
Blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own:
Burning Our Money
Crabby Old Fart
EU Referendum
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
Muffled Vociferation
News Bleat
Nobody's Friend
Vacant slot
Snail's Tales
the freethinker
The Tundra Tabloids
Islam totally sucks links:
Gates Of Vienna
Jihad Watch
Last commenty thing that xoggoth bothered to create. (Lazy old git)
Good grief
Idiocy of voters (cartoon)

Creation by a very crap god
What it says (cartoon)

bloggoth pervert of the month
Sex with a dead squid!

When all else fails, find inspiration in a blocked drain
What it says

Another bloggoth exclusive - British Government are counterfeits
Replaced by Chines mafia

Unlikely superheros 6 - Super Emergency Public Convenience Man
What it says (cartoon)

Sodding vampires
What it says (cartoon)

Must be coincidence
Brownstuff the bully

Even some lefties and Liberal lefties are begining to wake up?
Labour infiltration by Islamic radicals

Drought continues
Shortage of posts again

The violent left
What it says (cartoon)

Zombies plan march on Downing street
Over death taxes

Oh Joy!
Brownstuff pledge to cut red tape?? Again??

Fecking old twat
Pope Grandpa Munster

Drought continues
Shortage of posts

A Lighted candle

Maybe Greeks are the lucky ones

bloggoth bloggomatic

Male contraception
Turn sperm gay (cartoon)

Getting really vicious
Internet spite (cartoon)

Cold as ice
U Tube music

Which of you sickos was it?
Grooming the mankies

Not a word is true
Election promises

Strippers one - nuns nil - hurrah!
What it says

More on the sentience of inanimate objects
By Pedo Phil, the Broken pedometer

We thought it would
Moorhen back

Taxes are Haram
The charity route makes much more sense

Here we go again ... and again.
Islamic organisations caught out over and over

Undiscovered species
Tracks in the snow

That's what they're good at Butch
Pointless window dressing?

Why is the obvious always such a suprise?
Problems coping with the influx of Ghurkhas

Do try and be practical
Profiling at airports makes little sense

Real news
Bog roll arson in Crawley

Higs Bosun particle is gay
What it says

Pope Grandpa Munster to resign following attack by deranged woman
Realises what he has been missing

NICE little scrounger

We want one
Bird with huge willy

An old use for a new database
DNA samples used in voodoo spells

Another one joins the bloggoth list of heros
Hurrah for Harry Redknap

Maybe we should start now
Towards a republic

The PC myth of general migrant usefullness
Usefulness required proper controls

Liberty and secular values under attack from top and bottom
Any gay laws

Wrong reason
A bishop is criticised

More government time wasting

Where's Ossie?
Find Osama (game)

We hate nuns
Unless they get their tits out

The German anthem can catch anyone out

Why not make a fuss only when it really matters?
More discrimination hoohah

This is going better than most of us expected
The Iraq enquiry

Decadence slot
Sex dwarves in boxes

Just to remind us that it isn't only Islam that sucks - 1
Hindu slaughter

Time until we can start to vote out New Labour, the useless, malignant, corrupt, leftist bastards.
Too long

Page 32

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

Good grief

Not all their major disasters are in the above list. It is not intended as a list of governmental mistakes, only of those consequences, many intended, that inevitably follow from socialist philosophy. The Tories would almost certainly have dragged us into the Iraq war, failed to properly regulate the banking sector and given us an MPs' expenses scandal but it is very unlikely they would have inflicted that catalog on us.

One might think their record would be enough to prevent anyone sane (anyone sane who is not a criminal, welfare scrounger, overpaid public sector worker or lefty trade unionist anyway) from voting for them but it seems that some attach more weight to TV interviews with the candidate's wives.

We despair. The UK and the world generally is long overdue for a cull.

Creation by a very crap god

In the beginning was the void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Then god said let there be light.

And God said, let the earth bring forth a Chrysanthemum seedling.

Then he made a slug.

Before hitting the whisky and staying in bed for a couple of days.

And lo, on his return the slug had eaten his Chrysanthemum seedling.

You fecking little bastard!!! said God and squashed it with his wind up torch.

Which he then flung at the wall and the light went out.

bloggoth pervert of the month

The unknown person in the photograph mentioned in this story who had sex with a dead squid!

On second thoughts, perhaps we at bloggoth should withhold our award until we know more. Was this a female squid? We would not want to be seen as encouraging perverts.

When all else fails, find inspiration in a blocked drain

The lack of inspiration here at bloggoth has reached such a pitch that we felt constrained to call upon the spirit of The Blessed Perry in our despair.

The Blessed Perry teaches us that while the universe may seem varied and marvellous, this is only an illusion created by our limited intellect, our failure to appreciate how the same fundamental laws and principles run through everything. As regular non existent readers will know, the secrets of all life are to be found in the principles of Chemical Engineering as revealed to us in the Blessed Perry's 1950 Chemical Engineer's Handbook. How could we at bloggoth have neglected our faith so that we forgot this?

A crappy bit of plumbing when the missus forced us to waste enormous amounts of money on a new bathroom two years ago means that the bathroom sink pipe has to be unblocked every few months with some Mr Muscle. Then the Blessed Perry vouchsafed to us a revelation. Instead of wasting £3.75 on what is basically very expensive caustic soda with a fancy slogan we decided to just try turning on the tap full blast once a week to flush the pipe out. Works great, the water level goes up and up, past the overflow hole, creeps to within a centimetre of overflowing and then bam! the water level starts dropping, all the fungus, hair clippings, snot etc washed away by the sheer force of the flow.

"As with all things of fluid dynamics, thus it is with life and consciousness" says the Blessed Perry. We will be following this principle on bloggoth. If we can't think of anything to say, we will simply posts torrents and torrents of total and utter crap and this will get our imaginations working freely once more.

PS This advice is brought to you free. If you find this helpful you may wish to try other advice on bloggoth previously:-

  1. Concentrating on shifting your consciousness to a point just slightly to the left of the end of your nose kills repetitive thoughts.
  2. If you can't get a tune out of your head "The Air that I Breath" by the Hollies is guaranteed to shift it.
Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here using the sucky new commenty thing that isn't even free. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

Another bloggoth exclusive - British Government are counterfeits

Even those familiar with the unworkable and malignant nature of socialism must have wondered how this government's destruction of our national culture has been quite so comprehensive but we at bloggoth can now reveal the truth. The current members of the government are all counterfeits! The elected government has been secretly deposed by a gang of illegal immigrants, mostly Chinese.

According to our undercover reporter, the disguises are extremely professional and the masks and make up can take up to an hour to put on. Mr Ho, who pretends to be the PM, spent many weeks perfecting the repulsive cheek poking grimaces and bogy eating habits of the real one.

What happened to the real ministers? That is not known for sure but it is possible that their bodies were removed inside the old carpets when new ones were installed throughout Westminster a few years ago. They probably sleep with the fishes, old condoms, shopping trolleys, matresses etc at the bottom of the Thames nearby. There is a plus side to everything.

The Chancellor, Mr Darling, is said to really be a Nigerian and more than 80% of Britain's currency reserves may have already have been transferred to a bank account in Lagos.

This is a recent official picture of the prime minister and other ministers before a cabinet meeting.

Shortly after the official photographer had left all the ministers removed their hot disguises and our undercover reporter, posing as a loyal aide, was able to take this photo using a concealed pinhole camera.

WARNING. Please ignore the following item

Unlikely superheros 6 - Super Emergency Public Convenience Man

Superheros and Heroines are so nauseatingly wholesome. Here is a typically disgusting bloggoth one.

1 Old Mrs Marple has ventured to the shops but her bowels have started to play her up again and the nearest public loo is half a mile away.
2 Mild mannered Bart Bent is alerted to her distress with his super hearing.
3 He adopts phase 1 of Super Public Convenience Man and flies swiftly to the scene.
4 Where he completes the physical transformation into Super Public Convenience Man and saves her from the embarassment of going home in crappy knickers.
5 Job done he flies off without asking for thanks.

Super Public Convenience Man, ready to help out anyone caught short in a public place. Hurrah for Super Public Convenience Man!

Sodding vampires

One can never turn on the TV these days without seeing some ad for a vampire series or a vampire film. Blade is good but mostly vampire stories are boring crap. So they have big teeth, big deal.

Must be coincidence

We at bloggoth do not normally read The Daily Express, it is a horrible Queen and Country traditionalist sort of right wing, as opposed to the more anarchist/merit driven sort we favour. However we liked this item:

STRESS levels for staff across Whitehall soared when Gordon Brown took over as Prime Minister. The number of days lost to stress-related illness rocketed by 11,000 in the first six months of his reign. Virtually every department saw more staff signing off work because of “depression, anxiety and potential stress-related problems”.

But at the Treasury the numbers of people becoming ill fell by a third under the new stewardship of Alistair Darling, after Gordon Brown moved on to Number 10. In the first half of the year 999 days were lost to stress at the Treasury, but that fell to 639 days when Mr Darling became Chancellor.

Despite his dubious Trotskiest past Darling does seem a sensible and honest chap for a Labour minister. Difficult to think of anyone else in the cabinet who even appears to be human. Of course we have always been a bit biased towards the chap, being the only other person in the country with light hair and jet black eyebrows.

Even some lefties and Liberal lefties are begining to wake up?

A Labour MP on the infiltration of the Labour party by Islamic radicals.

A Labour minister says his party has been infiltrated by a fundamentalist Muslim group that wants to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain.

Mr Fitzpatrick, the MP for Poplar and Canning Town, said the IFE had infiltrated and “corrupted” his party in east London in the same way that the far-Left Militant Tendency did in the 1980s. Leaked Labour lists show a 110 per cent rise in party membership in one constituency in two years.

The IFE has particularly close links to Tower Hamlets council. Seven serving and former councillors said Lutfur Rahman, the current council leader, gained his post with the group’s help. Some said they were canvassed by a senior IFE official on his behalf. After Mr Rahman was elected, a man with close links to the group, Lutfur Ali, was appointed assistant chief executive of the council with responsibility for grant funding. This was despite a chequered employment record, a misleading CV and a negative report from the headhunters appointed to consider the candidates. The council’s white chief executive was subsequently forced from his post.

Since Mr Rahman became leader, more council grants have been paid to a number of organisations which our investigation established are closely linked to the IFE. Funding for other, secular groups was ended or cut. In the borough’s well-known Brick Lane area, council funds were switched from a largely secular heritage trail to a highly controversial “hijab sculpture”, angering many residents who accused the council of “religious triumphalism”. Schools in Tower Hamlets are told by the council should close for the Muslim festival of Eid, even where most of their pupils are not Muslim.

The politically correct Poly Toynbee, that arch demon of the rightwing bloggers, although espousing a route for illegal migrants to become citizens *Note acknowledges some of the problems that our porous borders are creating in this article:

Has immigration been good for Britain? That depends on who you are. Brown's Treasury boasted that migrants boosted GDP - without counting whether they boosted GDP per capita. Nor does rising GDP show who wins and who loses in so unequal a country. It's wonderful for employers and the affluent wanting cheap nannies, cleaners and plumbers - bad for the unemployed, many of whom would have been skilled-up for the jobs otherwise.

Note: Not necessarily a bad idea although the criteria some are proposing are far too lax. Citizenship should not be based upon nonsense like migrants being able to say where The White Tower is but upon ability to support themselves and their dependents AND pay their full share of tax, to speak and write good English, to be in good health, to lack any significant criminal record and to accept all major British values. There should also be a five year probationary period during which they have to demonstrate these things, they are after all guilty of dishonesty by being here and deserve no leeway. While Toynbee is probably right that we cannot deport all these illegals, we should at least be able to deport those who prove to be serious criminals, a major economic liability or a threat to our safety, our traditions or our culture. Once they have citizenship it is too late.

Drought continues

A further compilation of cartoons is here.

The violent left

As we have commented before, although the right is always blamed for violence, violence in Europe mostly comes from the left wing. Whether you agree or not with the aims of the BNP, EDL or other right-wing/"right-wing" groups, violence at any of their meetings almost always begins with the concerted violent attacks by the left and their allies.

This study of terrorism within the EU indicates that the the great majority of cases are down to separatists like the IRA splinter groups or ETA but of the others where motive was known:

Zombies plan march on Downing street

bloggoth's sources in the underworld (the Pluto/river Styx sort, not the Mafia variety) have learned of huge anger among the dead at {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff}'s plan for another death levy to cover exorbitant council taxes.

Many would have been able to pay them if not for his theft from their pension schemes and the Labour economic incompetence that led to a 0.5% interest rate on their savings. This plan comes hot on the tail of plans for a compulsory death levy to cover health care costs, irrespective of how much individuals might have contributed in National Insurance to the profligate state and its multitudious parasite clients during their lifetimes.

bloggoth's reporter interviewed Mr Mark Howard of the newly formed Zombie Anti Levy Alliance who struggled from his grave for the occasion. Mr Jones died of natural causes in a care home in March 2009. Through an interpreter he told us in groans and wheezes that the deceased were livid about paying all this new tax just because they were dead. It was gross discrimination.

Unfortunately, our reporter was unable to ascertain details of planned protests before his brain weas eaten by Mr Howard and several of his supporters.

Oh Joy!

{Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} is pledging a "commitment to lowering compliance costs" for business. Great! A cut in business red tape is seriously needed. Just like it was the last time he made these promises in May, 2005 or the time before that in Feb 2003.

As anyone who runs a small business knows, the red tape just gets worse every year. The tax laws get ever more complex and the rules and rates keep changing constantly for no obvious reason. As soon as HMRC/Companies House manage to get their online systems working well they replace them with some piece of Adobe-based shit that causes endless problems. You get yourself all prepared to submit information and find yourself ambushed by complex new questions that have no relevance to very small businesses.

Take just one aspect, payroll. Student loan repayments and paternity leave are just two major additions in recent years. Don't take our word for it, hear it from the horse's mouth (arse?). In an item on payroll training in the latest Employer Bulletin HMRC acknowledges "the importance of education and training to ensure an individual is compliant with ever changing payroll legislation".

Business should exist to generate wealth and employment, business owners should not be expected to function as an unpaid arm of the social services or to provide something for pointless overpaid bureaucrats to do.

RED tape is called red tape for a reason. Socialists cannot do simple!

Fecking old twat

Pope Grandpa Munster has been blathering about airport body scanners. He thinks "the person, in his or her integrity" and "respect for the primacy of the person" is more important than safety. This is the sort of crap we expect from Muslims but one would hope for more sense from Grandpa.

When it concerns the safety of hundreds of passengers the only important arguments about airport body scanners relate to effectiveness. When lives are at risk, religious considerations of modesty are pure bullshit. Given a choice between having a 16 megapixel technicolour photo of our pathetically small willy put on the front page of The Sun and getting blown up we know which we would choose. Even concerns about breaking child porn laws makes no sense; would you really rather risk your kid getting blown up rather than have some airport officer seeing a grainy black and white picture of his/her body?

This is yet another case where the religious claim important principles of faith but where those principles are apparently not important enough for them to make the necessary sacrifices themselves, it is up to everyone else to do so. Here's a thought, Catholics, Muslims and the rest of you. If you are so concerned about your modesty, then don't travel by plane! Think of how your sacrifice will be rewarded when you get to your non existent heaven. You really shouldn't expect the rest of us to put our lives at risk , what will your non existent god think when he finds out you have only trodden the righteous path because of the efforts of sinners?

Drought continues

We at bloggoth still do not feel bloggish. Even a thrilling 4 hours rearranging the screws in our shed today did not prove to be the usual source of inspiration. So we have been tidying up this site a bit without actually adding anything. A compilation of more recent cartoons are here and here. Older ones are still here here.

Also clear out of links at left of ones that are tedious or have been dead for too long. As non existent readers will know we must have 13 in the coven or dire events will occur. Crabby Old Fart is an excellent find.


We did not feel inspired by the writer's club topic this month and A lighted candle is very Woman's Ownish. But then if xoggoth wrote Womans Own it would be quite brilliant. We are still waiting for Reader's Digest to phone us up and save them from imminent oblivion.


The EU response to Greece's problems is being widely touted as proof that the Lisbon treaty threatens our sovereignty. According to the DT "the EU will itself impose cuts under the draconian Article 126.9 of the Lisbon Treaty in what would amount to economic suzerainty." Article 126.9 reads as follows:

If a Member State persists in failing to put into practice the recommendations of the Council, the Council may decide to give notice to the Member State to take, within a specified time limit, measures for the deficit reduction which is judged necessary by the Council in order to remedy the situation.

Other clauses make it clear that the country concerned has no say in determining what these measures are and may be required to provide a deposit or pay fines for failing to comply. What the EU will do if the country fails to comply or to pay any deposit/fines the treaty does not say but in the absence of any apparatus for military action one assumes that the worst punishment would be ending any sort of financial support and political exclusion from the union. Not so unreasonable one might say, why should taxpayers of other countries prop up the Greek economy if they fail to take necessary measures and why should Greece expect a say in European law affecting other states if it does not contribute financially? As with any club you have to stick to the rules or you're out. The EU really is not the USSR and the threats to nationality come not from tanks but only from the way that socialist governments so willingly give it away.

Maybe if it goes really badly for them the Greeks may end up as the lucky ones, much poorer but with a country they can call their own.


Never go weeks without blogging again

Relax and let bloggoth Bloggomatic do it for you!

Bloggomatic is the new blogging program available exclusively from bloggoth.

Bloggomatic will scan the web for all the news that annoys right thinking people, like asylum seekers getting million pound council houses, common fat people raising umpteen children on welfare or Muslims protesting about some other supposed insult to their ridiculous faith and write splendid rants that everyone will think are your own work.

Bloggomatic has numerous options to tailor your blogs, you can, for example, allow different weightings to be given to different sources or allow public comments to be taken into account.

Bloggomatic's sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms even scan your own previous rantings and tailor the style and language so nobody will ever know you are not writing it yourself.

Bloggomatic costs £150 + P&P for installation on up to 3 PCs. Minimum requirements, Windows 7, Vista, or XP with service pack 2. Bloggomatic is not available for Linux as that is an operating system mostly used by stupid lefties or for the Mac as we can't be arsed to write it.

Male contraception

There has been a lot on the possibility of a male contraceptive pill in the news recently.

They seem to be ignoring the simplest solution and that is turn sperm gay. It surely would not take much, look at the egg, what a horrible great round fat blobby thing! We at bloggoth like huge fat ladies *Note but most don't and I bet a bit of DNA tinkering so the right hormones are exuded would persuade all those little tadpoles to hump away at each other and overpopulation would be a thing of the past.

Note: To be more accurate, we like ladies with huge fat arses, we don't really care what the rest looks like

Getting really vicious

It has been frequently reported, as here, that the net is getting nastier. Not just us chaps either, even nice mums are getting vicious.

So what is to be done? Yes, you are right non-existent reader bloggoth, we need to find ways to get even nastier! A problem with online abuse is that someone who is upset by it can simply avoid visiting that particular forum and there must be a few people sensible enough to realise that. Not good enough! Surely there must be some virus writers out there who can create malware that will track down a specific IP address and screw up his/her PC or insert abusive text into the user's Word documents?

But even better, why can somebody not devise a PC virus that will "jump the species barrier" (fnaar, fnaar) and infect the PC's user? Our extensive research indicates that all previous occasions of viruses "jumping the species barrier" (fnaar, fnaar) are due to people shagging animals. HIV was due to Africans shagging baboons, Bird Flu was due to Chinese shagging chickens and Swine Flu was due to Mexicans shagging pigs. *Note 1 It is perfectly obvious that internet porn sites would be a great route for this PC-human infection. Cock in one hand, mouse in the other, what better infection route could there be? Will somebody please get on with it?

PS. It would obviously turn blue.

Tip. Never attempt to insert the keyboard into your arse, it's the devil to get out again.

Note: It's always horrible foreign people obviously. We can't understand that second one. Chickens are just not attractive.

Cold as ice

Which of you sickos was it?

We at bloggoth have a webcam, although it is normally pointed out of the window so we can watch the birdies while working at the PC.

Imagine our disgust when we found that some depraved pervert with a penchant for necrophilic bestiality among the non existent readers of bloggoth had groomed two of the mankies and persuaded them to commit sick sex acts in front of it. He (or she) might even have persuaded the other mankies to join in if any of them still had bodies. We are showing just a single frame from this sick little video in the hope that it will shock others into being more vigilent.

As for YOU, whoever you are, we will find you.

But you have to admit that is kinda stimulating.

Not a word is true

A committment that every victim of crime will receive a visit from police at the time of their own choosing, pledges to control immigration and stop migrants claiming benefits unless they have already made a significant contribution, reform of the electoral system, one on one care for cancer patients etc etc. Can't you tell there is an election coming? So why were these marvellous things not done in all the years they have been in power? We had promises before previous elections too, like free health care for the elderly but once the election had passed then obviously there were more pressing demands on the NHS, like free HIV treatment for Zimbabweans.

Anyone who believes a single fucking thing this lot says really has got to be subnormal.

PS: Apart from the electoral reform perhaps. The formula proposed does not provide a parliament that accurately reflects public wishes but favours Labour even more than the current system and is mainly designed to grab some Lib Dem votes. If Labour was headed for a majority we would not have heard a word about this measure that the {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} is suddenly so "passionate" about. He is the biggest utter arsehole to have been PM since The Grocer.

Strippers one - nuns nil - hurrah!

As non existent readers of bloggoth will know, we at bloggoth totally loath nuns. Although our fairly brief experience of them was hardly comparable to that endured by some we have been left, 57 years later, with a lasting memory of their miserable nature, their mean spirits and the frequency, temper and ferocity with which they used slippers on small children.

We are therefore delighted at the news that nuns have lost a battle to prevent strippers from performing at a nightclub in a local town. Who are nuns to talk about bad influences on vulnerable young people? We at bloggoth like strippers and prossies, they are decent NORMAL people, unlike strict religious sorts who lock themselves away the rest of society and put their irrational beliefs ahead of human relationships. In time, too many appear to lose any appreciation of normal human feelings.

More on the sentience of inanimate objects

By our expert correspondent Pedo Phil, the broken Pedometer.

Previously bloggoth has reported how us perfectly servicable gadgets and machines replaced by later models very soon become inoperable. This is clear proof that we have emotions and cannot cope with the depression on finding we are unwanted. I was lucky, having been replaced in the mistaken belief that I had been lost, whereas I was actually in the sock drawer. xoggoth performed life saving surgery in the nick of time, removing my back and relocating my little pendulum thingy.

If non existent readers are not convinced, I have further proof. xoggoth's Vista PC, that took about 15 minutes to start up, was replaced by a brand new 64 bit Windows 7 machine. It now starts up in under a minute. *Note 1 Coincidence? Or is it it just fighting back? Trying to show that it is really as good as the new machine and trying to regain its place in xoggoth's favour?

Not all machines die of despair or fight back. Some seek other consolation and may turn to religion. When xoggoth's missus's brought some expensive new digital bathroom scales, xoggoth nicked the rusty old analogue one to keep next to the exercise machine in the garage. Strangely, these scales, although reasonably accurate before, can now give a reading about 8 pounds high when compared to the new digital scales or the expensive ones at the gym. They are only accurate in one orientation, when facing Mecca! *Note 2 Yes, Mrs xoggoth's old scales have converted to Islam! Has it, like so many new converts seeking refuge from an intolerable situation, become radicalised? Will it continue to accept being stood on by an Infidel or will it be the UK's first bathroom scales suicide bomber? Is it safe for xoggoth to keep using it?

Note 1: Some dull person might say it is because it is no longer connected to the Internet. Some people will just not accept the truth.

Note 2: xoggoth checked which way Mecca is from the house and was most gratified to find he can face it when using the downstairs crapper. Not that he would offend his old bathroom scales by mentioning that.


We thought it would

The moorhen, sometimes with two of his/her mates (in whatever sense) has been back every day during the snow. Ho hum. Another little permanent dependent.

Commenty boxy thing

Post comments here. Promises of money or ecstatic praise only please. Anything remotely critical will be removed. If you do not agree with me you are clearly insane.

Taxes are Haram

Anyone who wants to share what they have willingly should be encouraged to do so and, if much of the help they provide is squandered due to corruption, laziness, human greed and inefficiency, does it really matter when the donation is entirely voluntary and it makes the donors feel good?

What sucks is forcing citizens and taxpayers into donating the fruits of their labour, which nature tells us should be providing for our own, on causes over which they have no choice whatever. This only destroys our natural incentives. When so much of what we have worked for has been shared with those we do not know, who we feel to be undeserving or even a threat to us, is it any wonder that we in our turn have no compunction on relying on strangers instead of shifting for ourselves? Are content to leave our responsibilities to the indifferent provisions of the state?

One of the few principles of Islam that is sound *Note 1 is the concept that taxes are Haram. What a much better idea it would be if we:

  1. Paid for services we all regularly require at different times, like refuse collection or road travel, according to our actual usage.
  2. Paid for things we might all sometimes need, like the emergency services, doctors or hospitals based on our actual chances of needing them - a sort of insurance premium with price based on our risk of using them.
  3. Paid for the more general state apparatus like governance, national defence and so on based on an equal sum per citizen.
  4. Made a further compulsory donation of a fixed proportion of our salary to the charity of our choice to cater for all other uses or causes and to subsidise others who may not be able to pay for any or part of 1), 2) or 3).

I think those who are disadvantaged through no fault of their own might fare rather better under this system than they do under the present one. If people have to donate money, they would probably feel that the disabled or the low paid who make an effort commensurate with their ability are worthy recipients. As for causes unpopular with us nasty Daily Mail readers like aid to the third world, support for long term benefit claimants, drug addicts, criminals and bogus asylum seekers, well they should do ok too shouldn't they? After all, the Liberal Left think these are causes well worth supporting.

Or are they only worth supporting when it is at somebody else's expense?

Note 1: Theoretically anyway, - you think we at bloggoth can be arsed to research the reality? If it is anything like Shariah banking where, despite the arrangements and what they call it, the bank recovers its money plus a profit we suspect it is just tax by another name. Islam is very good at meaningless bollux.

Here we go again ... and again.

As we have commented before, Islam always professes moderation when it gets caught out. All these moderate mosques, bookshops and societies were never aware of the extremist preaching or video conferences, the books, tapes or CDs being sold until it was brought to their attention. Isn't that truly amazing? Funny how Conservative associations never turn out to have hosted Klu Klux Klan meetings by mistake, or Anglican churches to be handing out extreme homophobic leaflets with their hym books. Just plain lucky they don't get caught we geuss.

The lastest crap from Islam concerns extremist tapes in the Tower Hamlets library, more than half of which were out on loan. Naturally, the Muslim run council was appalled. "As part of the borough’s 'No Place for Hate' pledge, our commitment to promote community cohesion, and our ongoing work to review what's on our shelves, we have removed all titles from the borough's Idea Stores and libraries. "

Then we have an Islamic radio station with extremist links on its website. " A spokeswoman for the channel said it had been unaware its website had provided links to Awlaki's sermons. She said the sermons were in an online archive shared with many websites. Islam Channel has not at any time given a platform to Mr Awlaki she said. The channel has now removed the link. "

Sure, mistakes can be made and things can be missed. It is just that, where Islam is concerned, there are too many oversights for the excuses to be entirely believable.

Undiscovered species

The wierdest thing about deep snow is the strange tracks you find in it. Yesterday we apparently had a good size python that came over the garden wall, across the drive and over the bonnet of my van.

Today we have deep prints on the lawn, spaced about four apart as the relative size of those birds indicates. Each print measures more than a foot in length and appears to be of a three toed creature.

Our usual extensive research indicates that these tracks can only have been left by the very rare Giant British Snow Kangaroo. Or possibly an Arctic Ostrich that has migrated too far South.

That's what they're good at Butch

Government proposals to increase searches and baggage inspections after the Christmas Day bomb attempt have had little support from the aviation industry. One aviation source said: " This is just window dressing. The government is about to implement measures that will result in long queues at airports but will have no impact on security."

Sounds about right. On every serious issue, reducing red tape for business, tackling welfare dependency, reducing serious crime, controlling immigration, providing decent equipment for the troops, confronting extremism, cutting waste etc etc, all we have had drom this government is window dressing, spin, empty promises and downright lies.

Why is the obvious always such a suprise?

Now charities are telling us that they cannot cope with the influx of Ghurkas who are arriving in the UK with nothing. If they cannot, then presumably the burden will fall on that other well known charity, the British taxpayer.

We said back here that we were letting sentimentality about the Ghurkas and admiration for their military prowess blind us to a few truths. In a nutshell 1) Ex soldiers, especially those who have endured the stresses of combat, statistically make poor citizens. Studies from both the UK and the US show it. 2) It is highly probable that most eligible to come here will do. Where dirt poor and/or unstable states are concerned this usually happens. 3) Now we have opened the door and created yet another welcoming and supportive minority here many not legally eligible to do so will now attempt entry by illegal means just as they do from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa etc.

In the coming years we will hearing more adverse news about the Nepalese in the UK. I suggest we send the bill to Lumley, the stupid woman.

Do try and be practical

Much as we at bloggoth loath crappy Islam, it is hard to see how targetting airport checks on Muslims would actually work. Even assuming there are travel documents that state what religion someone is, what gaurantee is there that they have been filled in honestly, are not total forgeries, that the person is who they say they are? Can you tell a Pakistani/Indian Muslim from an Indian Hindu just by looking at them? Or a Muslim Nigerian from a Christian Nigerian? Come to that, you can't always tell an Afghan, Iranian or Pathan Pakistani from a white Briton.

Once more this latest would be terrorist has links to a British mosque, which claims to be liberal but has a previous history in entertaining extremists and has failed to act to prevent recurrence. This is getting repepetitive, Islam is always moderate when it gets found out but it is another story when it thinks nobody is looking.

Let's not get carried away with the terrorism thing either, the greater concern is the threat that this repulsive and backward creed represents to a secular and, one day perhaps, a free and democratic society. A saner solution than unworkable profiling at airports would be to crack down on radical groups, radical preachers in mosques, and radical societies in our universities. Use the anti terror laws as they should be used instead of on citizens overfilling their recycle bins.

Presumably that would antagonise the "moderate" Muslims even more but all the evidence, the comparisons between different European countries, suggest that it is excessive accomodation of what should not be accomodated that encourages radicalism most, not legitimate actions against a major threat in our midst. And does this creed deserve our tolerance when it shows so little tolerance for others in too many of the countries it controls, other than the tolerance of the master for his obedient slaves?

Real news

What is the UK coming to? Crime everywhere and our area is going to the dogs. It seems Somebody set fire to the toilet rolls in a Furness Green ladies toilet.

Higs Bosun particle is gay

There is nothing too complex for the incredible brilliance of we at bloggoth and we have been examining the evidence for the existence of the Higgs Bosun particle. It exists all right but it seems that previous researchers have missed some vital elements from their equations. These particle are as bent as 800 corkscrews! If the Hadron Colider reveals these particles they are almost certain to be at each others' arses like hammer and tongs. Dark matter is even worse, shagging non stop with anything it can get hold of.

Pope Grandpa Munster to resign following attack by deranged woman

bloggoth has learned from its sources in the Vatican that Pope Grandpa Munster, Pope Benedict to the rest of the world, is shortly to quit his post in the wake of an attack by a deranged woman who grabbed him and pulled him down.

Our reporter spoke to the pope and it seems the event was traumatic. "Wahee! Said the old chap, first time I've ever been on top of a woman and it felt great! Even at my age I got quite a stiffy!" When asked if this unprecedented resignation would weeken the Catholic church the old chap told us "Who cares? Sod that! I'm going to get a bit of screwing in before I snuff it" At this point our reporter was asked to leave due to the arrival of a popular lady from one of Rome's best known massage parlours.

Cor! Fuck me! What have I been
missing all these years?
The pope asked our reporter.

NICE little scrounger

Not uncommon birds but not seen one in the garden before. Now it has tasted the Hovis I daresay we will see a lot more of this Moorhen.

We want one

We don't know what sex that Moorhen is as males and females look much the same.

Birds have no obvious naughty bits to speak of or so we thought but apparently the Male Muscovy duck has a 40cm corkscrew penis which takes a third of a second to reach erection. Lucky little bastard!

An old use for a new database

The powers that be are still trotting out every excuse to control and monitor us. Now a single rape case solved years after the event is supposed to be justification for keeping DNA records of all of us in perpetuity.

Another failure to sensibly balance the disadvantages for millions against an occasional advantage for a few. Just think how many murders and other crimes we could solve by installing microphones and cameras in our homes, does that make it a good idea? Whoops! Shouldn't have suggested that! One of our masters might read this and decide it is.

The main objection to routine DNA testing is that we do not trust them to get it right nor to place unjustifed reliance on the results. We have covered this before.

witch doctor Pictures, Images and Photos

But there is another reason. For what other purpose has it been always necessary to take little samples of someone's body tissue?

If the police are convinced, in their usual dim witted way, by what this not always convincing science is telling them but cannot find other evidence how can we be sure that they will not resort to forcing a confession by using these tissue samples to cast voodoo spells on the suspect?

Another one joins the bloggoth list of heros

GRINCH Pictures, Images and Photos

We at bloggoth are not interested in football but Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp now joins the list of absolute heros who can do no wrong, being taken to court by the time wasting, arbitrary, overbearing and often downright dishonest HMRC.

A raid on his home was found to be illegal and he won small damages. Good for him, although anyone without Redknapp's salary who was not a useless welfare parasite with instant access to more state funds to defend their "rights" would probably have had no remedy that they could afford.

Previous unforgettable entrants include Ken Dodd, Pavarroti, Wesley Snipes, Lester Piggot and that eccentric monocle-wearing black boxer whose name we have forgotten.

Maybe we should start now

Wealth that comes from one's own abilities or actions is fine by us at bloggoth, as is the ability to pass a good portion of it to one's children; it gives one some incentive to keep up the effort. But many of us agree with the left that the Monarchy is an appalling institution. The idea that people should have influence and wealth and advantageous laws that enable them to keep far more of it from the taxman than the rest of us, simply by accident of birth, totally sucks.

There is little interest in getting rid of the institution at the moment for two main reasons, one is a general respect for the queen, even among us rabid republicans, and the other is the thoroughly deserved lack of respect for authority generally. Many of us suspect that a president would be some self serving political appointee with even more perks than royalty.

Perhaps we need to start looking at the options now because, if this TOTAL and UTTER arse succeeds to the throne, republican sentiment may come back with a vengeance.

The PC myth of general migrant usefullness

Immigration can be positive if properly controlled and there are some very useful migrants. Indians, for example, come out very well on the welfare statistics and are more prosperous than the rest of us. Most of us do not really care what colour a migrant is or where they come from but we do expect them to be suitably checked as being economically useful, in good health, English speaking, not hostile to our own culture and values and not criminals or terrorists. Is that really so unreasonable? Is it really so racist to refuse to carry on subscribing to an absurd pretence about the positive benefits of mass immigration when the facts tell us it is nonsense and it is the pretence that is the excuse for failing to exercise proper control?

A very large percentage of those admitted under a lax system are a millstone around our necks and nowhere is this more apparent than in England's crime figures where migrants and minorities are quite disproportionately represented. You think this is some BNP or Daily Mail invention? No, it comes from police, courts and government and is reported by reputable sources including those to the left of centre. Below are some of the realities, if you think it racist to even mention such things please address your protests to the neo-nazis at the BBC, Guardian et al.

Take a look at the names and the faces on BBC's Crime Watch. The migrant/ethnic proportion this year is: November 3 out of 6, October 7 out of 8, September 5 out of 10, June 6 out of 8, April 2 out of 5, March 2 out of 3, February 1 out of 2, January 4 out of 5.

Have a look at Scotland Yard's most wanted, where it's 10 out of 12. The faces change but I'm betting that proportion won't by much. It never has in the past.

Keep an eye on The Court News. This changes every day but again the ethnic/migrant names are over-represented. Of three murders on todays's page, two appear from the names or details found elsewhere to be from ethnic minorities. Again, this is not untypical.

Cannabis growing from The Gaurdian.
"Police in swaths of London are being 'overwhelmed' by Vietnamese gangs flooding the streets with high-strength, home-grown cannabis. The gangs, who have also been linked to murders, people-smuggling and kidnapping, are making millions of pounds by renting houses from unsuspecting landlords and converting them into sophisticated cannabis farms"

Counterfeit DVDs from Sky News.
"The illegal trade in London and around the rest of the country is run almost entirely by Chinese organised crime gangs"

The Heroin trade from the BBC.
"BBC investigation uncovers disturbing evidence that Asian criminals are actively seeking to corner the heroin market in Britain"

Drug mules from The Independent.
"Jamaican drug smugglers now account for almost half the prisoners at some of Britain's women's jails"
Drug mules from the BBC.
"Dozens of passengers on every flight to London from the Jamaican capital, Kingston, are drug mules, according to the British High Commission there. Deputy High Commissioner Phil Sinkinson even suggested that a newspaper report claiming that one in 10 air passengers from Jamaica were smuggling drugs could be an underestimate"

African drug smugglers from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
"Drugs trafficking and organised crime within West Africa is an emerging threat to EU stability and I welcome an EU-coordinated response. Cocaine is now the second-most misused drug across Europe after cannabis, and it is estimated that at least half the cocaine reaching the UK comes through West Africa"

The Heroin trade from The Independent.
" Up to 20 Turkish gangs are running multi-million pound heroin rackets, stretching from London to Glasgow, making them one of Britain's fastest emerging organised crime groups. There have also been a number of murders involving competing Turkish groups, the majority of which are family outfits based in London, with strongholds in Glasgow and Manchester. They are also involved in smuggling illegal immigrants, extorting money through protection rackets and counterfeiting"

Car jacking from Safer Motoring.
"Organised car-jacking gangs are known to operate in London, and drivers in the South-East are known to be particularly at risk, because the prevalence of high-value vehicles in the region makes it attractive to thieves. Cars stolen in this way will typically end up on the streets of Eastern Europe or Africa, being shipped out for resale very quickly through established criminal networks"

Identity theft from Accountancy Age.
"Most identity fraud/theft is linked to organised crime - Eastern Europe and Asia in particular. An influx of immigrants has not helped that situation"

Credit card fraud from The Independent.
"Restaurant waiters linked to organised crime gangs are contributing to a staggering increase in credit card fraud in Britain in the last 12 months, a major government report has found. Staff working in Italian, Chinese and Eastern European restaurants have been found to be copying the details from the cards of diners and passing them to counterfeiting gangs"

Female gun victims from The Observer.
"The shootings are part of a brutal trend. An investigation by The Observer has found that black women are almost 50 times more likely than white women to be victims of gun crime. Although women make up less than 2 per cent of gunshot cases, 95 per cent of female victims are black. This includes women deliberately targeted by gunmen as well as bystanders. Experts say they are victims of a black gang culture that no longer sees women or children as beyond limits"

Why London police are now armed from The Gaurdian.
"Spate of tit-for-tat murders between Turkish drugs gangs is behind Met's decision to deploy armed patrols. Yet the details behind the agreement to routinely deploy C019, the Met's specialist firearms unit, on selected London streets reveals a narrative that offers a disturbing insight into how violent, anarchic gangs are able to terrorise and oppress entire communities. What added to the decision to use armed patrols was the intelligence that both Turkish groups had forged alliances with some of London's most notorious black gangs, all of whom held a long-standing reputation for violence and the casual use of firearms"

Big rise in Homophobic attacks in Tower Hamlets from The Gaurdian. (Although the author thinks it's all our society's fault)
"...47 attacks against gay people were reported to the police in this borough last year? This included the near-fatal assault on a 20-year-old man who was verbally abused and had a bottle smashed over his head before being stabbed seven times. The perpetrators were a group of Bangladeshi teenage boys"

Street Mugging from The Times.
"A study published yesterday by the Home Office shows that up to 87 per cent of victims in Lambeth, South London, told the police that their attackers were black. Nearly 80 per cent of the victims were white. Black people account for 31 per cent of the population in these areas. High proportions were also reported in Bristol and Birmingham city centres and Westminster, where 62 per cent of offenders were described as black and 72 per cent of the population is white."

Honour killings from The Independent.
Several high-profile trials have begun to reveal how the perceived need to protect a family's honour will lead some people to murder those they are supposed to love and protect. Such killings have dogged numerous communities of many different faiths, although most known "honour" murders within the UK in recent years were primarily in British Punjabi, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Kurdish families.

Untaxed, uninsured and unqualified motorists from SpeedCameras.Org.
"One of the most dangerous groups of illegal motorists are unaccountable immigrants who haven't taken a British driving test or learnt the Highway Code. Several fatal incidents have highlighted the growing problems."
Untaxed, uninsured and unqualified motorists from the Evening Standard.
"MOTOR insurance premiums are to rise steeply to cover the cost of more than 1m uninsured drivers, industry bosses said yesterday. A high proportion were driving old and badly-maintained cars and many were immigrants or asylum seekers. Immigration officers have warned that immigrants in unsafe cars have become a 'lethal menace on the roads'"

Burglary in London from The Daily Telegraph.
"Sir Paul Stephenson, acting Commissioner, has ordered officers to pursue every outstanding warrant for known, wanted or suspected burglars. It has led to almost 600 arrests since mid-November. The rise in thefts across the city centre is down to two things, the rise in migrants and the economic climate that is making people's lives more difficult"

Fraud from The Independent.
"West African criminals are responsible for almost half of all frauds carried out in the United Kingdom, claims a police report. The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) estimates that Nigerians and Ghanaians swindle pounds 3.5bn from individuals, businesses and the Government, out of annual frauds totalling pounds 8bn. West African frauds are a "significant concern" for police forces and governments around the world"

Drink driving from The Gaurdian.
"A chief constable today said an increase in immigration had left police struggling to deal with certain offences, including knife crime and drink-driving. Between 2003 and 2004 the number of foreign nationals arrested in the county for drink-driving soared from 57 to 966, although it has since fallen by two-thirds. Mrs Spence also argued officers could take three times as long dealing with an immigrant offender, partly due to language difficulties. She said immigrants' attitudes to drink-driving were probably what they were in the UK 20 years ago."

Pickpockets in London from The Gaurdian.
"Police are blaming gangs of Bulgarian women, drawn to the UK by European Union expansion, for soaring rates of pickpocketing in London."

Prostitution from The Independent.
"Researchers found that about half of the prostitutes in London were from the Balkans and the former Soviet Union, and that Albanian criminals controlled about three quarters of the women who sold sex in saunas and brothels in the capital. Much of the £12m annual profit made from the Soho sex trade returned to Albania, the intelligence service said. While the Albanian gangsters are concentrated in London, they have also made inroads into Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and surprisingly Telford in Shropshire and Lancaster."

People trafficking from BBC Radio 4.
"A top government official in Albania has told this programme that organised criminal gangs from his country are specifically targeting Britain to traffic women and children for the sex trade. The gangs find it easy to operate in Britain and that's why they want to operate there. ...we'll get parts of London which will be taken over for serious organised criminality by these people."

Liberty and secular values under attack from top and bottom

It seems that Uganda is to pass a law making homosexuality a capital offence. While a number of Christian countries, mostly in Africa, make homosexual activity a criminal offence, that sort of barbarism has until now been the preserve of Islam.

The laws's proponent says that this is only aimed at protecting youngsters and, given the prevalence of rape of schoolchildren in Uganda as previously reported in The Gaurdian's Katine project articles, one might consider this to be the lesser of two evils if it proved to be a deterrent. Sometimes, a society is not civilised enough for its government to be able to afford civilised behaviour.

But if that is the real intention why not a death penalty for anyone found guilty of serious sex offences against children? How is an anti gay law going to protect the girls who get raped? It is clear from this and other details reported that this justification is a lie and the law goes far beyond necessary measures to protect children. Just another unsurprising tale of African backwardness? Some other details there are no surprise either:

But many suspect that it was outsiders who inspired this bill in the first place. In March, Bahati met several prominent anti-gay US Christian activists who attended a conference in Uganda where they pledged to "wipe out" homosexuality. The conference featured Scott Lively, president of California's anti-gay Abiding Truth Ministries and co-author of The Pink Swastika, a book claiming that leading Nazis were gay. Also there was Don Schmierer, on the board of Exodus International, which promotes the "ex-gay" movement, believing people can change their sexuality and be redeemed. The third extremist evangelical to attend was Caleb Lee Brundidge, who is linked to Richard Cohen who believes that psychotherapy can "cure" homosexuality.

The Guardian may be somewhat liberal lefty but in this they are correct and this link is far from being theirs alone. Some while back (although obviously we cannot be arsed to find it) we commented on how following links from the website of an idiotic Evangelist Christian association in our village, The New Connexions Church, led us straight back to the US and did a bit of checking on US Evangelical influences at the time. Immigration from Africa and Muslim countries is dragging our society backwards on this issue on the streets while more powerful influences from across the pond are dragging backwards our laws and institutions.

Among the African nations, Uganda appeared to be one that was making most progress and was perhaps a more deserving recipient of aid than most but now? What people donate their own money to is their business but charities have special tax status and barbaric societies should not be supported with British taxpayers' money. Given its obvious disgust at this measure I wonder if The Guardian will take the obvious step and abandon its Katine project?

Wrong reason

A bishop has had to apologise after remarks that appeared to praise the Taliban.

Some of the attacks are daft; one very much doubts if the bishop was saying he was in favour of stonings or preventing women from working or any other barbaric views of extreme Islam, just one particular quality they have and there is nothing wrong with that in itself.

The objection of we at bloggoth to his remarks are of a different ilk. We see no reason to praise faith at all. Faith is by definition a firmly held belief which is immune from rationality and we need a lot less of it. If some are incapable of sufficient self discipline to live in society without having rigid rules imposed on them, if the human empathy that nature gave us all is insufficient for them, then let rational law be the imposition.


We at bloggoth spent our Saturday from about 10.30AM to 7PM attempting to submit the fecking online Corporation tax return for our tiny business. It should have taken about an hour as we had all the figures to hand and it did not take much more than that last year.

But oh no!" Fecking HMRC, blast their FUCKING shit arses, decided it was all too easy and decided to "implement", ie lash together some untested piece of fucking shit, a much more complicated thing in Adobe crappy reader. Download the latest version of Adobe crappy reader that slows the whole PC to a crawl, go through a long winded ten point security set up thing made more difficult because to look at the next step in Adobe crappy reader, you have to close the box on the file where you are making the changes.

Oh joy! A crappy form that pops up an error every time you click a help button, where you can't skip a box to return to later like on the old forms, that reports on errors relating to boxes that have no relevance whatever, that calculates a positive tax on a loss, that won't let you put a loss where it's supposed to go, that won't let you get the small companies rate on a net zero amount, that tells you over and over again that it can't submit even though you can access websites, including HMRC's submission page, with no problem. Oh yes and another fucking section stuck in about director's loans so you have to spend ages trying to figure out what it's about and if you need to fill it in or not.

Try the phone help. 3 times. Clear the internet cache they say. Don't work. They'll get back to you. They don't. You would think that once you know which options to press you could do that without having to sit through the silly women telling you all over again, but no, you have to wait until she says "press 3" before pressing 3 works. Try the laptop and go through the whole fucking download and setup rigmarole again. Oh joy! Adobe crappy reader crappy version 9 point crappy 2 slows that to even more of a crawl and it takes 5 minutes to open but still won't work and by now we are into peak internet time and access is dodgy anyway. Finally, after about 20th attempt it submitted. The form wasn't right but in the circumstances it was the best we could do so we just put a note in the CT calculation that their crappy form wasn't working properly.

I HATE the fucking state! I hate the way they waste our time. I hate the way they waste our money and dole it out to fecking bastard welfare parasites and crappy immigrants and stupid wars and third world fucking crappy countries and, most of all, to bloody self seeking politicians and crappy crappy civil servants like the cunts in HMRC who never stop dreaming up more and more ways to WASTE OUR FECKING TIME!

I want to gauge out your FECKING eyeballs and piss in the sockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where's Ossie?

Beats me why {Lying Scottish C* ... Brownstuff} feels he can criticise anyone else for anything but he has recently had a go at the Pakistani President for not doing enough to catch Osama Bin Laden.

We at bloggoth have every sympathy with President Gilani and totally believe him when he says Bin Laden is not in Pakistan. He is far more likely to be living on welfare in the UK hatching his plots in a luxury mansion provided by the British taxpayer.

To increase the chance of his capture, we at bloggoth thought we would devise some little games to train the British public in how to spot Osama Bin Laden. We have made it fairly easy to start with but if non existent readers get good enough we will provide a tougher test with a picture of some more typical British cities where practically every male looks like Osama Bin Laden.

To make it even simpler for you, just click on the picture to get a draggable Bin Laden magnifier.

If you can't see a picture or it's knackered in some typically bloggothy-can't-be-arsed-to-do-things-properly sort of way click here.

We hate nuns

Cos we do ok. Awful bloody women! Anyway, using the same simple technique, here's a nuns get their tits out viewer.


Pete Docherty is in trouble for singing Deutschland über alles. We at bloggoth thought it was still the German national anthem. Ah! It appears it is, it is just that nowadays they only sing the third verse, not the first one that starts Deutschland über alles, das is verboten. The permissible German vocabulary of we at bloggoth has just dropped by 20%, thank heavens we can still ask vo is der barnhoff bitte? and ve gettes innen?

Why not make a fuss only when it really matters?

Far too regularly, another case hits the headlines of somebody in trouble for supposed racism, homophobia, sexism etc, or conversely, somebody is suing for a supposed infringement of their rights because sufficient accomodation is not being made to their beliefs. Not sure we always get the full picture from the limited details in the newspapers but on the face of it, what they mostly have in common is a failure of those who decide to apply any practical sense to their decisions.

In this latest case a Christian who was unhappy with the idea of gay sex was dismissed. Now had he turned up at a session and started castigating gay blokes he probably should be. Had he refused to do gay therapy sessions in what he should have known was a particularly gay area and was not pulling his weight, then possibly it would be justified. *Note 1 But simply for telling a manager he was unhappy with the idea of gay sex? Quite absurd! And yet his dismissal is upheld!

It isn't that difficult. If people's beliefs mean they do not or cannot properly do the job they were contracted to do, that is grounds for dismissal. If their beliefs can be accomodated without any major impact on the business or other workers, just switching them to another task or section say, then why not just do it? What they believe or do legally in their own time should never be grounds for dismissal.

This has a lot to do with the absurd modern concept that one person can have rights wholly independently of those around him. If only those who push politically correct views would grasp that they do minorities no favours, they only breed resentment.

Note 1: Few straight men would be comfortable or be any good at sex therapy for gay men anyway. One suspects that they use gay or bi councellors for that and that this bloke's objection was academic anyway.

This is going better than most of us expected

The Iraq enquiry.

Mr Blair has been appalled by the high-profile evidence given by mandarins who have appeared before the Chilcot inquiry since the first round of public hearings began last Tuesday, close friends have revealed. His image has taken a battering over the past six days, as a series of current and former public servants have given evidence that conflicts with the Government's account of the intelligence assessment of Iraq's weapons capability before the invasion in March 2003.


Another Blair ally said the former leader had made clear his concern that "his reputation could be shredded by the Chilcot process". "He is furious that mandarins are seeking revenge and discovering their principles after the event," one friend added.

A telling phrase that, it implies that what they are saying now is the truth and it is the revelation of the truth that infuriates Blair. The fact that Civil Servants who are supposed to be impartial were made to feel their careers were at risk for not toeing the political line tells us a lot about the nature of this malignant Labour government.

Off course it will not end in The Mad Messaiah being shot and hung upside down from a lamppost or even prosecuted as many of us would like but if it helps to prevent this appalling egocentric self server from being seriously considered for any high office anywhere again, the enquiry will have done a valuable job.

Decadence slot

We at bloggoth had a brill erotic dream last night. There was this little doorless cubicle just off a crowded shopping street with a row of five transparent boxes, each containing a dwarf with its legs up and its bumhole right next to a hole in the box.

Naturally, not being a perve, we at bloggoth chose one of the female ones although none of them had any visible sexual characteristics whatever and it had a face like Basil Rathbone's in Sherlock Holmes. It seems they lived in these boxes in that position all the time as the boxes had little moulded bookshelves and other furniture in partial relief.

We didn't fancy a snog as its breath smelt of stale cigarettes but that hole didn't half feel good!

PS. In case you come across this cubicle in your dream, it is only the first and third dwarves from the left that are female. This is clearly a street in Kemptown.

Just to remind us that it isn't only Islam that sucks - 1

Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins in Nepal.

Chandan Dev Chaudhary, a Hindu priest, said he was pleased with the festival's high turnout and insisted tradition had to be kept. "The goddess needs blood," he said. "Then that person can make his wishes come true."

Nice to see the government of this basket case country was able to contribute £36,500 out of the millions it gets in aid every year although, to be fair, it is probably no more wasted than the rest of $4bn worth of aid. Continuing poverty there that has fuelled radicalism by Marxists and Hindus alike and Nepal's radical Hinduism is not a matter of concern only to buffalo, attacks on Christians and especially Muslims are on the rise.

Isn't that where all those so marvellous Ghurkas come from, you know, the chaps who don't suffer any of the stress disorders that other ex soldiers suffer from which makes them such poor citizens, the chaps who only campaign for the right to come here out of principle but who would never consider actually doing so because they love it far too much in one of the world's poorest, most corrupt and most strife ridden countries?

At least most feral Somali youths don't have army combat training. There will come a time when the UK regrets its sentimentality about the Ghurkhas.


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