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Black Sumbitching Sheep ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-06-06 02:29:57

Me shoot little creatures? I accidentally shot a Bluetit with an air pistol once and needed years of counselling to get over it.

Anyway, your solution does sound a bit smelly for a feeder area right next to the garden path.

x ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-06-04 11:05:48

I used to be plagued by screaming crows all summer back in the woods where I used to live, until I caught one in the scope of my .22 rifle and ended his miserable career. It was on top of an outbuilding at the time, so I just left it there to rot, and in the following 3 years before I sold the place I never saw another lousy stinking crow... except the one stinking away on the outbuilding roof, ho ho.

Hey, you really need a new commenty boxy thingy.

Bleeping Effing Sheep Anyway ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-06-04 05:44:27

I just today smunched a big fat closet spider that looked a lot like one of those first two, before it became a smear.

Yep, my first thought on reading about the e. coli outbreak in Germany was illegal aliens peeing on the produce. Every time there's an outbreak it's because of some filthy bugger with no knowledge of or concern for hygiene. Muslims, including most of whom who live in dire poverty outside of host (as in parasite) nations, eat with their right hands and wipe their butts with their left hands. What no one ever seems to mention is that they don't have any toilet paper. I assume they clean off their left hands on the nearest small child or woman. Or camel.

Huge Black Dungpile Left by Huge Black Constantly Copulating Ram ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-06-01 00:25:14

You've put your finger on it, hate is hate. How is abuse of somebody because they are black worse than abuse because they are fat, ugly or whatever? It's less serious really, if a black guy had a go at me for being white I would just think him a twat, I would not find it personally offensive, unlike if he had a go at me for some personal defect. (Not that I have any obviously).

Current laws make no sense whatever, they just create resentment because they are not impartially applied. Over here we are still being bored to tears by the case of Stephen Lawrence, a black youth who was stabbed by white racists in 1993. The supposed perpetrators have gone on trial yet again. Around the same time two white youths were thrown off a bridge by a bunch of blacks. Do we ever hear of that case or the many others where whites are targetted by blacks or Asians? Of course not. Why are our authorities unable to grasp simple English? Real anti racism is about applying laws totally impartially.

As for anarchy, it would be great if properly pursued. Anyone attempting to lead others, even if it's only running a playgroup for local kids or starting a village bridge club, should be executed. Thin end of the wedge in my view. Anyone who wants to chair a bowls club today is tomorrow's Hitler.

x ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-05-28 18:49:29

I almost posted on our Supreme Court upholding Arizona's anti-illegal alien law. Hur-fricken-RAH! About damn time. If they can't get jobs there, they'll leave. No doubt to some other state, but every state that gets overwhelmed with those parasites will enact their own law just like Arizona's. In time this tide will turn.

That's hilarious, your Ken Clarke nodding off during Obama's blathering. Hell, there can't be a politician in England who actually buys into that nonsense.

Your comment that "over here you can break a blokes jaw" and get 3 months but mutter "wog" and get 2 years... well, we have the same problem. They're called "hate crimes" and the prison sentences are severe, if you're convicted of a crime of violence with any evidence of it being motivated by a discriminatory attitude toward a religion or minority. Thought crime, just like what you have over there.

It seems to me that all crimes of violence are motivated by hatred. When one gang member murders a different gang member, doesn't that fall under the category of a hate crime? How about when two angry drunks start sticking knives in each other? Sounds like a lot of hatred there to me. Even muggings must have a lot of anger and hatred in the psyche of the offender. Ah, but anything that adds to the power of the government and takes away from the civil rights of the people, is good. We can't live our own lives successfully on our own, we all must be controlled and directed in every minute detail and horribly punished if we transgress any of the rules, to keep us in line and productive and doing what the masters desire. Bah!

I've never had any use for any form of government but the problem with anarchy is that very despotic governments always arise out of it to ruin the peace and happiness of those who are so much better off if just left the hell alone.

Shrieking Black Ram ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-05-28 16:01:18

Late in commenting - splitting long page and changing commenty links so they work is full time job!!!

I reckon nice little bugs are interesting and cause us very little trouble, don't screw our lives up like humans. Gawd know how much of my life Gordon Brownstuff has wasted with his taxes and business red tape.

x ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-05-22 21:11:47

Tying Gordon Brown to a rotting corpse and seeing how long he lasts!!! That's a WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!! Mind if I borrow it and envision Barack Hussein tied to that reeking, festering, pustulent corpse instead? I mean really TIED to it, manacled and wired to it, neck to neck, face to rotting, putrid face. Oh man, I can really get into this. And FLIES. Thousands of FLIES, crawling into his ears and nose and sucking at the corners of his eyes, and he wants to drive them away but his hands and arms are immobilized, wrapped around the corpse, only his feet are free and all he can do is jump up and down but when he does, rotting slime from the corpse gets in his face and soaks into his fouled clothing... Yeah! You do have really neat ideas.

But tell me, how does this square with all that pity for little bugs? I mean, you know, I'm just wondering because it does seem kinda schizo and all. I'm not that way, everything can die, I don't give a shit, and I win because everything WILL die. I learned that philosophy from Charlie Sheen, winning is everything no matter what you have to kill to do it, including your own career, friendships, ...

That spider will never harm you. However, it's a female and its progeny will invade every space you pay taxes on, biting you in your car, biting you in your bed, turning up in your soup... Oh, you'll be sorry you ever took pity on a horrible, vicious insect, you will.

The Sheep has spoken

Homicidal Sheep ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-05-21 00:12:53

Bin Liner? Any relation to our president, Barite Enema?

Differentiate between Muslims? What are you talking about? There's no difference I can see and if there is, we should kill them all and let God sort them out anyway.

Muslims are like a bunch of Typhoid Marys. If only one is left alive, the filthy disease of Islam will spread all over again. Pour gasoline on their bodies, burn them to ashes and don't forget their bedding.

After that's done, send notice to all the Creationists that they're next.

Black Furry Cloven-Footed Critter ON Thoroughly ashamed       Dated:2011-05-13 04:33:38