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Us Franks are always sleezy characters in fiction, failed porno actors etc. Maybe in real life. Hey! maybe my name explains my pervy nature. When I get hauled into court for (insert sleazy pig related offence here) I shall tell them it's not my fault, it's my parents' fault for calling me Frank.

x ON waste of waste       Dated:2016-01-02 13:06:06

I kept hearing about Frank causing mayhem in various places up North and wonndered, can't anyone stop him? Like they did that Moaty person a while back, waited until he was resting against a tree and shot him.

When I realised that some prune had decided to give storms names I was disappointed. Why "Storm Frank" when you could have "Usual Weather For This Time of Year It Is Winter After All Frank" or "Well They Ordered Us To Leave Rivers Alone So They Could Be All Nice And Natural And Now They're Flooding Because That's What They Do When They're Left All Nice And Natural And Not Managed As Simple Peasants Learned Hundreds Of Years Ago And Our Rulers Have Forgotten Because They're Worthless Buffoons Frank"?

"Storm Frank" sounds like a failed porno actor, I would get it renamed "The Immense Penis Storm" to better reflect your attributes.

Mr C ON waste of waste       Dated:2016-01-02 01:43:52

Might have got into trouble taking pictures of her arse. Keep meaning to buy one of those little covert cameras disguised as pens or watches.

x ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-12-25 13:21:31

Re: PC inflation, I'd be a helluva lot happier if NO Muslimes were allowed in and the ones here sent to live with the Saudis. Those who have managed to become US citizens should at least have the choice of moving there or being dropped from a great height over the middle of the ocean, tho. I want to be fair about this.

Glad you had a great vacation but WHERE IS A PICTURE OF THAT ASS? Wassa matta you, you tell us about it but don't show it? A pox on thee, a pox.

But anyway, a Very Merry Winter Solstice Celebration to you, and many more to come! Ho ho ho.

Shrieking Anti-Christ From Hell ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-12-25 00:44:14

Dead. No, actually been on holiday in Spain, just got back last night. Nice and warm. Just catching up on essentials of life at mo, ie sorting mountains of junk mail etc.

x ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-12-22 09:16:39

Hey, are you on vacation, sick, dead, dying, any/none of the above? Hello? Hello?

Wasted Brilliance ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-12-20 22:12:27

Yes we should all attack ISIS, or just IS if you like, no it is not ISIL. The IL stands for the Levant, which means Israel, and is the term used by Obama and other Jew haters. Even the Muslims just say Islamic State, or IS.

The war in Iraq was a farce and a shambles, pure idiocy that did huge harm and no good, and the perpetrators should be put to death. The attacks in Afghanistan against the forces of Usama bin Laden were valid at first but only at first.

IS is the same as cancer, it wants the whole thing, to cover the world, and will keep growing if it isn't eradicated. Their leaders say that if you don't attack them over there, they won't attack you at home, but that's only until they get strong enough to attack you at home or anywhere. One Chamberlain for England is enough, this is a global fight and a global responsibility.

That worthless homosexual Muslim (what a quandary that must be for him) that we have for our President won't call the Islamic terrorist attack in California what it is, an Islamic terrorist attack. He says maybe it's workplace related that two Arab-American Muslim jihadists went on a murderous rampage killing innocent strangers.

So you're on your own over there. Good luck.

Green Swamp Gas ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-12-04 02:25:59

Obama's demand about closing Turkey's border is political rhetoric that has zero substance. He said it to sound like he's against ISIS. He's not. Obama has overseen the supplying of arms to ISIS. Obama is a Sunni Muslim.

Brown Fart Cloud ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-30 04:43:37

Thanks for stopping in.
Re your varied rants on "migrants" and terrorism, what they really are is invaders who are allowed to invade by your dictators. True, we refer to our dictatorships as democracies, because we are allowed the privilege of voting for the dictators chosen to rule us. But anyway...

If I lived in a country free of Muslims, and I ran that country, and I knew that Muslims want to take over my country and dominate it, why would I allow millions of Muslims to take up residence in my country?

I would if I were a Muslim, or if I was being bribed with huge sums of money and land and lots of sex, or if I hated the people in my country. Choose one or more of the above.

As for global swarming, start with too many people, end with too many people. If you mean WARMING, that's a load of crap. If it's getting warmer then why is this winter here where I live colder than last winter? Why is the Arctic ice getting thicker? Why don't penguins feet freeze? Do bats have sex laying down, hanging, or in flight? All equally important questions regarding a totally invalid subject but don't thank me for asking, he said humbly.

Brown Fart Cloud ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-29 17:52:15

I should have said "See BELOW new name". Anyway, about the possibility of a god, that's easy, just looking at the stars at night inspires the concept of a great force or being. It's RELIGION that makes a hash of everything, greedy little manipulative, lazy assholes who prey on peoples fears and hopes, we call them Popes, Priests and Ministers, Reverends, Pastors and other such utter garbage. Fat, worthless, non-producing parasites is more to the point.

For me, there is something I could call god, there is a force, a collective consciousness, whatever the hell it is, that moves within my life for the good if I call on it to do so. Yes, I know how ooo-wah that sounds, and no, I don't believe in anything. Believing is for those too lazy to think about things. But I understand how some of us can say "No, I don't have a religion and I don't believe in God, I don't have to believe because I know God exists for a fact", because I'm one of them. What I personally call a "force" is something I experienced, repeatedly. It's there. But don't believe me.

Brown Fart Cloud ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-26 17:10:25

Cow people believe in deities, hell, in India they worship the cows as deities. No offense, Bovine. Perhaps a new nom de plume is in order? Also sheep people too,damn, forgot about that. Black Sheep is an alliteration but Black Rhino or Green Hornet or some such might be better, considering my disdain for blind-faith followers. See above new name.

War, Eleanor... We firebombed the city of Dresden to destroy Germany's ball-bearing production, wiping out everyone including the civilian population, old men, women and children. We dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, wiping out a few hundred thousand Japanese civilians including the old men, women and children, to force Japan to surrender. We bombed Iraq, killing off an unknown number of old men, women and children.

Our enemies would have happily done the same to us then, just as our enemies are successfully (and happily) doing it to us now, and we need to stop all this namby-pamby P.C. bullshit and just get in there with overwhelming force and totally flatten huge populated areas and put an abrupt end to this.

Brown Fart Cloud ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-26 16:48:52

But grass ain't wot it used to be Mr Sheep, not at all. Why the f do people even consider the possibility of god?

Bovine ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-24 19:27:40

Yes, Bovine's comment. Hey Bovine, look down and focus for a moment. That's GRASS. That stuff you're eating is GRASS.

Checked my Firefox add-ons and discovered that they were all Disabled! Over here we don't say "Disabled", we say "Special Needs" (we are sooo P.C.) but anyhow, apparently Firefox updated itself and disabled all my add-ons as a nice little gesture, like the finger, aka "The Bird", so all the annoying ads would plague me again. I wondered what the hell was going on....

One of those add-ons is HTML5 and another makes You-tube flash videos play without flash, but your Wobbly Bum vid is not You-tube, it's Facebook, aka Mark Fuck-a-berg, and that ends that. She no play and Facebook can kiss my Wrinkled Bum.

Flaming Ram From Hell ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-21 03:18:39

Bovine's comment not mine. But you are right, it is Flash. Turn it off in IE and it says Flash Unavailable. Flash is a most appropriate name for exposure of rude bits.

A wobbly bum global conspiracy! Like it. I always wonder about those aliens that keep abducting people and performing anal probes.

x ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-20 13:08:24

WTF is Android? Also, WTF is html5? I expect my Firefox browser to be able to open anything fit to look at, which makes me wonder if it's censoring your offerings from the tender sensitivities of the public. OR if that wobbly bum is NOT fit to look at. Can this be? Have you detoured that far from the already extremely permissive level of pornography now current, that browsers are blocking access to your Wobbly Bums? Well, not YOUR wobbly bums, but, well, you know. This is a mystery that may be even deeper than the wobbly bum. Remember I said that first.

Baaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-20 01:41:21

Works in Android Mr Sheep, non-flash and presumably html5. Well worth the effort. Have been prcticing it myself all morning.

Bovine ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-17 07:51:21

Ludicrous? How can you say such things about those poor poor migrants who only want to have what you have, and I mean RIGHT NOW, GOD DAMM IT. Just because some of them destroy a lot of infrastructure attempting to invade your country illegally, so what? What are you, Cheap? You can't look aside at that and stay focused on their great need to take what you have? People like you are just so inconsiderate.

By the way, your Wonderful Wobbly Bum pic won't load, a little message pops up saying that I "need" to download a new version of Flash. Having done what I can to shit all over Flash and kick it cowering into a corner, I'm not about to download Flash anything AND ESPECIALLY OFF OF FACEBOOK after those assholes provided my credit card number to some fraudulent ripoffs and I had to void the damn card and get a new one.

Facebook is out to do you harm, be warned. Facebook is NOT NICE.

Baaad Sheep ON waste of waste       Dated:2015-11-15 22:19:20