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Yes -what's her teeth with the armour plated bra - and yes; I have a feeling it would be welcomely received...

Bovine ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-20 14:46:02

it's racist.

Nah. They're just stupid.

Prodigal Ram ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-14 01:03:19

Are there any of my women you didn't (at least) grope teeth?. I think your missus owes me one.

Unfortunately it was either Noah, some boring looking thing about a hotel concierge or one of several kid's films, this being school half term. I did actually fancy a kid's thing about as lot of cartoon birds but she might have thought me silly.

Must say I have always found it odd that we can devise culturally unbiased IQ tests for Indians, Chinese and Azeri Jews that give them a high score but not for blacks, even if they live in Chicago. Still, logic clearly cannot be applied to such things, it's racist.

x ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-13 20:47:21

"That was before her running off with her best friends husband phase and before her (thankfully brief) lesbian phase."

I would have thrown her over the rail. When the bad things start coming to the fore, it's a sure sign that you're moving on and leaving the past behind. Oops, there's that word "behind". Damn. I said it again. Anyway, good. A positive sign. My last wife got into one of those lesbian phases and stayed there. Count your lucky stars, I guess. Maybe.

Rain rhythms. I always liked that song, have it and some 4000-5000 others on my pc. That's a serious Freudian slip there, chum. I hope you're aware of that.

Non-racism and Noah. Negro's average I.Q. is 78, as it turns out. Just found that out. I always knew they were equal mostly in the area of having 10 toes like most of us, and that they had less intelligence, but I never knew they were that fucking stupid. When you consider all the very intelligent Negroes, that must mean that there's really a huge number of almost encephalitic ones. No wonder they act that way.

Noah. Why on Earth did you ever go to see some stupid movie based on the Bible? I'm taking back two attaboys from you for that. I mean, if you went there because you were suffering from severe flatulence and wanted to entertain all those religious people with the true meaning of the Bible, then I can see it, but not otherwise.

Bad Sheet, Senor ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-13 18:45:56

No. And I lied to you. I did grope LD's bottom...the memory is a painful one... you have to admit that bottoms like that are few and far between...and I wish I'd not said far between.

ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-10 21:20:25

Well spotted Mr Sheep. Some Islamists had nicked the bottom of my page.

Can you imagine going out with a decent looking female 2 or 3 times a week in our earlier years and not diving in at earliest opportunity? Don't want to spoil it though, perhaps I will buy that sow I keep meaning to.

Jeez, really must get back to xoggothing some time.

x ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-09 11:07:28

Yes – I’ve been told that sex is an over-rated pastime; never believed it myself.

I don’t think it has much to do with spoons. Dave once told us in the Long Dump about the initiation ceremonies they had at his public school, which involved anally inserting a spoon or something like that; don’t know why it stuck in my mind, but perhaps you are thinking of that – never appealed to me much.

Speaking of Bongo I tried to contact him through Bath Alumni to do with the reunion, but they had no trace of him. Can’t find him on the web either; pity, we could have asked him more about spoons.

Missus was into crystal healing in her mid life crisis days. She even qualified as a crystal healer and several of her hippy friends would come to stay which was quite nice really.

That was before her running off with her best friends husband phase and before her (thankfully brief) lesbian phase.

It’s a good thing that I consider marital fidelity to be over-rated; friendship and companionship are more important I think.

Bovine ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-08 16:31:29

Odd. Your commenty boxy thingy says 0 comments.

Listen. What you do with the old gal is you invite her for a walk in the woods, then throw her down and rip her clothes off her and then you .. wait.... I know what comes next, I know I do, it'll come to me.... damn...

Black Hairy Cloven Hoofed Monster ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-04-07 00:42:34

Getting ready for a third date? With Sveta? Oh, you dog.

Crystal healing, huh? Aromatherapy too? You're dancing with a wacko there, ya know. But it should all work out, just get her good and drunk on vodka and wait until she passes out, and then...........

It's good you're doing stuff again.

Black Sheep ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-03-24 18:39:17

"When I get there tomorrow will it even be a women at all?"

Come on - tell us about it. Or will I have to wait till we meet up?

I am sure Mr Sheep would be relieved to know that that you are not getting skull rash.

Bovine ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-03-19 19:14:26

"Hey, now I've got a wink from a 41 year old in Soho. (Capital of UK prostitution) called Sveta."

Well? What the hell are you standing around here for?

About Scotland, after having seen the Braveheart movie, my sympathies are naturally with Scotland. Maybe by breaking free of England they'll be able to boot out all the unwanted Muslims and other freeloaders. You have to admit, that would be a fine thing. Set a good example for others to follow and all that.

Sveta is probably looking for a way out of Soho, very likely her pimp is unaware of her communication with you, and a grateful hooker hiding from retaliation elsewhere might actually work out pretty well. Good luck on that one, anyway. You never know.....

Black Sheep ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-03-19 19:12:26

Hey, now I've got a wink from a 41 year old in Soho. (Capital of UK prostitution) called Sveta.

x ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-03-14 10:33:44

"PS To Our occasional Yank viewer. No, a fanny and a backside are not the same thing!"

Yes, I am familiar with that weird perversion of my language by you people living in isolation on that island. Over here on the Mainland, fanny means buttocks, of course, not cunt. How you folks managed to get the two confused, well, you are also the ones who believe in "little folk" and other odd things. It must be all that inbreeding and your limited gene pool. Being isolated on a little island and all.

Glad to hear that you're seeking human female companionship, after all your expressions of interest in the wild critters in your neighborhood, not to mention your fascination with skulls. Skulls have all those holes in them. Very unhealthy.

So good luck on your first date in --- how many years?

Occasional Yank ON Real Reality TV       Dated:2014-03-14 06:20:31