Islamic extremism. The problem is that you have muslims. The only difference between a "moderate" muslim and an "extremist" is that the "moderates" are unwilling to die while the "extremists" are willing. That's it. The doctrine is the same for all of them. It's all a matter of relative enthusiasm.

Sheep Shit (black) ON Not funny but       Dated:2011-02-11 19:28:25