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Just read that "before you wake up" story. So. You believe in Hell and think that's your last stop? Hmmm. What are you guilty of? Have you been a bad boy? Hmm? Huh? Hmm?

A sheep shit in the black of night but no one heard it, so did it really? ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-02-05 18:38:22

Sorry to hear you've been feeling low. Surely the latest from David Cameron is cheering, with him attacking Multiculturalism and specifically naming the Muslims. Now if action will follow words...

Black strap molasses smeared on sheep asses ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-02-05 18:27:21

So many sheep ...

The Shepherd ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-30 13:39:11

So. Is that Balls the Pooh-type bear, examining his/her/its testicles? Kinda looks that way. Poor Balls, no testicles. No wonder he/she/it is depressed.

On to the next one... seems to me priests of all faiths love to prey. Yes, spelled correctly.

Blapp Shlepp ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-24 19:49:13

HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. You cunt shit crap up popular songs TOO. That's fucking hilarious. Truly, great minds really do think alike.

ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-15 05:08:33

Beats me why I've got a sweary word bar anyway, given that I often wander about singing well known songs with arsey cunt wank shit bum etc lyrics when I'm in a bad mood, which is most of the time. I just copied that bit from an anti spam example script.

Have removed them all, ok now unless you say pervyXbear or footXsnot without the Xs.

x ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-14 21:14:47

Ahhhh.... The offensive "spammy" word was s c u m. Repeated efforts failed until I spaced that word into two halves. Your software reads it as c u m instead of s c u m. Esses don't count with your software when it comes to come spelled with a "u", eh? I'll remember that the next time I wish to post some spam here. You're in for it now.

Sheepdip ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-14 16:21:44

Gleanings and expectorations this fine morning. Knowing your love of all things religious, it was immediately apparent that you would be thrilled to learn that the now-dead, fat homosexual known as Pope John Paul II has a miracle assigned to him and is on his deceased way to becoming a fat dead homosexual saint. The current live fat homosexual Pope just beatified him. Isn't that WONDERFUL? Yes, I knew you'd be thrilled. You're welcome.

People are always screwing with property lines, encroaching on the land and rights of others. I should know, I've had more than one suckass Pikey Sc um to contend with over the years on various acreages. So I share your outrage. Even my current neighbor behind the modest 1/4 acre lot I live on now has done her best to consume a few inches on my side of the line. To no avail, I'm happy to say, but I had to build a tall fence to keep her out. She's a certified, lithium-taking loon. See? Things could be worse.

Kudos and a hat tip for your excellent innovation (though some might say assault) of the English language. I refer, of course, to "F* C*NT". I had to add the extra asterisk as otherwise your Commenty Boxy Thingy accused me of "Spammy Language". What an outrage. How unfair. Why should you get to but the rest of us not, etcetera? The specific objectionable word appears to be "cu*t" without the asterisk. I always considered that to be a perfectly good word. But you don't? I'm not sure I even want this remarkable new insight into the very depths of your soul. Scary.

Braying Sheep ON Surveillance       Dated:2011-01-14 16:17:04