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But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6.6

Religion is heap of crap.

Kevin 4.3

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-11 19:58:25

Re: religion, I recall reading a blurt in the Bible many years ago that was ascribed to Jesus, saying that people should pray in private rather than in public. The clearly made point was that religion in Jesus' view is a personal relationship between individuals and The Great Poobah In The Sky, and not public displays of devoutness. This person on whom the Christian faith is founded made it clear as well that churches weren't his thing. So what happened? All the out-of-work temple priests for Aphrodite and Zeus and all those abandoned gods glommed onto Christianity and LO, there came forth from the wilderness Catholicism, and from the loins of Catholicism there spewed a bewildering array of children, many of whom denied their parent, and spat upon it. So sayeth Lord Sheep. Religion is a heap of crap.

Black Sheep ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-11 18:00:03

Having read that latest post, Firstly I have no clue what a Form LL is or what it does or how it protects anything. What I do get from that is that the onus of protecting one's property is STILL on the property owner instead of the Land Registry, where it should be, since they have the power and authority over property transfers. It's their job to prevent fraud, not the vast number of property owners who trust them to do so. This is totally backwards, 14th Century crap. England sorely needs to modernize its bureaucracies.

About the second part, Google copying you, Google's motto is Do No Weevil, which is great for the weevils but damn hard on the cotton. Jack Nicholson will back me up on that. Clearly they infringed on your copyrighted intellectual property. You should sue them for a massive sum. Two massive sums. Hell, why stop there?

Have Sheep, Will Shear ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-05 02:57:39

Just discovered that some better protections were brought in yesterday!! Shows the power of a bloggoth comment!

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-02 11:18:11

Think they need a few forged documents to actually change ownership but such farud is common given that anyone cna change registered address and therefore stop the real owner being informed.

This from a BBC article:

Det Insp Colin Radcliffe of Merseyside Police said it is possible for people to change a correspondence address with Land Registry without any proof of identity.
"It's possible for any man to go into Land Registry and say by filling in the correct forms, I now am the service address for that property, any correspondence from the LR can you send it to this new address," he said.
DI Radcliffe said once criminals have changed the service address of an empty property they might pose as a builder owed money by the person at this address and launch a civil action to reclaim the money.
If the court does not receive a reply from the person at the address it can order the house to be sold with the money going to the criminals.
In addition, if criminals then also pose as the property owner, and write to the court agreeing to home's sale, any money from the sale not owed to the criminals as claimants will also go to them.
Said DI Radcliffe, "We're looking at over a dozen cases and certainly on one, possibly more of those cases, this has happened and that property has been sold."

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-02 11:13:44

Anyone can go online and REQUIRE that the ownership of your home be transferred to them, and you HAVE to object or it will be?

My god in that shiny place with no air, whatever it's called!

What if the letter they send you notifying you of this, is lost? What if your return letter is lost? I suppose there are ways you can get things put back to rights again, but YES. This is absolute lunacy. To transfer ownership here, papers have to be signed in front of a Notary Public, which is someone licensed to verify peoples identities. Then those papers have to be filed and filing fees paid, and you again have to show proof of identity. Very strange.

Incredulous Ram ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-02 06:03:13

"Some people just need to get killed."
Hey, you're my guy. Not just some, though. Lots. Like most of us, unfortunately, I care too much about my own precious hide to actually put my phantasies into effect, but if it's true that prayer has power, hey, you never know, there's always hope that someone......

What would John Wayne predict? Sudden demises? Worship at the Altar of Gunpowder? Whiskey for holy water? Winchester 30-30 for his Holy Staff? Hmm, I could get into this.... One quick BANG and peace be upon you.

Armed Sheep ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-02 05:54:59

PS I am seriously thinking of starting a religion with your John Wayne as the prophet.

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-01 20:14:08

Glad the if country=US bit worked. Another bit of free testing!

On houses your system sounds more sensible. Over here, since they put property registration online, anyone can require a change of address and ownership and the registrars will send a letter to the current address requiring objection within a certain period. You may think that insane. I agree. Our government are total idiots.

The Iguanadons were Victorian concrete when I saw them as a kid and they did indeed fall into disrepair but think they have been remade in fibreglass since. Repairing Iguanadons is a much better use of public money than supporting F* asylum seekers in my view.

Anarchy indeed. I didn't use to be but fed up with the way things have become. There's a few people I want rid of (not MR PS for a change) and it pisses me off that all this law gets in the way. It really doesn't give a damn about right or wrong, it is just concerned with cost and making money for lawyers and fossilised by ridiculous liberal leftist views about rights in isolation. As a kid I was taught that you didn't get rights without duties and responsibilities.

Some people just need to get killed.

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-01 20:11:27

I went to a gun show the other day and found what I was looking for, a Marlin model 60 .22 caliber rifle. It was used but in excellent condition. Some of the dealers had some but they were overpriced and looked pretty rough, this one was being carried around the room by an old gent so I figured he was waiting for someone to ask him about it, and he was. I mention this as I don't believe you have gun shows over there, or can purchase a firearm without filling out a form that adds your name and the gun to the government list. From what I read in the news, Europeans still get shot dead but also get knifed a lot too. People will kill people, it doesn't matter what they use to do it.

Anyway, I was looking at your picture of those iguanadons and admiring their apparent pristine intactness (is that a word? Probably not.) Considering they were created in the Victorian era, their state of preservation is remarkable. If they were in a park over here, they would have long since been reduced to rubble and the rubble would have graffiti spray-painted all over it. Primarily due to defacing by blacks, though a little would have been caused by whites as well. Blacks over here just beat the crap out of things like that, and now we have lots of Hispanic types who join in the fun as well. At least most of your blacks are more civilized.

"What should have become tolerance of other societies became a cowardly reluctance to defend our own from those who threaten it."

Right. Now there you go. That's the answer to what equality means. It doesn't mean shee-it. Equality is a French concept that came out of their revolution, so right there you know that it's silly and stupid. Right?

I'm not an anarchist, I'm simply for as little government as possible. Let people sort themselves out for the most part. If someone is too much of a bully and ends up paralyzed for life by a mob attack, well GOOD. No need for anyone to go to trial. If someone is caught raping women or children, by all means allow them to run to a police station and turn themselves in and confess, ahead of an enraged mob.

Well, okay, I guess that makes me sort of an anarchist. My point is that when we grant each other the right to defend ourselves against the wolves who will always spring up in any society, we find ourselves much more constrained in our behavior out of peer pressure. It's when we give all that power over our behavior to our government and have none ourselves, in fact are punished by our government for exercising what should be our right of self-defense, that we lose our constraints.

It isn't governments and laws that keep people in check, it's ourselves and our neighbors, it's peer pressure.

Sheep With Guns ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-01 18:27:18

Greets. Testing, testing, 1 2 3. Yup, seems to still be working.

"It is time we made up our minds what equality means." Oh, come on. What would be the fun of that? If everyone were treated equally there would be nothing left to fight about.

Seriously, you can't treat a Down's Syndrome person the same as normal people, nor can you treat an extremely effeminate homosexual the same as a normal person. We have to have majority rule. This stuff of treating everyone equally is why the UK is now flooded with crap humans. "Well, you can't keep them out just because they're violent Muslims from Somalia who may have participated in slaughters. How unfair that would be, since they've never been convicted of crimes."

Likewise, would you REALLY want a cross-dressing homosexual teaching your grandkids how to act, in Social Studies classes or whatever your equivalent is? Not if you have a brain in your head. There are limits and we need those limits to maintain a functional, harmonious society. When we toss out the limits we also toss out the harmony and society falls apart. As it is in many places now in Europe.

Your comments on house registering elude me, I'm afraid. Our systems must be totally different. When I sell a property, it's a done deal. No one can sneak in a back door, figuratively speaking, and take out a mortgage or add a lien of some sort. When I hold the mortgage, I transfer title to the new owner in a Deed of Trust. If they get a loan on their equity, that becomes a 2nd Mortgage, and another loan after that would become a 3rd Mortgage. If the property is then sold, my mortgage, the First Mortgage, must be paid off first. So, that new owner can borrow all he likes, it matters not to me. I come first. It's a simple system.

We don't have anything called a "deedstore". Mortgage papers are held by the lender and recorded with the County. Grant Deeds are deeds of full ownership, Trust Deeds are interim deeds held by the borrower until the mortgage is paid off. Then the borrower gets the Grant Deed which is then recorded with the County.

Slack Sheet ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-02-01 17:56:33

Bloody nuisances. We often get 5 or 6 phone calls a day. Phone shows numbers but number withheld or unavailable etc are sometimes used by genuine callers. In any case they seem to have some strange detector that allows them to call at the most inconvenient moment, when you're in the shower or something.

Been getting loads of phone calls recently from injury lawyers about the accident to my van last year. Nobody was in it but wondering if I can say that the noise woke me so abruptly I got whiplash injury from the jolt. Our insurance costs have shot up over here due to these bastards.

Be sure to make necessary arrangements before you do leave. Two years ago I discovered my house was still registered at an address I left in 1982. I left the deeds in the original mortgage provider's deedstore as I thought them safer there. After the whole system went digital a few years back, anyone could have reregistered the house to them online without my knowing and taken out a new mortgage on it.

x ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-01-27 09:41:06

Crap in the mail. A year ago I purchased a DVD put out by Geert Wilders who allowed some right-wing religious outfit to do the marketing. He distanced himself from them before the thing even arrived and it's clear why. Ever since, I've been getting pleas for money from them, with the most outrageous - and very embarrassing - extremist religious messages printed on the outside. I keep hoping that the paper excrement will stop fouling my mailbox but so far it keeps coming.

This morning I got my usual phone call, like I do every single fucking morning, from some telemarketer supposedly in Florida. I check the incoming number and then let my answering machine pick it up, whereupon the caller disconnects without leaving a message, then calls again the next morning at the same time.

This time, I let it ring the usual 4 times but then quickly picked up the receiver and put it right back down again. Just to see what would happen. Sure enough, about half an hour later another call came in from "Cell phone, Arizona", again, no message left after 4 rings. I think the deal is that by picking up the phone it told a computer that someone live answered, setting me up for the next call.

I've had this number and address for nearly 6 years now and I STILL get mail and phone calls for someone named Cline, who apparently bought every piece of junky crap ever offered up by phone or mail, and ended up owing everyone in 3 states, said debtors still refusing to believe that Ms. Cline is no longer at this address. The scary part is that phone numbers and addresses are not tied to each other. That is, her number was NEVER at my home address. Yet somehow the telemarketers and bill collectors tied my address with that damn number.

I hope that when I leave here, and leave no forwarding address, that will be the end of this crap. No doubt my next phone number will have it's own baggage, and so will my new home address. Hopefully no axe murderers or drug dealers.

Dipped in Sheep shit and rolled in coconut. Yummm. ON Lessons from Indonesia       Dated:2012-01-27 05:08:05