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It’s an app. A pic of a ladybug appears and the price is $4.64 US.

Black Sheep ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2012-01-21 17:44:29

WHAT? Carlos isn't real? Oh come on, you're making that up, aren't you? Well, aren't you? Damn it! Now what in Hell am I going to tell Maria? I've been channeling Maria for years and she's fallen in love with Carlos from my talking about him, and is desperate to meet him. This sucks. You've really ruined my day and Maria's life, er, death, umm, oh, unlife or whatever. What a bearer of bad tidings you are. Shame, shame.

Anyway. Yes, the world did in fact end, only it was last September 14th. Why no one noticed is beyond me, I guess they were all to busy. I noticed but then I'm retired and have time to notice those things. Anyway, it all happened so fast. One second everyone was alive and the Universe existed, the next it didn't but only for the smallest fraction of a split second before it was all re-created exactly as it was. If you blinked, you missed the event. Let me tell you, the End Of The World is really not worth sitting up for, watching a frog hop is more entertaining.

Flat Sheep Roadkill ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2012-01-17 05:17:17

You actually found a Hollywood quote, from a MOVIE, no less, that reflects reality. I'm impressed.

Bloosneet ... Umm, I mean, uh ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2012-01-05 05:15:41

Happy New Year to you too, Master Xoggoth, regardless of what your silly clock says.

Mushroom Cloud Over Tokyo ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-31 22:24:31

Hey! Same to you teeth!

x ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-31 20:33:30

Happy New Year to You and Mrs Bloggoth

x (for the missus of course)

Teeth ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-31 19:24:33

About France, they have always been socialistic with Communist leanings, as far as I can recall, and socialism is a form of dictatorship. A mild one in comparison to the days of Stalin, but still dictatorship. You have a similar dictatorship in the UK, yours just has different dictatorial laws. Having to buy yearly licenses to watch television or listen to the radio. That's oppressive. You don't think so because you're used to it. That's just one example. Your taxes pay for the BBC, which you have to pay to listen to or watch, which then spouts government propaganda at you. You think that's not dictatorial? It is. How about your own Incitement laws that curtail Free Speech?

France takes a different tack because the French are more alarmed about Muslims than you are. They had all those riots and burned cars, so these new laws tend to stifle Muslims more than anyone else. Don't the British have a law now against leaving packages, backpacks etc. unattended on the Tube?

Over here it's a serious crime to threaten to kill the President, even just on a blog or in a private email. Yet I can threaten to kill my neighbor and no one cares at all as long as I don't actually do it. I haven't broken any law.

Now, you have my full agreement that a law against collecting ethnic statistics is just plain stupid, though, but what do you expect from the Politically Correct? The Left has always been really racist and it's no problem for them to switch from Jews to Muslims when the Muslims start causing the most trouble, but they have to keep up appearances at the same time so they THINK they don't look racist, even though they do to the rest of us. Hence that stupid law.

Blapp Shlepp ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-28 07:07:24

Pavement is what you put on roads for vehicle traffic. Sidewalks are where pedestrians walk, with their little feetsies, ped ped ped ped.....

Your Arsebishop looks like a mad scientist. Those eyebrows, egads! Someone loan the fool a pair of scissors and show him where the mirror is. He needs a haircut pretty desperately as well. Is he a hermit? Talk about unkempt.

About democracy in the Middle East... No problem. Do you vote for the Imperial Exalted Right Hand of God? Say yes or die. Do you submit to Islam? Say yes or die.

See? No problem. True democracy, Muslim style. Everyone agrees or dies, you have a free choice. Fack, no, there will NEVER be anything approaching democracy in the Middle East, not for thousands of years yet at least. Bah, humbug.

ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-20 07:31:37

Yeh. Keep listing ideas/links for bloggoth page, never get round to doing anything with em. Like the plumber idea.

Anyway, merry Christmas to you Mr Sheep


x ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-18 11:28:46

Nothing new to say? Everything over there is just the same as it was a week ago, 2 weeks ago? You must be horribly bored, poor chap, why don't you do something fun, like stick his garden hose into Pikey's basement window and turn on the faucet? Gather a nice lot of toads and put them in there too. Something fun I used to do when someone irritated me was to wait until 1 AM or so on a workday and call an emergency plumber, and give them the address of the poor bastard, who would then be roused out of bed by a very pissed off plumber who thought the guy was screwing with him. Makes for a lousy day at work the next day, I can tell you.

Or you could be a nice Samaritan type and go scatter sand on the icy sidewalks, or walkways or whatever the hell you call the cement strips that run alongside roads that pedestrians use. Honestly, you foreigners MUST mangle my language to where I hardly know what words to use....

Anyway, I wish you a very Merry Christmas even if you are an old scoffer. I bet you still like looking at all the pretty lights and maybe even put up a few of your own, eh? Merry Christmas, Xog, and don't forget the hot buttered rum. I certainly won't.

Alien Space Invader ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-18 06:27:27

The EU. I blogged that it was doomed to failure when it was first proposed. Do I get paid now?

Eclipses. *F moon stayed behind the clouds here too. It was crystal clear all night until right before the eclipse. Then the fog rolled in. Of course, it cleared again directly after the eclipse. I saw that second eclipse too except it was just one erect finger.

Legalizing cannibalism. Soylent Green beat you to that one, I'm afraid.

Fat Bald Twat. Sue his dick into the dirt.

Andrea Bocelli. Yes, I've noticed your latest predilection, and very suspect it is, too. I'd be careful about airing these leanings on the Internet. The interpretation, by the way, is obviously the finest that automated translation machines can offer. Such high quality, such clarity, I feel drunk with it. Really. I think I'm going to be sick.

Piango, by the way, obviously means "flatulate". "I flatulate that madness, he was to leave later on." In other words, after "I flatulate" he got his hat and hit the road muy pronto, ai yi yi. He wasn't about to wait until "later on".

Well, that brings us up to date. Have a nice day.

Black and Cheap ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-12-13 06:41:45

I like the razor blade. You could follow the trail of blood to the culprit and slaughter him or her with an axe. Don't forget to send me pictures.

What horrid browser do YOU use?

Actually we use 120 and 240 volts but that's just roughly. The 110 or 120, however you like, is 137 volts root mean square, it just averages out to around 115 and gets called 110 or 120. Same deal with the 240 which is just as often called 230, and which is used for heavier appliances and is split-phase, which is highly efficient, unlike Europe's single-phase 240.

Say, did you ever try that stuff with the numbing goo in it?

Your Filipino coin is a 1979 10 cent piece. How long has it been since you buggered that cleaning maid in the shed? Oh, say, 30 years ago?

BS ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-11-30 06:37:43

Hmmm. Couldn't actually find anything wrong with it although did test in that horrid Firefox thing you use.

Anyway, been looking at sticking motion sensor on, although might be a bit of a problem placing it so it doesn't beep at genuine visitors.

Sticking a razor blade in the cap and/or running a mains wire to it from the garage might work. We use proper man's 240V electricity here, not that limp wristed 110V you have in the States.

x ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-11-29 20:40:48

Egads! It WORKS. Well, now that I can blither once again (this commenty thingy was NOT working for a good while there but I trust you found my note on the previous one, advising you of this) (Oh and you're welcome. No gratitude from anyone these days, I swear.) Anyway, tyre. No. It's spelled tire, the same as if you worked too hard and caused yourself to tire. Same spelling. Like ball. Ball means a round rolling thing that may or may not bounce; have sex; party. All same spelling. When will you British ever learn how to spell my language?

Anyway, back to the TIRE, I'm surprised that you're just now coming to suspect Mr. Pikey Scum next door. From the obvious antipathy between you two, he clearly must be the culprit. I have 2 suggestions: The first is, assuming you have dust caps on the air valves of your TIRES, that you Super-glue the caps on. They can still be removed, it's just a whole lot harder to do. The second is: get a motion-sensor light and put it up within range of where you park. You can buy a socket that screws into the light socket which has plug-in outlets on each side, and then plug in a noise maker of some sort into that, so when the light goes off, a horn sounds or a bell rings also. The first time Pikey sets it off will likely also be the last time.

Other than all that, yes, I'm doing very well thank you, and how's the missus? Still refusing to lay face down at night? Perhaps you could try some of that anal lube with the numbing agents in it? That might be the problem, you know. Always glad to help.

Black Sheep ON Nearly forgot       Dated:2011-11-29 19:05:15