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Happy to hear that you're finally getting more vocal about the scumsucking muslim trash who have invaded your fine country. Now if you will just stop prosecuting those who plot to bomb them and allow them to carry on with their patriotic endeavors, you will all be so very much happier and well off. Ram has spoken. Baa.

About time perception changing as we age, it's true. Not because we notice less when we're older or remember less but because we've seen it all so many times before. The first time we experience something, it's a revelation, and when we're young everything is new to us and marks a moment in our day. It's the learning process that makes time stretch.

There's another angle about time that comes with aging, which is that after a certain point in our lives, we stop looking at how long we've lived and start looking at how much time we have left. At one time, our years of maturity are an asset, but eventually we realize they'd become a liability.

Women are very much the better half of a rotting horse carcase if you put the two side by side. Otherwise they're mostly a bunch of vile, scheming sluts. There's some damn fine looking ones, though, who can be really fun to mess with. Fidelity and loyalty are unfortunately not included in the package, even with the best looking ones. As actor Jack Nicholson said it so very well in "As good as it gets" when he was asked "How do you write women so well?" He replied: "I think of a man and then I take away reason and accountability." Yep. That's exactly right.

Extremely Dark Cloven Hoofed Wooly Creature ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-07-08 05:18:39

I think we all might have cried a little when our girlfriends left us...

Sculpture was based on large vertical cardboard tube and a cardboard arrow, painted black, mounted horizontally on the tube. There were other bits too. You said it was a phallic symbol. It was cool. Perhaps I dreamed it.

Bovine ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-07-01 10:28:26

You're right it was a speaker, wondering where I would have got a mic from. I can't remember the bloke's name either. Was that the chap Hazelwood sneered at for crying when his girlfriend left? After he went we chucked all his LPs off the suspension bridge. Don't remember the phallic thing, doesn't sound like me, being so pure and religious as I was.

x ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-06-30 19:50:47

I think that it wasn't just Hazlewood - it was also that big guy who shared a room with him - can't for the life of me remember his name, I think he got kicked out. We spent half the night muttering stuff into the fabricated mic (I think you were demonstrating that a speaker could be used as a mic and investigating the effect of subliminal messages on somnolent students) only to find the next morning that he had immediately detected what we were up to and had cut the wires.

Recall your phallic symbol sculpture on top of the wardrobe? That was cool - before its time.

And that single hopping and lonely caged bird you mentioned - was that the one you poisoned with stuff from the chemistry lab? I thought at the time it was because it annoyed you but now I can see that it was really an act of mercy.

Bovine ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-06-30 10:22:19

I thought you succeeded rather well.

Remember when we put a mic across the tone control pot of my old black radio (with the nails on top) and we stuck it under Hazlewood's bed? You were saying "rotting flesh" into it.

x ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-06-29 10:44:26

"When we first heard it, we thought it was just the background noise of traffic in the city but unlike traffic the noise was still exactly the same at 3AM"

Sorry about that - it was the speakers we rigged up in an attempt to drive you insane. Obviously we failed.

Bovine ON Quite agree. No hang on       Dated:2011-06-29 09:49:46