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I think flies must have dealt with the pie by now and left nothing but a smelly wrapper. No doubt some Muslim mistook that for a Koran and stole it.
Trump is just doing what I predicted, unifying the N. American continent. All part of the Globalist plan. Watch, Russia may actually join NATO, which was formed originally to block them and China, or at least move away from their alliance with China. China's on a downhill ride, and Russia may not want to join them. I know, farfetched, but so was Trump moving into the White House again. You can tax our tea all you like now, hardly anyone here drinks that crap anymore. :-) Anyway I think you're safe from us, you're too far away to deport all the illegals to, and besides, you're running out of room. My idea is to make barges out of used plastic water bottles, load them on them and float them out into some ocean current and Bon Voyage.

Ram a Dam ON imaginationback       Dated:2025-01-23 16:58:33

Eh? You sent a fishhead pie? Much ta RamBam, but won't it have sorta gone off by the time it gets here?

Your Trumpy is getting a bit Putiny, wants to take over Canada & Greenland. Maybe the UK will be next, we will have to dig up our old 18th century canons and fight back. Maybe we can retake the US and tax your tea again.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2025-01-08 02:48:52

A very belated Happy Birthday to you, I thought (unusual for me and it takes a real effort) to check the list because I just had another natal day, and there you are in December. No actually I sent you one of my famous fishhead pies, I think it went by container ship, hope it passes customs. Hell, I hope it even reaches customs.
So, as predicted, Fidel's little boy Justin is resigning. Now watch, as predicted, as Canada merges economically with the USA. Mexico will eventually follow suit, it may even happen within this year. The Psychic Ram of Blackness has spoken. Baaa.

Fat Old Ram ON imaginationback       Dated:2025-01-07 12:40:42

Globalists want a much reduced population, end to wars, poverty, pollution, and a global government is required to achieve this. What you hear Trump saying has no power right now, it's only threats designed to produce results that actually do align with Globalist goals.
One is ending Cartel rule in Mexico and forcing that government to be subservient to Globalist rule instead. The Wall is just one way to end the drug traffic and force Mexico to deal with their internal problems. If you watch you'll see bot Mexico and Canada falling into line. For one, the Trudeau reign appears about to end.

Globalist do oppose nationalism, they want a global government, not a world of separate nations that war, pollute and destroy. The purpose of all the immigration has been to destroy social values and norms, which degrades one's sense of national pride and sense of permanence. It's not to increase population.

It doesn't matter what people are told, they never accept reality until it lands on them like a pile of bricks. I kept telling you millions of readers of my blog that the only possible way Trump could become President again was to accept the Globalist agenda. Now they let him be Pres. again, they didn't steal the election as they SO EASILY could have. But what do I know? Right?

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you, the Stuffed Parrot and all your manky skulls. Be sure to stay inside the Pentagram at the appointed time, and meanwhile, the Santa riding a reindeer gif is once again at the top of my page for your viewing pleasure along with a cheerful post. Not.

Old Wooley ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-12-23 16:27:11

Ah the notification thing is working again!

Erm, not sure I follow that one. Would a globalist be talking about building a wall along a border or imposing huge tariffs on other countries? Doesn't sound very gloabalisty to me.

Maybe we have different ideas what the word means, I think of globalists as lefty twits who oppose nationalist policies , want to end borders, have uncontrolled immigration etc.

Anyway, nice to see ya extremely woolly hoofy thing.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-12-13 13:53:41

Notice how all the Globalist Left MSM loves Trump now? I told you so, didn't I? Huh? Didn't I? I did. You know I did. Yes, I did. It was obvious. Everyone's still saying Noooooo, but Oh yes, yes he is. I'm right, he came over, he's a Globalist. Yes he is.

Extremely Dark Hued Wooly Four Legged Cloven Hoofed, Horned Male Mammal ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-12-13 12:08:33

How did I post same twice? Can't even use me own blog. Senility rules.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-21 14:56:20

Yer probably right. They are all crap. That much is certain.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-21 14:53:24

Speaking of difficulty being creative, do you have any idea how hard it is coming up with a different take on a phony name, every time? Just looking for a little appreciation here. Anyway, Hate Speech. Over here across the Great Pond (what a stupid name) I can say that I hate Islam and Muslims and the Koran makes lousy toilet paper, a fact I can personally testify to, and not be jailed for it. I don't hate black people, but most of them do disgust me with their general stupidity and violence. Can't say that in the UK, tho, right? Not trying to brag, at all, it's just how things are. I'm saying that yes, you have to live within the rules no matter how unfair and onerous they are, just as we do here, but that doesn't automatically qualify any of them as being right, no matter how long we've lived under them.
John Lennon was a true visionary when he wrote "Imagine". Everything in that song is pure Globalism and while it scares a lot of people to think about having no possessions, it's going to come true. Not totally, if you find an interesting rock or some little animal skull, and put it on a shelf to look at, no one will stop you. Your home will be your place to live, you just won't own it. On the other hand, you won't pay rent for it either. This is all distant future stuff, I won't be around to see it, but I've no doubt it's coming, humanity has to either evolve or die out.

Black Ravager Of Ewe Bums ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-21 14:51:42

Yer probably right. They are all crap. That much is certain.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-21 14:51:08

Was reading your ranty rant of rantness about the Tories and wonder if it would improve your view of them if you were to consider all the parties as being the same one? Look at them like acts in a play, where the scenes are changed inbetween curtains, and different scenarios are played out, but they're all members of the same troupe.
Because, my friend, that's exactly what they are.
Regardless of which supposed party is in office, does anything ever change? You know the answer is No.

Flagrant Abuse of Ewes ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-21 14:25:05

PS There is an email notification thing on this page, it ain't been working. Putin has sabotaged it.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-01 10:33:08

Geuss it depends how far the hate speech goes. I agree it is reasonable to say somebody is a loathsome *****, just as long as it is not deliberately encouraging violence against them.

Maybe best to say something that is not feasible, like "Someone should stick the Eifel Tower up Starmer's bumhole". They can't accuse you of serious threat then, even though one does mean it. (And I do)

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-11-01 10:13:43

Ohhh, you HAVE been writing again, haven't you! Great stuff too, really. The box of hair curlers glued to his underwear was excellent, I'm still laughing. I guess you just needed a break for awhile.
You do know all those criminal charges against Trump are political, I hope. Your media won't tell you that, of course, any more than most of ours. I'm not a big Trump fan but he's certainly not the evil fascist you're being told he is, he's really a very decent sort, but with a big ego. The Socialist currently ruining our country are just like the one's ruining yours and they'll say any lie and do anything to block anyone trying to stop their domination, including shooting at former US presidents.

Ram Of Darkest Hue ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-10-30 09:32:22

I still disagree with you about hate speech. It's okay to hate someone or something and say so. Why be dishonest and pretend you feel otherwise, and why be constantly stifled by oppressive government laws to the point of fearing imprisonment for responding to some asshole who happens to be of a different skin hue or religion or nation?
This is your government controlling you like little marionettes. This is being owned, this is not freedom.
I agree that it's good for us to be civil with each other and that anger and hatred are bad for us, mentally and physically, but so is alcohol, which is even worse for us, and it's perfectly legal.
When you can be imprisoned for speaking up about something you disagree with, you are not free, you are property, like a chair or doormat.

Wrinkled Old Male Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-10-30 09:19:58

To Mr C and Black Sheep. Sorry no reply here, notification not working and had no idea anyone had commented until me old uni mate told me this afternoon.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-10-28 11:10:16

Mr C: Get off yer arse.

Mr X: Mr C, thy charge
Exactly is performed, but there's more work.
Get off thy arse.

ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-09-02 17:45:59

I hear you can go to prison over there now for saying things like "Arab Muslims Eat Shit". If that's true you'd better delete this before they pack you off for fomenting racial hatred and stick you in a cell with Bobo Mohammad The Brute.
I have an Irish grandmother and now I find, much too late for me fortunately, that this entitles me to Irish citizenship. Thank god it's too late, who would want to be facking Irishman, them and their round boats and all.
Anyway, still here, still blogging away, just checking to see who's still alive. Are you? Asking for a friend, named Black Sheep.

Forbidden Meme ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-08-12 11:01:11

Good one of Putin, total fail of Biden.
Jeezus Krist, that was over 3 months ago I posted here. Thanks for the Proof of Life with that story, I wasn't sure. Is it still the Ice Age there? I know London has winters that would freeze the balls off a brass monkey, I endured one of them. Made a pot of gold for doing so, though. No doubt it's from your little islands being so close to the Arctic Circle. I heard the first Irish Celts crossed over there from Siberia on an ice bridge. Pushing coracles ahead of them. Only an Irishman would think a round boat was smart.

Brakk Shreep ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-04-10 22:39:19

Scored 7 out of 13. What the hell, not bad I say. The questions about your kings and musicians or whatever were my weak points. Anyway, better than a one-legged camel in a bag race.
Do you yet live, old man? I hit 85 a few weeks ago. I WILL LIVE FOREVER, or at least the odor should linger for years.

Ram of Doom ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-01-26 11:44:47

Failed the citizenship test on question 12, what is a basic principle of British life, right answer was participating in community life or some such piffle. Beating the Frenchman, mocking Johnny Foreigner while lifting his wallet, beating the Hun, shunning intellectuals and vicars... yes, but "community life"?

So I will have to seek refuge, which under International Law, is in the nearest safe country. Nowadays that seems to mean the furthest away with an over-generous benefit system and gutless natives.

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2024-01-24 21:18:18

And a Merry Christmouse back atcha. Do something to have fun. I take a pill for that. Yes, they're prescribed. Happy Hannuka. Do the Muslims have a similar day? I suppose they'd celebrate it by raping a goat or beheading someone, but whatever makes us smile......

Ebeneezer ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-12-24 15:01:53

Marvy, you finally wrote a story and posted a few things on your blog. Sounds like those Magic Mushrooms are working for you. I read with interest your tale of the politician who was found guilty of racial abuse for telling some pest to go back to Bahrain. That's some country you have there, with laws like that it's a wonder you can legally say hello to each other. Or can you, now? Over here, I could call that jerk a fucking sand nigger and to go back to sandnigger land and it might get me bad publicity but no one would arrest me for it. I've been watching over the years as your ability to speak out has been steadily destroyed. It's gotten bad over here but it's horrible over there. You can be imprisoned for blasphemy, which is the single most absurd law ever. How the hell did the British ever create their Empire? Likewise, how did we ever win WWII? Neither of us could win a war against Guatemala now.

Brakk Shreep ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-12-10 09:55:15

We are now the Estados Unidos de Mexico, so let's all sing "We are the world". 47 million illegals across our border with Mexico now and I read today that any of them who can make it across the boundary line can stay. Wide open border. I sure wish those Globalists would start killing us off soon, what the hell's taking them so long?
The African Negroes with their lovely 70 average IQ are swarming into Italy and the government says "Oh dear, oh dear, we must do something now" and walks away.
The Chinese economy is in trouble, so is ours, you know, I never have held humans in very high regard and it's lessening fast these days. So glad I live alone.

Blacks have no impulse filter. ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-09-19 22:01:18

Read this morning that a gallon of gas in Florida is over $7 now, highest price in the USA. It's over $5 where I live in the heart of Calif. oil country, not long ago it was about $3. Also read that 2 more food processing plants burned down along with 2 more fertilizer plants. Wages are down, unemployment is up, food prices are waaaay up, sounds like a lot of hungry people, to me. We're all too damn fat anyway. You know what's going to stop the sand people migrations? When we don't have enough food for ourselves.

Baaa ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-08-24 17:36:44

Greetings from that Clown Universe that has eclipsed our own. I am proud to find myself, for the first time in my life, a good deal less silly that anyone else in the Universe.

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-07-25 16:48:05

Amazing how websites like this persist on the Internet long after their creators have passed away. Are they paid up ahead for long periods of time, or is it just poor accounting practices on the part of their service providers? This would make a great episode for one of those horrible British Whodunnit series.

William F. Buckley ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-06-25 13:16:09

Have you passed on? Or just staying drunk a lot? Got my yearly lab test results back the other day, all my numbers are the same as when I was in my 20s except for kidney function is up, but normal for 84 (There's your clue) and hemoglobin is a bit elevated because of my damaged lungs. Otherwise I'm still prepped to live forever, I just have a face like that toad George Soros now. But no billion$. It's just not fair.
You don't post anymore, what does the inside of your home look like? Lazy sod. Am I really the only one who ever looks inside this echoing cavern anymore?

Who the fuck do you think iit is, Mr. F? ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-06-17 15:34:17

"Sure, we should not allow deliberate hate speech".
But when you do that, guess who is the arbiter of what is hate speech and what isn't? Big Brother, of course. What's wrong with saying "I HATE ISLAM"? Or, "Your ugly mother is blacker than the bottom of my outhouse hole"? Humans are not primarily loving creatures, we do a fuckload of hating too, but we can't express that without being imprisoned? Give this one some more thought, won't you?
By the way, welcome to conservative thinking.

Yeah, it's me. The Happy Ram. Hey, all those willing sheep.... ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-04-29 08:44:13

What a shallow fellow you are, blaming the world for your own misery. It's not the world you hate, it's yourself. The world just is what it is, it's what you do with it that matters for you and apparently you're not managing your interaction with it very well.
As for conspiracies, not all of them are theories and not all theories are incorrect. You think your opinion is the final arbiter, which is why you ended up in this unhappy state.
And maybe you can't sleep because your brain is trying to get your attention. Stop turning your mind away from reality and see how being more open works for you. Acceptance is calming, denial is not.

Rufus ON imaginationback       Dated:2023-03-09 12:59:38

Not dead, just afraid that in this mad world my brainworm dump looks like a beacon of sanity...

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-12-02 02:32:28

"But I failed to blame globalism for this unrelated issue even though your post did not mention it. I should have realised by now that there is nothing that is not driven by globalism. Best of luck Mr Sheep, I won’t waste your time by commenting here anymore."

I asked you a simple question: "This is all part of the Globalist agenda, to reduce our population. You never seem to want to discuss Globalism. Do you think Globalism is another “daft conspiracy theory”?
Instead of honestly speaking your mind on the subject, you ducked with a smart-ass response attacking me.

I didn't ask you to blame Globalism, I asked you if you thought it was another conspiracy theory but you're afraid to even talk about it. Nothing you've had to say in a long time has had much depth or value. You either avoid topics or smear me as being a loony for having different opinions than you. Your mind has lost any openness it once had.

I agree that we should no longer communicate. You can't get outside of your limited view any longer to explore possibilities, and truly, people like that just bore the shit out of me. I thought I'd made that clear earlier but you kept coming back and I understand that you didn't want to lose our friendship. Neither did I, but if you can't open up and discuss things, delve into subjects, expand on a topic anymore but take refuge in attacking me for my views instead, then I don't need that and it's definitely time to go. Hope life goes well for you. Dennis.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-08-06 13:04:07

Goddam right I'm still alive. Are you? Excuse my sincere doubts of your continued animate state. Newsbleat is back yet again. Now that all the search engines have banned me, I feel safe to post my thoughts without any expectation of being arrested for it by agents of our repurposed Department of Justice, and no, I'm not kidding.
Remember who your friends are, Mr. F, you never know who may prove to be a resource in time of need.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-07-10 17:32:17

When we go out for a family meal in a restaurant or something - typically about 10 plus 2 kids - the grandkids are provided (by their parents) with tablets and headphones. Terrible. Totally shocking. But it keeps them quiet. And when their mother - DIL- was pregnant she would strap a speaker to her belly and play them music. What a waste - she could have taught them the periodic table.

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-04-29 13:23:04

When we go out for a family meal in a restaurant or something - typically about 10 plus 2 kids - the grandkids are provided (by their parents) with tablets and headphones. Terrible. Totally shocking. But it keeps them quiet. And when their mother - DIL- was pregnant she would strap a speaker to her belly and play them music. What a waste - she could have taught them the periodic table.

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-04-29 13:22:14

Enough with the conspiracy crap? Really? You're fine with the Vax being totally ineffective against Covid but causing massive reactions and deaths? So you must be okay with the disappearance of the yearly flu deaths and having them all blamed on Covid. No, no odor of conspiracy there. How silly. You know, I thought you were well read and kept up with things, but you're not and you don't, and of course anyone who thinks there's such things as a Bill Gates, WEF, Blackrock Corp, COP26, Globalism, Klaus Schwab, George Soros etc. ad nauseum, I wondered why you stopped commenting on my site but it's obvious now, you've pulled back into your shell and you're blocking out the world. No more the intrepid journalist daring to speak out, it's just not safe anymore, right? I took down the last blog for that reason, I freely admit, but I just couldn't restrain myself, all the stuff going on is just too juicy. Well, good luck, my friend. Deny all you like if it makes you feel safer, but I'm afraid no one is safe from what's coming. Do yourself one favor if you haven't already, stock up on everything you may need for the next few years, and put your garden in good order, load up on fertilizers and seeds and so forth. If there's a neighborhood group, join it. Oh, and get a gun.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-04-22 15:17:39

It's true, I conspired with FDR, Churchill and Tojo to wage war on Tahiti and it was all going well until that stupid Japanese admiral broke his compass and went in the wrong direction. The plan was to give the French something else to think about besides Germans for a while, lord knows they needed a break. But it all backfired when America got into it with Japan and the pissed off Germans tried to get even with Churchill, what a mess. I told Tojo, for God's sakes don't let that stupid admiral anywhere near the ship's compass, the clumsy old oaf will wreck everything, but no one listened to me, and we know what happened next. Flamethrowers, mushroom shaped clouds, Hula Hoops, transistor radios, Hello Kitty. The hummingbird population may never recover.

Ram From The Black Pits Of Hell ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-02-04 20:03:06

If it isn't giant lizards how does one explain the (continuing) influence of, for instance, Prof Pantsdown and his Magnificently Mistaken Models? Degree in nuclear physics, no medical qualifications whatsoever, howlingly bad amateur coder who won't release his code for peer review (in any other circumstances a huge red flag for scientific fraud), propagator of insanely inaccurate estimates which, when taken seriously, have resulted in disasters like the 2001 Foot & Mouth Massacre?
Who then? Politicians who dare not go less than Full Nuclear Immediately in case they lose some votes by holding back ("blood on their hands") and who anyway see a huge opportunity for a power grab (Australia, Canada, NZ...)? Clueless functionaries ("Public Health Experts" as opposed to actual medics or, God forbid. real epidemiologists) defending their expanding bureaucracies against all comers? Journalists who know that anything like Reality does not make for good clickbait?
Ranty ranty ranty rant...

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-01-21 09:04:50

A further note on government conspiracies... look at the UK and the USA and our histories of behavior over the last 100 years and convince me that our two governments haven't been conspiring together over virtually everything for the entire time.

The Blackness of Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-01-16 08:01:09

No giant lizards, I don't think, but a conspiracy, yes. One to drastically cull our population, and it's working. You cite governments not getting along over tea as the reason there can't be a conspiracy and you're right, they're not conspiring together, or not much anyway. It's the billionaires who are creating the Covid mess, and controlling people in those governments. Certainly the Chinese have a huge influence in our own, and we're the 2 biggest world players, and it was the Chinese who started all this. There's conspiracies all the time, big and small. What about Bill Gates, who financed the Wuhan lab and is an outspoken proponent of population reduction and heavily invested in the Vax that's killing people? No conspiracy there? Really? Are you sure? Speak Frankly.

Badass Sheep Critter ON imaginationback       Dated:2022-01-16 07:56:26

Egads, you yet live. We 1000's of fans have wondered. Good.
That gays/lesbians (same thing, homosexuals) aren't a problem in society isn't so. Unless you never have them trying to fondle the crotches of kiddies, parading naked in city streets and suing Christian bakers for refusing to bake cakes for them, etcetera and ad nauseum. If they just shut the fuck up like the rest of us and go about normal lives over there, I'm so happy for you. But why do I doubt that?

Black Psycho Raging Lunatic Sheep Type Critter ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-12-21 18:07:55

Nothing wrong with rubber hot water bottles. In my early days 'twas the only heating in my bedroom. Apart from the cat. Well, what do young lads do much of the tine? Probably why so many have a rubber fetish. Not me of course.

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-12-01 10:16:27

Hallelujah, he has returned, Mr X is among us!

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-11-13 18:40:32

Correction, looks like I didn't press the CAPS key hard enough, 80%, not 805. And Yeah, where the hell is our imaginative blogmaster?

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-10-29 21:28:41

Teeth, damn sorry to hear that. It happens that over 805 of the new Covid cases in the UK are people who've been jabbed. In other words, the shots are making you sick, OBVIOUSLY. 33% of us over here have refused to be poisoned with that vile crap. The 67% who have are having tons of medical problems now and getting worse. Never EVER believe what your government tells you. Sorry you never learned that.

Badass Sheep Critter ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-10-29 21:26:16

Teeth - you are keeping your fans waiting. We all need to know what's next on the agenda. At least I can reassure Mr Sheep that you are still alive and kicking somebody somewhere.
Just had my third jab Mr Sheep and I am already turning into a zombie. Feels great. How are you coping with that idiot president? What a decrepit loon.

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-10-27 09:25:56

Long silence Mr X, hope all is well...

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-10-20 18:30:31

What do you think of your Australian cousins? They're finally starting to fight back some against their Communist masters, who are similar to your Communist masters and also a great preview of what our Communist masters have in mind for us.
They'll have a bit of a harder time of it here, though, because unlike the UK and Oz, WE STILL HAVE OUR GUNS and they know full fucking well that if the cops start shooting at us, we'll start shooting at them. We shoot at them a lot anyway, as it is.
Was in the hospital a fortnight or so back and while the local Health Authority Liars were telling us about a huge upsurge in Covid, the hospital was strangely unaffected by it. Speaking of strange, we haven't had a flu season last year or this, when at least 50,000 people die each year of flu in a good year. Yet everyone died of Covid this time and no one died of flu. Isn't that odd?

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-09-18 14:17:56

Hopefully the Covids will evolve intelligence before we run out of Greek letters for the variants, so we can just ask them what their name is. Might be a bit of a problem for the Authorities, trying to propagate Panic Terror about a virus called Terence or Hubert, but They'll surely find a way.

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-09-07 06:00:03

There are no Covid variants. The hospitals aren't filling back up with people sick from some variant. They're filling up with people sick from the "vaccine" injections. We were told this was going to happen by a number of top tier virologists back when this stuff was first being forced on us, that in the months ahead people would start dying from the progressive damage caused by the injections.

Bill Gates is a De-populationist. He openly stated that vaccines can be used to control the world's population level. He gave $150 million to Fauci. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab with it, the lab produced the virus that the Chinese spread around the world, the virus then killed off a large portion of the elderly, the non-producers who consume the largest percent of medical services and cost the most in terms of pensions and care.

The two best known treatments for Covid are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and both have been grossly suppressed by pretty much all governments. Why? Because they keep the old people alive.

The "vaccines" force organ cells to start producing tiny bits of the virus. These are attacked by the body's white blood cells, the macrophages, as if the organ's cells are an infection of themselves. This is what's putting people into hospitals.

The purpose of the new "Booster shots", supposedly to combat a new "variant" is to selectively cull the population. The new shots can be tailored to a variety of specifics, including race and age. You want the Covid bug to use technology? It's smarter than you think.
You know who I am.

Covid is Bullshit ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-09-05 08:30:00

There are no Covid variants. The hospitals aren't filling back up with people sick from some variant. They're filling up with people sick from the "vaccine" injections. We were told this was going to happen by a number of top tier virologists back when this stuff was first being forced on us, that in the months ahead people would start dying from the progressive damage caused by the injections.

Bill Gates is a De-populationist. He openly stated that vaccines can be used to control the world's population level. He gave $150 million to Fauci. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab with it, the lab produced the virus that the Chinese spread around the world, the virus then killed off a large portion of the elderly, the non-producers who consume the largest percent of medical services and cost the most in terms of pensions and care.

The two best known treatments for Covid are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and both have been grossly suppressed by pretty much all governments. Why? Because they keep the old people alive.

The "vaccines" force organ cells to start producing tiny bits of the virus. These are attacked by the body's white blood cells, the macrophages, as if the organ's cells are an infection of themselves. This is what's putting people into hospitals.

The purpose of the new "Booster shots", supposedly to combat a new "variant" is to selectively cull the population. The new shots can be tailored to a variety of specifics, including race and age. You want the Covid bug to use technology? It's smarter than you think.
You know who I am.

Covid is Bullshit ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-09-05 06:39:25

Smart virus - that cheered me up - excellent.


Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-08-12 11:25:27

From out of the dark and into the din and smoke comes SHLACK BEEP, the Lone Blogger. All the patrons step back, the piano silences, the bartender reaches for the shotgun under the bar, hesitates, retreats to the far end and gazes in fascinated fear, waiting for the Lone Blogger to start typing.
Great intro, huh?
There's a lot of doomsayers claiming that the world is about to plunge into a massive depression brought about by the collapse of the Dollar, and that severe inflation is in our near future here in the USA. Maybe so, maybe not, but I took it to heart. I put a wad of money into the stock market about a month ago, bought stocks based on the premise that retail sales would soar with the end of Covid. Boy, was that an education, turns out that between a massive distribution logjam and all the Variant, Variant fear screeching, the global economy is being purposely screwed into the mud too deep to save. So I sold the stocks, did okay, made a profit but that was lucky as the market was bouncing up and down madly over all the indecision.

Politics are dead in terms of governments, outside of the petty squabbles that we'll always have. King of the Hill sort of crap. But in nations, yeah, dead as rocks. It's all smoke and mirrors now, there are no competing parties, they're all on the same side. No multiple parties, no politics. Just those who rule, and those who don't. But keep the people voting, maintain the pretense. Big Brother Loves You.

Schlack Beep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-07-30 13:08:29

Egads, you yet live. I wasn't sure. Well, 1984. Yeah, I've been watching that prophecy unfold now. Facebook and Twitter are part of the Big Brother network keeping tabs on our every move and they're far from alone. Anyone who uses social media is being observed, anyone with a smart phone, anyone who texts.
I used to live in a mountain off-grid community, for about 25 years. They're still up there, but they're no longer safe from Big Brother's prying eyes as they have cell phones now instead of the CB radios we all used to use, and satellite dishes, and Internet and television. The only difference is they generate their own power, and all that does is maintain the illusion of a safe distance.
China already has total control of everyone there and the rest of the world is closing in on that goal very rapidly.
You know why the CCP is doing so much aggressive blustering? Because the real war is over which system gets to become the New World Government and it's pretty much them against the EU nations and us over here. Watch that if you want to know which way our world is going.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-07-20 07:19:49

Smelled this awful stench coming in from the East and tracked it down with my Magic Nose Drone. Across the wide Atlantic it flew, clear to the UK. When I saw the source I thought "No, it can't be!" but it is, it's coming from your decaying blog. Amping up the magnification, I realized that most of the foul reek is a direct result of the one-way communication of the blog owner. This causes a sort of yeasty fermentation akin to rotting toe jam stink that if left untreated could kill off every living thing for kilometers around.
The only way to avoid disaster is to get off one's heinie and start visiting and commenting again on a regular basis. This has great personal health benefits as well. For just one, it's a reminder to move your fingers occasionally.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-07-03 13:48:26

Amish? If I get to grow one of those cool neckbeards so I can take "shitface" as my preferred pronoun, I'm in.

Mr C ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-07-01 04:21:54

"Oh no, I hope they don't do a brain scan of that lady pig at the local farm."

Unfortunately they did - it went viral on the dark web. Fortunately your face was somewhat obscured...

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-06-11 12:43:17

HEADLINE:"The Day After Rand Paul Accuses Fauci Of Funding Wuhan Bioweapons, White House Declares ‘Covid Over’" Masks no longer required.

The masks are bullshit. They were bullshit from DAY ONE.

Black Sheep ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-05-15 17:02:51

What happened? Lose your way? Can't find the keyboard? Hello?

Black Mood ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-04-29 12:16:36

Went grocery shopping today and most everyone was wearing a mask. I enjoyed a few glares from some of the twits because I wasn't wearing one,and it's odd, the last time I was in there, fully a third were maskless. Now they're back in style again, I guess. One thing did stand out tho, a lot of them had the stupid face diapers pulled down to under their noses. Yeah, it IS nice to breathe freely, now isn't it? A mask under the nose is exactly equal to no mask at all, since most of us aren't mouth breathers.
At the checkout there's a brand new. big shiny sign declaring masks to be MANDATORY in the store. Off at the end of the counter were a young man and his daughter (apparently) with no masks. Looking around I spotted a few more, and the check-out clerk didn't blink at my not having one on.
This bullshit has been going on for over a year now and the more the truth comes out, the less dangerous that bug proves to be, and the less people are catching it. The numbers are grossly inflated. The pandemic, such as it was, is over. All the rest is lies.

Black Mask ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-04-11 11:37:31

And - following up on Mr Sheep's comment, as a chemist who has worked for many years in big pharma I can confirm that they put more shit into vaccines than even you could imagine. Genetic manipulation is just a part of the story. When you get an AZ vaccine you also get a helping of monkey genes. What's that going to do to you long term?

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-04-07 11:35:26

Sort of goes round. We boomers were into free speech and "Wastepaper baskets to the world" while the snowflakes just want to de-platform anybody who disagrees with their (apparently naive) ideas. Hate to admit it but getting to increasingly like Boris. Can't even look at Keir Starmer without wanting to er...

Teeth ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-04-07 11:26:40

The proof keeps steadily mounting that face masks really, actually do eat shit. People don't tend to wash them and the filth, germs and bacteria that steadily accumulates from the constant touching of them, the pulling and tugging and readjustment, ends up making them dangerous to wear.

And while the mask mandate farce to control everyone continues in order to maintain a high level of fear and compliance, governments everywhere are seizing this wonderful opportunity to create a global vaccine passport while simultaneously inventing new and fearsome pandemic diseases to ensure that everyone gets injected with any substance they want to bring about any result they desire in anyone they choose, and let's not forget the microscopic little trackers, the experiments that can be performed on the gullible public, the sterility drugs, and so on. Isn't this wonderful? Your government and mine working hand in hand to do anything to us they want to. So quick, rush out and get another vaccination today.

Black Humor ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-31 20:36:10

Good evening. Thank you, not feeling too good, myself. Woke up this morning feeling great, this evening, not so great. No clue why, it was a beautiful sunny day. But anyway... bad personal news, a dear friend died just a few weeks short of his 82 birthday, and about a week ago. Maybe that's it, it hit me harder than I expected. My world was suddenly a lot smaller.
I wake up each day now appreciating the fact that I did but then, I've been doing it for a few years now, his passing just increased the focus. He and I were shipmates for 3 years and many adventures.

At some point we should stop taking it for granted that tomorrow will be another day, though I'm not ready to do that yet, myself. Right now I can hear my drunken neighbor yodeling away (an insult to yodelers, actually, my apologies) in his garage. The 74 Degrees of today has dropped to 54 already now the sun's set, maybe he'll freeze and die before he realizes it. One can hope. Not all deaths are tragic.

Black people suck ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-30 20:32:47

Trying again, now that I totally forgot what it was I wanted to say before.

Comment Boxes That Don't Work For $100, Alex ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-16 16:17:46

Test Tickles

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-16 10:36:23

Have revised the spam word list, full list is now:


Don't mention either.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-16 10:34:48

Comment count not working now! BOLLLLLOOOOOX!

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-16 05:03:15

Oh yeh, spammy language thing copied from somewhere years back. Tudor period probably.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-16 04:31:47

Spammy language detected? Really? All that clever prose shot to shit.

Ram Prince of Darkness ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-15 14:00:31

IS THE F* THING WANKING NOW? I mean working.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-15 12:33:36

We remember discoveries. New things. It's like time passing, the older we get the faster it seems to pass because there's less new to remember, less to mark it's passage, we've seen it all before. This, in fact, is why I seek out fresh knowledge, about anything, it really doesn't matter what as long as it's something new to the world or at least to me.

It may not be your imagination that's stifled, at all. You just may not be exposing yourself to enough new stimuli.

On a whole other note, I think humanity has crossed it's Rubicon. I see the Uniparty takeover of the U.S.A. as the final nail in the coffin of Nationalism and the baby steps of a new one-world government. GB is in lockstep with the US on this, watch as the Chinese model is adopted by all Europe.

Coca Cola will always be black. ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-07 04:23:44

Only got one recollection that far back. I was standing in my cot watching a builder fixing something on the old wood panel walls in the hallway and he waved at me. No idea why that should have stuck in my head. Memory is a funny thing, a lot of things one remembers hardly seem that important. Sometimes something can trigger very obscure memories. How a brain can hold all that stuff I don't know.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-06 20:06:44

Most of my blog inspirations come from my dreams. Dunno if it's the same with everyone but I examine my daily life while asleep and as I start to awaken in the morning, a review movie starts running in my head of things I became aware of, or figured out, or whatever, during the night. I always wake up in the morning with a list of things needing to be done along with something to rant on about in the blog.

Ray Bradbury is my favorite writer of all time. Did you know that he said he remembered being born? Tops me, I can only remember back to about 30 months old, and that seems to be unusual.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-06 18:42:37

Reminds me of the intro to Ray Bradbury Theatre in the 1980s, he just used to look around his cluttered office and come up with something. Maybe a couple of old biros or something will inspire me.

PS Glad me memory ain't gone yet, took me a while but managed to remember it was Ray Bradbury.
PPS Attack of the Evil Biros.. Hmm maybe not.

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-06 17:50:08

Annnnd, that comment about your brother and his stupid cartoons is kind of telling to the Junior Psychologist lurking in me.... If they, and he, disgusted you as much as I would have been, I'd have lost interest in drawing them too. It would have been a real turnoff for me. I don't know about you, but brothers tend to compete. I used to do a lot of drawing too, and if my brother did as well, and I wasn't real fond of my brother (and I wasn't), I wouldn't want to look like I was copying him, I'd take a different route. Just saying.

Mr. Wonderful aka White guy ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-06 05:45:39

At 82 my fervent brain is still as nutso as ever, imagining all sorts of crap. Basically what I do is look at reality and extend it into the future. When I was little and at home in our cheap rental with my mother and hateful older brother, Mom used to entertain us by getting us to create a story out of a penny. Imagine that you found a penny and then make up a story about where the penny had been before it ended up where you found it.
I've always been curious about everything and you seem to be as well, you take woodsy walks and come back with odd things you found, little critter bones, shells, stones, whatever. Each one could have a story to it if you thought about it.
It's hard for me to just make a story up. Much easier to simply look at what already is and see it from different angles. One of those angles often is overlooked and worth discussing.

White Guy ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-06 05:36:18

Buggery balls test

x ON imaginationback       Dated:2021-03-02 10:27:58