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I say! What a lot of fine new commenters I have. Ta Mr Sheep!

x ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-12 19:30:45

Iss wonnerful ting dis blok, ime liking muchly. Yu last twiter news iss rite over, effrybuddi dye sumtimes an last word gut idee, yu shud sell dat.

Scarfo Grubgulpulous ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-11 21:04:42

Iss wonnerful ting dis blok, ime liking muchly. Yu last twiter news iss rite over, effrybuddi dye sumtimes an last word gut idee, yu shud sell dat.

Scarfo Grubgulpulous ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-11 21:04:21

I say old chap, what a bloody fine blog you have here. All those animations on your home page are truly brilliant! And your short stories!!! Another Ernest Hemingway you are, for a fact. Keep up the marvelous work. I shall be back for more.

Frobisch Zatchmeier ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-11 21:00:16

I gotta ask. Boum? I mean.... what? Ehhhhh

Brakk Shreep ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-09 06:07:58

Birds tweet and twitter. Stupid names repel me as they should anyone with an ounce of self-respect. Yet famous people post Tweets, it's frightening.

There's a fast food chain over here called Wendy's, and they sell hamburgers, same as McDonalds and Burger King. Only they call their hamburgers "stars". You don't order a hamburger, you have to order a "super star" or "junior star", ad nauseum. I went in one, once, saw the menu, walked back out and have never gone near one again.

Off topic, I've been having a great time messing with the AOL blog. Some sociopath who signs off as Sam Huntington has taken it pretty much over, posts poorly researched articles and then attacks anyone who points out an error. Like me. I know you followed this to some degree, so I'm bringing you up to date on it.

I asked for an apology and instead received more verbal abuse, so I spammed the crap out of the blog. He began deleting my comments, which was greatly encouraging, as I then knew that I was on the right track, and started spamming all of his current posts with comments.

Now the blog has comment editing enabled, which has pretty much shut down the flow of incoming comments, as now a moderator has to review them in real time if they're to be seen in a timely manner. These people are all hanging on the edge of their keyboards waiting to snipe at each other, and now they have to wait until Sam gets around to approving their remarks. Since Sam can't spend his life in front of his p.c., it's all come to a standstill.

It's hilarious.

Badass Ram ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-09 06:01:41

Testing the bear

x ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-07 09:28:17

I dialed 666 but didn't connect to anything, let alone a Beast. Do I have to punch in some sort of EU area code first? I love Beast talk so please advise.

Most muslimes aren't fanatics? Are you sure? I call believing in 72 virgins, praying - what is it? 5 times a friggin day? Women having to cover their heads at the very least, marriage to 9 year old girls, and a whole shitload of other things that they all subscribe to, to be fanatical as all hell. The creed by it's very nature is fanatical. So is Christianity. Working at that thrift store, I keep hearing these old gals blither on about Our Lord Jesus Christ, and at the meetings we have every 3 months they all stand and recited a prayer out of some piece of paper they keep shoving a copy of into my hands. I stand with them but my lips aren't moving. Sooner or later someone will ask me why I'm not praying with them. "Aren't you a Christian?" That should be an interesting moment.

Christians can get all upset and violent if you insult Jesus. Anyone who believes in supernatural bullshit in the face of reality is a fanatic.

There's a furor over some black comedian saying "nigger"? Seriously? They do it constantly over here. The rap "artists" are always saying "nigger", it's just a common word here among blacks.

Something that really stood out to me when I was in London was that blacks sound exactly like everyone else. You can't tell color by voice. Here you sure can. Blacks go to pains not to "sound white", and demolish the English language in the process.

Really Bad, Very Horny Male Sheep Critter aka Ramadan Ram (non-halal) ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-06 19:36:42

I'm a total supporter of the BNP and the EDL and I totally don't give a shit how racist either of them might be. Why? Because they're the only ones standing up for England's right to be England. If going out and beating up on dark-skinned types will get some of those freedom-hating muslimes to leave, then good job! If some innocents suffer, then maybe the outraged government should take over the job and do it so only the muslimes are ejected, hmm? Instead of sitting on their fat asses enjoying all the profit they're making from all that cheap labor that's wrecking life for decent British citizens.

Man, your English Democrats are sure different from our so-called Democrats. Over here, they're the leaders of Political Correctness. Hell, they invented it. That "major points" list you published is absolutely right on.

ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-05-02 03:08:12

LOL!! What a mental picture! A baby bump for an arse baby!!! Would that look like a third cheek? Or just a hugely inverted asshole? Now imagine what the maternity clothes would look like. Har har har. How chairs would have to be re-designed. It just keeps on giving.

Well, I agree that the British company that was buying clothes from the Bangladeshis who own that collapsed building should be made to pay for all the injuries, compensate the families of the dead, pay for all other damages and rebuild the building, and properly this time. Hey, they should have known in advance that they'd be targeted if this crap happened, so while this disaster wasn't their fault, setting themselves up for this sure was. I mean, we can't go after the Bangladeshis, they don't have any money and besides, we want more cheap clothes, so we need them to stay in business running sweat shops.

Always go after the ones with the most money regardless of who is actually to blame. It's a method that never fails, the attorneys have proven that. Over here, we still talk about the infamous McDonalds Hot Coffee lawsuit. Some gal bought a cup of coffee at the drive by window and put it between her legs. The cups come with lids, so she must have clamped her legs together to get it to gush out all over her and scald her. Coffee is supposed to be hot. Not lukewarm.

She sued McDonalds for her stupidity and won a huge settlement. Another fool took a huge dose of a popular brand of bicarbonate of soda for acid indigestion and the amount of rapidly expanding gas that resulted ruptured his stomach lining. He sued and won. Of course. No jury is going to let some big company get away with our stupidity, we may be the next in line to sue for big money. Why shut the door?

Spring is spranged around here, the garden is in and mostly thriving though I'm still not sure the bell peppers are going to do very well - at all. Today is swamp cooler clean out day, get them up and running for another hot summer.

By the way, I checked out a few of your dwindling blog list. Very outspoken, right after my own heart.

Black Sheep ON Baby bump       Dated:2013-04-28 15:58:06