The coven:
13 blogs we may look at when not lost in admiration of our own:

Bad Science
Burning Our Money
EU Referendum
Gimcrack hospital
HMRC is shite
News Bleat
Vacant slot
Snail's Tales
the freethinker
The Mad Hatters
Vacant slot
Vacant slot
Vacant slot
Islam totally sucks links:
Gates Of Vienna
Islamist Watch
Jihad Watch
Creeping Shariah
Last commenty thing that we could be bothered to create. (Lazy old git)
Links to items
Feckin' adverts - give us products we want
What it says (cartoon)

Not funny but then what is?
Lethal relatives


The Flame

Corrupt, violent and plain nasty

Maybe we need more celebrities
Improving perceptions of BME

It would have been great if...

Maria Schneider dead

More misnomers
Modern anarchists are not anarchists

Everyone sod off
What it says

Depresso the bear (cartoon)

Pope John beatification

Good lord
Taliban improves (a bit)

Technology and lies
Webcams to catch out liars

What it says

Say no
DNA screening

More truth from the liberal left
Guardian making sense again

Babies and bad taste
What it says

Talking of babies and bad taste
What it says (cartoon)

Mole conspiracy

The plusses of some useful migrants more than would appear
India and China

The logical elephants in the room
Muslim crime

Cat killing foxes

Poor bloke
Accused landlord

Rude Mistletoe
What it says

Time to say goodbye (youtube)

Real saints
Two we liked

If I knew you were coming
Terrorism and cakes

Deep purple - The Cut Runs Deep
What it says (youtube)

Equivalent action. Not.
More Islamic barbarism

More improvements on a poor design
Of human body (cartoon)

Things not to do in a crowded street
What it says

Good idea
Arsebishop hypocrite

Discriminatory laws cited as evidence of enlightenment
Islamic distortions

Clever little god
Pointless prayer

And his angels
Immigration drives stupid religious beliefs

The adventures of James Bondage
What it says (cartoon)

Thought so
Census underestimates immigration

The Centre For Social Cohesion

Much too sane. Where's the hammer?
Mundane reality trumps imagination (cartoon)

News? What news?
Undie ads

Were we better off with a tribal society?
What it says

Hey! He's back!
The Great God Sod

Jolly decent of them
Dying of cancer? No excuse for not filling in your tax return

Fertilisation methods (cartoon)

Illegal porn
What it says

Never knew that

Back when music wasn't crappo the bear
Seekers (youtube)

Damn. Missed it.
Rude X factor

Tolerance. It must be!
More Islamic misnomers

Education, education, education. True words from a liar
Blair's awful legacy on education

My god, my god! Why hast thou forsaken me?
The Great God Sod

Yes, but
Immigrants make educational standards drop

Snow and religion
Idiotic proofs of scripture


Explanation of evolution

Inspiration according to Bradbury
The Mankies help out with a story

Corruption is everywhere
Even in the West

We cannot keep pretending about the nature of Islam
What it says

Free speaking lessons
From Obummer

Remembered for what's important
Only oddballs get remembered

Big mistake
Andrex puppy

Page 38

The ramblings of an old git

bloggoth Mission Statement:

          We aim to never raise our sights above the gutter and preferably to stay much lower

Feckin' adverts - give us products we want

We all hate TV adverts, especially the ones about f* boring things like toothpaste or insurance or detergents and one of the dullest is some bloody thing about the Glade Touch 'N Fresh air freshener. It has motion sensors to deliver a burst of fragrance everytime somebody walks past it and is billed as "the air freshener that doesn't look like an air freshioner" This thing is supposed to look right at home on your shelf along with your valuable antique stone ornaments, provided you have a bunch of valuable ornaments that look like mottled grey eggs obviously.

Bollux to your air freshener Glade. As a huge fan of female bodily functions (not that we ever get any missus bloggoth!) we don't want an air freshener that makes our loo smell like a mountain glade, we would rather have our lounge (and mountain glades everywhere) smell like a toilet where the lovely huge bum of Dawn French has delivered an equally impressive crap.

We are sure we are not alone in this most normal and civilised desire and therefore present the xoggoth Fart 'N Stink air freshener that looks like a huge fat lady's arse and delivers a burst of pure female fart when anyone walks by. Orders with cheque for £200 ($900) to the usual address.

Not funny but then what is?

Apologies to the non existent readers for the dearth of stuff on bloggoth and the concentration on boring RANT when our normal preference among the bloggoth Three Rs is RUDE or RUBBISH. Unfortunately, after three weeks of some bug we still feel like utter crap.

We are sure we caught it off our brother in law, THE BASTARD! and this only confirms our view that relatives are pure evil to be avoided at all times. The last times we felt ill, apart from a slight sniffle, were:

  1. After coming back from Moscow in a Russian Aeroflot plane in about 1985 and
  2. after swimming in the Thames, circa 1973.

Absolute proof, if any was needed, that a brief chat with a relative is as lethal as:

  1. Five hours breathing the overheated exhalations of 200 commies and commie sympathisers or
  2. ingesting the sewage of 5 million Londoners

My Aunt Sheila

On the plus side, some of this horrible relative contact has made us realise that the shortage of bollux on bloggoth and xoggoth tales over a much longer period was not due so much to writer's block but to an elevation of our own expectations. Back in the earlier days of this blog when we were contracting we just thought up odd bits of rubbish in the day and bunged them in, things like lunchtime doodles or photos of van magazines in the shop and that minor creativity often stimulated something a bit better. Now we have more time we think everything we start has to be fantastic or it is not worth doing so we sit there trying to think of something really brill and can't.

Meeting the bro on a rare trip from the US made us realise that; he does loads of cartoons just because he likes doing them. It took being locked in a ghastly relative infested room for 4 hours pretending to be enthused over cartoon voles with captions like reVOLEution, VOLEtage or John TraVOLEta but we eventually saw the light. (Sorry R) What disgusting life-theatening diseases will result from the encounter we do not know yet but from now on, there will be a deluge of whatever FUCKING CRAP we feel like, so you can all get stuffed.

"What else is new?" cry the non existent readers. Quite. Welcome back.

PS With our new found creativity, AKA drastic lowering of standards, we cannot now imagine how we did the item Noooooooooooooooo! about the sad death of Maria Schneider a little way back without illustrating it with a huge melting willy entitled KNOB OF BUTTER. What a missed opportunity.

Topic: Not funny but       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


A ghastly relative's remark made us realise that we at bloggoth may be descendents of Richard Doyle, one of the best known illustrators of the Victorian era who did the cover picture for the first issue of Punch Magazine. An image Google of Richard Doyle shows many of his works. He was also Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's uncle.

We might try and trace this connection - pity this ancestry lark looks like such an expensive and time consuming fag. Must be an easier way. We see they are now selling DNA testing kits in chemists. So where is Arthur Conan Doyle buried? Hmmm.

The Flame

Corrupt, violent and plain nasty

There is truly something vicious and sick about some on the left. They reject the idea of reward based on merit but have an inflated sense of their own worth and are the first to get their snouts into the public trough, they champion rights that they themselves are not paying for, they claim to be motivated by concern for the poor but in reality they are driven by class hatred.

Thus we see that all the MPs actually prosecuted for expenses fraud are Labour, many of the agitators in recent demonstration are students who have never paid tax and the most vocal supporters of mass immigration live in nice areas away from all the problems it creates.

The latest piece of nastiness comes from Labour MPs. If true, it would seem that the fact that the mocked MP was a Tory was enough to override any sympathy for his disability. Scumbags.

Maybe we need more celebrities

The link above showed Trevor Phillips. Regardless of the accusations levelled against him a while back he is still one of our favourite public figures. Sense is in short supply in public life so who cares about a bit of supposed incompetence in running a department? He gives honest opinion without the built in bias that one might expect from an equalities chief and has the added advantage that, being a black guy, he can say some things the rest of us would not be allowed to. Another sensible bloke (for a Bishop) is Archbishop Sentamu. The hierarchy of the CofE is obviously no business of us atheists but the day he displaces the Arsebishop of Canterbury and give the UK back an Archbishop of Canterbury we can respect would be a great one in our opinion.

PC pretence aside, too many blacks are no asset. Their disproportionate involvement in gang related gun crime and street crime, especially in London and the SouthEast, is undoubted. On the other hand, there are many likeable and popular black figures, like Sentamu, who do a lot to counter the negative perceptions that the almost routine gangland stabbings and shootings create, people like Lenny Henry, Ainsley Harriet, Floella Benjamin, Trevor McDonald, Frank Bruno, Colin Jackson and loads of other major current or ex sporting personalities. A few well known negatives too but a few are to be expected in any group.

Perhaps it is not too daft to suggest that a few more British Muslim celebrities would be a good thing. They are very few and far between, most will only think of Amir Khan and the former Cat Stevens, both a little tarnished. Once we properly face up to the problems of Islamic extremism, and Cameron seems to be doing that, we do need better integration and for that we need to boost the perception of British Muslims and improve their employment prospects.

It would have been great if...

Everybody and their hamster, every major news channel, every serious blog or forum, every citizen watching their telly probably, is opining on Egypt. What is the possible outcome? democracy? civil war? years of chaos with one weak government after another? yet another dictator? yet another hardline Islamic state?

We at bloggoth were about to advance the most rational and most reasoned opinion of them all, most of them anyway. We haven't got a fucking clue! A bit of Googling and a 2 hour stop at Dubai airport 40 years ago is insufficient expertise on Middle East Affairs to predict where all this is going.

Sometimes it looks promising, we see young people demanding a secular democracy or a group of businessmen hoping for a free society. Then it's a crowd of idiots supporting Mubarak or prayer time in the square and the unedifying sight of of a few thousand stupid male Muslim bottoms pointing to the air in unison and we think "here we go again". What the hell is wrong with people that they don't want to think for themselves, that they continually demand to be told what to do, whether by some disgusting self serving dictator or by a violent obsessive compulsive disorder posing as a religion?

Then we came upon this poll. It would be great if those young secular or moderate Muslim Egyptians got the sort of society they want but if that poll is accurate it ain't gonna happen. Taken with the history of attacks on Christians and its low economic level, Egypt may vie with Pakistan as the most uncivilised backward Muslim country in the world, as reactionary as Saudi Arabia but without the saving grace of a proper rule of law, having all the intolerant excesses of Shariah without the encumbrance of due process.

As we said at the start, we know next to nothing about the country, we do not know its political history or the nature of alliances and enmities in the region. On the other hand, the broad foundations underpinning an issue can sometimes be more relevant than the minute details of it. Do you really need a professional survey and architectural expertise to know that a house on the edge of a crumbling cliff is not going to last very long?


Rarely a week goes by without the death of some celebrity or public figure. With a few exceptions, like Grocer Heath or Mary Whitehouse whose passings should have triggered rejoicing in all sane people, it's a shame, even if they don't figure especially in one's memories.

We never saw Last Tango in Paris (who wants to watch simulated bum sex when you can view the real thing for free on xnxx.com?) but the death of its female star, Maria Schneider has been a great blow to we at bloggoth. Damn it! We have spent nearly forty years trying to persuade Missus xoggoth that bum sex is actually good for you in the hope of getting some and then a woman best known for some buttery bum sex dies at 58! At this rate we won't get any before we are past being able to manage it.

Hang on a minute though! Surely this nice lady died at a youngish age only because it was simulated? Because she did not actually get any?

Oi Missus xoggoth! Darling? Sweetest? Look, it's Country Life! I know you like that brand.

More misnomers

We at bloggoth are all in favour of opposition to authoritarian, over powerful and remote government and we dislike the way that there are no effective mechanisms to ensure that rewards for those in the state apparatus at every level, from council leaders upwards, properly relate to the value of the job they perform. Although an elected figurehead would probably cost us just as much we agree that the whole principle of monarchy sucks too.

So do we sympathise even a little with "anarchist groups" threatening to target the royal wedding?. Not likely, because only a little searching reveals the names and motives of the major groups, motives like bringing about the end of capitalism, opposition to government cuts and to large companies reducing their tax bills. How is support for more tax and wealth distribution anarchy when it requires more state control? These people are mostly not anarchists, they are fucking leftists. Yet again (Islam aside) whenever there is terrorism and serious violence and rioting that goes beyond a few thrown bottles it is the far left, not the far right, that is behind them.

All the evidence suggests that (Islam aside again) the left is also behind the rise in antisemitism in the UK. We have seen before how antisemitic attacks always rise steeply when the Middle East conflict hots up although it seems rather unlikely that the BNP is that concerned about the fate of Palestians. Now we see that the Jewish leader of the student's union has been the target of racist demonstrations. It is remotely possible that Neo Nazi student groups turn up at these student demos but we doubt it somehow.

Everyone sod off

Not the non existent readers obviously, just everyone else.

Feeling low and ill. Weeks of problems with insurers that have left us vanless, crappy builders who have left our place looking like a gypsy's back yard for two months and no 2 son's wedding, arguably the most expensive and lavish event since some famous/rich/celebrity person married some other famous/rich/celebrity person. You can't expect we at bloggoth to put names to something like that. We did do a Google but the links at the top both had "This site may damage your computer". That figures. Damages your brain too probably.

Anyway, all the meeting and greeting has strained our restricted sociability to the limit and, The Great God Sod's law being what it is, the strain has been augmented by not being able to go anywhere at all in the last two weeks without encountering someone we know and it isn't as though we know loads of people. We can't even manage to walk down the high street or go running in the woods without running into a conversation.

Back to normal soon we hope.


Says Depresso The Bear


We see that Pope John Paul is to be beatified as a first step to sainthood.

He was apparently responsible for a miracle after a nun who prayed to him recovered from Parkinson's disease. We at bloggoth obviously can't be arsed to research it in depth but there appear to be several different forms of Parkinsons and a quick Google showed others who claim to have recovered from it like this one or this one. There are also a whole host of remedies or books on recovery which mostly appear to be commercial operations although that itself does not make the claims false; no more than the nun's anyway, there is vested interest in both cases.

If the church wanted to show a miracle it should be advertising for a whole bunch of people who prayed for John Paul's intervention with god; given the reverence in which he was held there must be quite a few. They should then find a bunch of non Catholics with the same conditions and do a proper statistical analysis of all the results to show that any higher recovery rate of those who prayed was statistically significant. They should then do another comparison with all those recovering after following other wierd remedies just in case it is a belief in god's help that makes the difference and not the reality of it. If they did all that properly instead of saying "wow! this nun recovered, it must be a miracle!" they might start to convince the rest of us that there was something in it.

Then perhaps they could explain why their merciful god left the overwhelming majority of those who prayed to die. After all, not much point people praying if they are somehow doing it all wrong.

Good lord

Never let it be said that we at bloggoth do not give credit where it is due. There has been a report that the Taliban is considering allowing girls to go to school. If it actually happens it will be a welcome sign that even the worst forms of Islam could moderate.

So how long before Islam generally is as "moderate" as Christianity in the Western world? Christianity still interferes in our laws to impose its baseless crap on the rest of us and denies women equality within its own hierarchy but it mostly accepts the principle of equality outside the church, does not seek to punish homosexuals or adulterers and is genuinely tolerant of other faiths. Let's see, in the US and Europe the early 18th century marked the very last of fatal punishments for heretics, non believers and sexual trangressors. We have had (in theory) equality for women for about a hundred years and mostly stopped punishing homosexuals about 50 years ago.

There is not quite a parallel with Islam as Christian texts are much more enlightened than Islamic ones and far less emphatic about real world solutions so a long process of reinterpreting the Koran needs to be gone through before Islam can change. A bigger problem is that our own increasing civilisation mainly came about due to increasing prosperity while an expanding world population and pressure on land and resources may mean that will never happen for some Islamic nations.

Still, with a lot of luck on that, we reckon there is a remote outside chance that Islam might become reasonably civilised by, say, mid way through the 24th century.

Well done to the Taliban for playing their part!

Technology and lies

In all the fuss about surveillance technology we should remember that sometimes it are pretty useful to us, those of us who are savvy about what is available anyway.

A few years back a neighbour was trying to steal another neighbour's land and refusing to confine his activities behind his own garden. He submitted false claims for adverse possession and for established usage with the council but failed in both. I supplied not just my own photos but references to online arial photos that showed that land that he said was "cleared and fenced as now" for over ten years was actually still partially covered with woodland less than two years earlier. He clearly had no idea such things existed or he would have phrased his claim differently to fit the evidence.

Not sure how it helps at the moment but another bastard, the useless builder who is supposed to be constructing our conservatory base and never turns up, is a liar too. He dumped yet more stuff all over our property on Tuesday, the first time we have seen or heard from him in weeks, then phoned the next day to say he couldn't proceed due to the heavy rain. I said it was ok here but he never turned up and he hasn't come today either, another overcast but, so far, completely dry day. Clear live webcam images from a fishing website, showing the river about two miles North of his office, indicate there has been no significant daytime rain down there either.


And the insurance companies/garages "dealing" with my accident claim. F* CUNTS the lot of em

PS Using a cleaned up F* and an explicit CUNT serves to highlight and contrast the latter word. Only on bloggoth do you get such precise and well thought out use of the English language.

Topic: Surveillance       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0


Before you wake up

Say no

There have been reports in the press that the police looking into the Joanna Yeates case are thinking of DNA screening thousands of males in Bristol. At risk of being a suspect anyone so approached would be wise to refuse. We have covered the risks of this before but in a nutshell they are:

More truth from the liberal left

Yet again, more on the liberal left are prepared to speak out about the true nature of much of the Islamic world and in particular about the nature of Pakistan, arguably the most disgusting Muslim country of all in its treatment of women and those of other faiths. For all its strict Shariah, Saudi Arabia does have a proper rule of law and non-Muslims do not live in constant fear of attack by their neighbours or arbitrary arrest on trumped up charges.

The deniers and the excusers should read this article in The Guardian. This is the sort of society that the UK's open door with Pakistan is bringing us, the society that explains so much about recent exploitation of vulnerable white girls as The Guardian said just two days ago. Bangladesh is fast going the same way and that minority is even less economically successful.

Isn't it about time we closed down the traffic from those countries? Government statistics show there are no economic positives in it for the rest of us, so why are we risking our society's future on ridiculous pretences?

Babies and bad taste

We see that J K Rowling was sued by somebody claiming that she nicked the boy Wizard idea. The case has been thrown out but plagiarism does happen and there is no clearer case of it than the much criticised Eastenders plot about somebody swapping new born babies. We did that one a while back.

Ghastly common children? Bad taste? bloggoth probably did it first!!

Talking of babies and bad taste

Country File this evening was a bit worrying. They were talking about the rising cost of eggs and chicken due to the soaring cost of feed and forthcoming EU regulations which, as usual, only the British government will be supine and daft enough to enforce. With the ever expanding world population and increasing standards of living in China, India and Brazil, food prices are going to carry on rising, it's a simple matter of supply and demand.

So what cheap alternatives to eggs and chicken meat are there that are not going to rise in price? That's obvious from supply and demand too, people products should be cheap because there are so many people. We need to get over our irrational squeemishness about cannibalism and start researching the downsides like transmissable diseases.

The world is full of horrible common people who can't support themselves. It is our moral duty to provide them with a decent life in nice, big, clean, well constructed cages. In return, well, it's only fair that they should provide us with cheap sustenance.

PS. Actually this is not in bad taste at all. Properly cooked, babies have quite a nice flavour.


Moles live in the dark and rarely stick more than their noses above ground. Odd that if you look at a field with lots of molehills they tend to be in sunny areas. Why is that? Do they like warmer soils? Another noticeable thing is that you get a greater concentration around footpaths than in open areas, so you are always getting muddy feet. Moles obviously like to annoy people. We can relate to that. Great little creatures.

The plusses of the more useful migrants may be more than would appear

There is little doubt that immigration is poorly controlled, that along with the useful ones we get far too many who are purely a burden. Would we expect Australia, the US or Canada to take our welfare dependent white sink estate kids along with our qualified engineers? So why do we take any except healthy, law abiding, English speaking, high earners with a strong committment to fit in?

Look at the figures from the Office for National Statistics or other reliable sources for prison population, welfare, social housing and health for those originating in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, the Carribean, Vietnam and the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka and they are strongly negative. We are not generally talking a few percentage points here but multiples.

The same source shows that legal migrants from other parts of the developing world, principally Indian Hindus and Sikhs and the Chinese, mostly do as well as or better than the average. Even here, controls are not adequate. Since we have no obligations to those from other nations they should be excluding, as far as possible, any but the very best. There is no point in bringing in average people, they merely increase population and the consequent pressures on our land, our resources, and our infrastructure without adding to our per capita income.

Nevertheless, there may be a broader benefit of Indians and Chinese. In the absence of any studies, common sense would suggest that increasing our ties with forward-looking and fast developing nations who may be tomorrow's great powers can only help our own trade. Moreover, the political (slow though it may be in China) and social progress in those nations suggests that our own liberal ideas need not necessarily be compromised by future closer ties.

On the other hand, where is the future benefit of ties with those other countries whose poorly performing migrants continue to drag our economy down and whose backward religious and cultural views threaten our society's future?

The logical elephants in the room

In the wake of yet another case of Pakistani men grooming vulnerable white girls, Jacks Straw's comments that men of Pakistani origin see white girls as easy meat have attracted the usual comments about unfair sterotyping even though they are supported by former Labour MP Anne Cryer and the same issue has been raised in the press several times before in the last ten years, including in the BBC's Panorama program. The chief executive of Barnardo's is quoted as saying:

I certainly don't think it's just a Pakistani thing. My staff would say there is an over-representation of people from ethnic minority groups among perpetrators - Afghans, people from Arabic nations, Pakistanis. But it's not just one nation.

He called for more research and said: "I don't think this is so much about targeting white girls - because black girls are also victims - it's about targeting vulnerable, isolated girls.

Barbardo's should know, the charity has been active in tackling the sexual exploitation of young girls for 17 years so it may indeed be a somewhat narrow sterotyping to say that this is all about Pakistani men targetting white girls, rather it is about mainly Muslim men targetting mainly non Muslim girls. Such slightly wider conclusions also tend to get denounced as racism or Islamophobia although those of us who bother to check these things out with reputable sources such as the US State Department, women's rights or Christian and Hindu sites rather than parrot PC mantras might suggest that the treatment of women and non Muslims in places like Pakistan fits rather well with the allegations. Although we can find no official statistics in English, it fits rather well with similar reports in other countries like Sweden and Australia too.

The involvement of Barnado's brings us to logical elephant number one. If this type of grooming is such a ubiquitous problem involving members of all ethnic groups equally, why did they set up the first group to tackle the problem in the town of Bradford? Are we supposed to believe a national charity just picked that town out of a hat?

Tying a specific ethnicity or creed to a crime is always denounced as racism by some regardless of the strength or otherwise of the evidence. Allegations of excessive involvement by those from Pakistan and other Muslim countries in car crash fraud, the heroin trade, benefit or electoral fraud have similarly been denounced.

Which presents us with logical elephant number two. Contrary to some ideas, less than 1% are in prison for terrorist offences and they do not seem to be disproportionately involved in gun crime, normal pattern rape, burglary or muggings. So if they are no more guilty of the crimes that people associate with them than anyone else, how is it that Muslims in UK prisons are over represented by a factor of four?.

Presumably, there must be SOME crimes they are extremely overrepresented in to account for this figure. We can only conclude that they must be highly secret crimes that the rest of us have never heard of, like cruelty to Polar Bears or counterfeiting wheelie bins.

Update: PC strikes. The BBC have edited that linked news item to remove Barnardo's chief executive Martin Narey's comments as quoted above. Fortunately this Sikh site copied it in full before they did.


We at bloggoth are totally in favour or anything that exterminates cats. They are horrible creepy things with no hint of personality which kill birds and other wildlife and crap in other peoples' gardens. We heartily approve of cat-killing giant foxes.

Apart from people, all the members of the cat family are easily the most loathsome of all nature's products, lions are crappy too. Most nature films are fascinating. In Meercat Manor the active little creatures trot about foraging for scorpions, groom each other, challenge snakes, have battles with other tribes and stand on their hind legs looking wierd. In lions of the Serengeti the boring animals mostly just lie about yawning. Once in a while the expressionless females stalk some defenceless prey, chase it down and eat it. Then they all go back to lying about yawning.

More huge foxes please. Also venomous slugs, wasps that nest in cats' heads, parasitic cat eyeball-dwelling spiders and huge cat-eating voles. About time nature struck back against these tedious destructive creatures.

Poor bloke

We have some sympathy with "wierd" Landlord Chris Jefferies. One reason is that his bizarre appearance looks sorta familiar, we see something rather similar in the mirror every day. Mainly though because he has been pilloried as if already guilty. The newspapers, especially The Sun, have reported that he would enter rented flats without permission, follow women around, was gay/bisexual (apparently based on just someone's feeling, no evidence whatever) and would scare schoolchildren with lessons on Nazi death camps.

Now he has been released on bail and the Sun is reporting that the cops have warned people to be on their guard as the killer is still at large. Presumably they do not mean Mr Jefferies, they know where he is, so the bloke may not be guilty. Assuming he is not, what chance does he have of a normal life now?

Hope nobody gets murdered round here. As the no 1 village wierdo we at bloggoth would have no chance of avoiding suspicion.

Rude Mistletoe

Traditionally people kiss under the Mistletoe at Christmas.

Naturally, we at bloggoth have no interest in ordinary boring Mistletoe, we much prefer Rude Mistletoe. When a piece of Rude Mistletoe is waved above a lady she is supposed to immediately offer the waver some vigorous bottom sex. We tried the Rude Mistletoe tactic with the missus but the bloody woman has no respect for tradition, asking why I was waving a pack of smoked salmon over her head.

Or maybe she doesn't even know that Rude Mistletoe resembles a pack of smoked salmon! We despair of Britain, all our old traditions are going out of the window.


Real saints

The non existent readers may have noticed we are not fans of religion. When you look beyond the assertions at the actual statistics there is no evidence that it improves human behaviour even one iota and faith-based dogma is an impediment to rational law. The ner will not be surprised to know that saints do not mean a lot to us although there are three exceptions.

The first two were the obscure 12th/13th century St. Raymonds. We had great delight in choosing Raymond as our given RC confirmation name because when we turned up at the altar with it written on our card the Bishop had never heard of them and the entire proceedings were halted while the parish priest scurried off to check if there actually was a Saint Raymond. A small but satisfying victory. It was not relevant which Saint Raymond we were named after although if we had to, we would choose St. Raymond Nonnatus as he made a better job of annoying Muslims.

The other great saint was our namesake St Francis. Like many Christian figures of that time Francis of Assissi also spent a lot of time annoying Muslims, although it is obviously his supposed love of nature that makes him our favourite. Being charitable to wolves, preaching to little birdies, communing with flowers. Time much better spent than on charitable works for the poor, being nice to poor people only encourages them, there are way too many already.

PS That bit about talking to plants sounds a bit like our very own Prince of Daftness but in his case he is just a horrible exploiter of plants encouraging growth for commercial reasons. Our sources at Highgrove House tell us that he shouts abuse at his Broccoli for hours at a time while the unfortunate plants are being beaten soundly by footmen.

If I knew you were coming

It is generally accepted that the Bible is a collection from many sources and that there are different possible interpretations because it is permitted to analyse it. Most Christians do not regard the differences as crucial to the core principles of their faith. On the other hand, such in depth scrutiny of The Koran and especially questioning of its origin is taboo. Some assert that significant passages have been mistranslated, that suicide bombers may be blowing themselves up in return for, not 72 virgins, but 72 raisins. Hilarious if true. Assuming the rest of the paradise bollocks was true obviously.

One key ingredient used by Islamic terrorists in home made explosives, both here and in the US, is flour. Maybe the bombers should take a bit extra with them. When they get to heaven hoping for all the physical passion that their miserable creed has denied to them in life and all Allah hands them is a packet of dried fruit, at least they can console themselves by baking a nice cake.

Deep purple - The Cut Runs Deep

With bloggoth lyricy thing

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Equivalent action. Not.

A new year and the Islamic foulness carries on as before with 21 dead and 70 injured by a suicide bomber in Egypt.

The Egyptian President has said that the bombing was "an attack on all Egypt" and that "terrorism does not distinguish between Copt and Muslim". Oh really? It seems to distinguish rather well as it always appears to be the Copts who are the victims; if there are terrorist acts by Copts Google does not seem to be reporting them.

The pro-Islamic argument here states that the tension was caused by two Christian women being prevented from converting to Islam in order to divorce their husbands. If these women were not allowed to make a free choice about their faith and forced back with abusive husbands against their will that is indeed appalling although that version looks extremely questionable if the details of this Catholic source are accurate as seems very possible given Islam's long history of abductions and forced conversions. It even goes on in the UK.

One source says one thing, one says another. Who knows for sure? Let's say the Islamic version is correct, in what way does it justify the random murder of 21 people? This is the act of a barbaric faith.

More improvements on a poor design

We always wonder how animals survive in this weather although they do have some useful adaptations, like the ability of birds to fluff up their feathers. We could use something like that. Given how liposuction works it would seem that fat deposits in the body are concentrated in layers beneath the skin, the outer layer of which is largely dead tissue.

There must be scope here for improving body design. Why not suck out the fat and spray some non stick stuff inside so it leaves an inflatable space beneath the skin? We can blow it up to insulate us if we get stranded unexpectedly without the necessary winter clobber on, if things turn unexpectedly chilly at your naturist ski resort perhaps. The only other things we need are some suitable inflation points.

Things not to do in a crowded street

We at bloggoth seem to be immune to this thing called flu, not sure we have ever actually had it, nothing as bad as people complain about anyway. All the same, we don't go out of our way to catch it. There was some fat twat in Halfords sneezing and sniffling on Christmas Eve right next to the phone chargers, so we held our breath, grabbed the one we wanted and pointedly walked to the other end of the shop to look at it.

These are scary times. If you fart loudly on the tube always mutter Allahu Akbar afterwards. If you are walking down the high street and can't stop a sneeze then immediately shout OINK! OINK!. They can't touch you for it.

Good idea

The Arsebishop of Canterbury has been urging the rich to share pain with the poor during the downturn.

Good idea. Just think of all the homeless in London in this freezing weather, hundreds of them could be accomodated at Lambeth Palace. Let's have a soup kitchen in the state drawing room instead of using it to lavishly entertain royalty and popes and foreign dignitories. It's the queens' speech later and I daresay she will issue a similarly heart-warming appeal to look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. Since she will be spending Christmas at Sandringham there will be lots of room for the homeless at Buckingham Palace.

Bishops, royalty, rich ex PMs, pop stars. Wouldn't these exortations to the rich or to the rest of us to show more charity be a lot more effective if they did not mostly come from vastly rich and often state subsidised people who appear to do very little sharing themselves?

Discriminatory laws cited as evidence of enlightenment

Various promoters of Islam on the net quote these world rape figures as evidence of the civilised nature of islam and its respect for women. Wow, yes! Look at how Saudi Arabia is right down the bottom with by far the fewest number of rapes. That really does show what an enlightened social system Islam is doesn't it?

Unfortunately, for comparison of crime statistics to mean anything, the crime has to be defined in a similar way in each country. The victim has to feel able to report the crime and the law has to investigate it and prosecute the perpetrator. In Saudi Arabia and some other Muslim countries, acts that would be prosecuted under rape laws in those Christian countries are not prosecuted at all. When prosecutions are brought it is almost impossible for a women to prove and she is very likely to end up being punished herself. According to this article on the BBC world service:

... in Saudi Arabia, a women's testimony in court is worth half that of a man's testimony, according to a Human Rights Watch report in 2002.

Along with reports from women's rights groups, the most reliable source is the US State Department's pages on human rights. This is what it says on rape in Saudi Arabia:

The government ... did not recognize spousal rape and does not criminalise domestic violence.

According to the law, if a man rapes a woman, she is viewed as being at fault for illegal mixing of genders and is punished along with her attacker. Statistics on incidents of rape were not available, but press reports and observers indicated rape against women and boys was a serious problem.

As for Yemen, third from the bottom, women are treated little better than animals, wholly owned property of a man, often married off at twelve, subject to arbitrary arrest if they don't comply with whatever men want. You think rape statistics are reliable in a country like that? It isn't just about poverty either:

When Yemen was two countries, the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, in the south, was a Marxist state with the most feminist constitution in the Arab world. But when reunification with the nationalist Yemen Arab Republic took place in 1990 and was followed by a civil war four years later, it was the north that emerged as victor. Unity was strengthened, but sharia became the basis of law-making.

Saudi law is not alone in requiring that rape be proved by two or four male Muslim witnesses and punishing a woman when it is not proved or even punishing her equally when it is. A short search of that US State Department site and women's rights sites shows the Maldives, Pakistan, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates and Iran have similar laws. In other Muslim countries like Bangladesh, the equality provided by the law is not observed in practice. Women are marginalised, treated as chattels and subject to huge level of abuse. Laws usually do not exist with regard to spousal rape or domestic violence and when they do there is often no action taken. Local shariah applies arbitary punishments to women for alleged offences against decency.

We have found one Islamic country, Oman, that genuinely provides equal rights for women (and non Muslims) but so far it appears to be very much the exception.

Here's a tip. If you ever see a statistic that seems to show Islam in a positive light, check the facts behind it, it is probably a lie.


Nope! That's it! According to the USDoS, Oman is the only Islamic country where there is anything approaching even our own imperfect standards for equality of women. Even the best of the rest (Algeria) does not come close. In many of these countries domestic abuse, rape and harrassment are commonplace and spousal rape is almost never a crime. These things are common to poorer non Muslim countries where traditions relegate women to subordinate roles as they once did here, Ghana for example, but there are additional factors in Islamic countries that follow directly from the beliefs of Islam and the attitudes they foster and are found in even the oil rich states.

Wives may be obliged to seek the husband's permission for things women can freely do elsewhere. They can face impossible legal odds proving rape or other abuse due to shariah laws. They frequently find their allegations are ignored and they are returned to their abusers. An offence of rape can be negated if the perpetrator marries his victim and the latter are often pressured into it to avoid shame. Woman can face imprisonment for being raped or for getting pregnant as a result.

They are discriminated against in other areas too, being entitled to only half the inheritance of a man, having fewer or no rights over divorce and custody of children. This is the reality of Islamic "respect" for women.

Update 2.

More on the disgusting realities of rape in Pakistan.

Clever little god

Pope Grandpa Munster has said that God "often surprises us" in the way he fulfils his promises. Indeed, like praying for somebody to recover from an illness but he/she dies anyway but is doubtless rewarded in heaven, much better. Or pray for peace and we get endless conflict but it all strengthens our resolve and brings us nearer to god in the end.

What you get bears no more resemblance to what you pray for than might be expected from statistical probability but that is all part of his infinite wisdom.

And his angels

There was once hope that Britain would be freed from religious dogma and have practical laws based on the needs and aspirations of normal human beings but the sense of the nation appears to be slipping away. An online survey reports significant belief in guardian angels.

Nearly one in three Britons believe they have a guardian angel watching over them, but Scots remain the most sceptical. The research showed the London region had the highest levels of belief in angels at 40 per cent, compared with 22 per cent in Scotland

Wonder why? Nothing to do with this or this obviously.

England absorbs virtually all net migration to UK, MPs warn

Between 1991 and 2007, more than 2.1 million migrants were added to the population of England, which last year became the most crowded major country in Europe.

The nation has taken more than 20 times more migrants than Scotland, even though it is only ten times the size in terms of population.

There has been an extraordinarily rapid change in London's population over the past ten years. In the period 1993-2002, 606,000 more Londoners moved out of the city than came to it from elsewhere in the UK. In the same period a net 726,000 immigrants arrived in London. ... The effect is a rapid increase in the ethnic minority composition of some boroughs, resulting from an outflow of the white population and an inflow of African and Asian international migrants.

The adventures of James Bondage


Thought so

We could never understand how the ethnic makeup of the UK could have undergone such enormous visible changes given the official population statistics. Now the truth is provided by the right's favourite bete noire, Polly Toynbee, writing on constituency changes:

It is now abundantly clear that the 2001 census missed millions of people.

One best estimate of population comes from sewage: Thames Water says the outflow of rich or poor alike reveals true numbers – and Slough has 30,000 more people than officially registered. Bagley fears census-takers will have little time to check the estimated 3,500 houses in multiple occupation, or the estimated 2,500 living in unregistered sheds in gardens illegally let out, unlikely to return forms in the 56 languages they speak.

Meanwhile, the bloggoth search for the benefits Islam brings to the UK go on. We know there must be many, we are told so. One big advantage, surely, is that Muslims don't drink so at least they won't have the liver problems the rest of us do. Oh dear, incidence of alcohol related admissions to hospital about the same as the general population and need for liver transplants 50% higher due to hepatitis, mostly caught on visits to South Asia.


We have seen The Centre For Social Cohesion described as an arm of the sinister Bilderbegers. We can't find the reference now but the fact that we can't find it surely proves the allegation was true. Those giant lizards are adept at burying reports they don't like.

We have also seen it described as anti-Islamic. When serious organisations which research their reports are described in that way it usually means they are telling the truth about Islam. The Centre accuses that the government has repeatedly failed to tackle the problems out of a misguided sensitivity. In an article on the Stockholm bombing The Independent has a quote:

A radically new approach is needed, counterterror experts said last night. Douglas Murray, director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said: "This is a problem that Britain exports and it is a great shame that our friends and allies have to suffer. The only way to win this is to use the law enforcement agencies we have and exercise the law. Known terrorists and terrorist funders openly raise money and recruit in the UK and our police and prosecution services do nothing."

In an article for the Wall Street Journal on the decision to compensate Jihadists in Guantanamo its leading lights were bang on too:

Taking in the full enormity of what Britain is doing requires a moment of pause. Every day our troops are shot at, wounded, and killed, while being paid a pittance. But jihadis, wannabe-jihadis and assorted radicals are not only allowed to train to kill our troops and allies, they are now to be rewarded by the British taxpayer for doing so. The press remains cowed and the human-rights industry becomes their megaphone. This is not just how a country embarrasses itself. It is how democracies perish.

Much too sane. Where's the hammer?

Hard to think of stories these days. We used to be a lot more imaginitive, where's it all gone? According to New Scientist those who have suffered damage to the left side of the brain, associated with processing language, were significantly more likely to think up original ideas. Not sure we are convinced by that, what about Lewis Carol, Arthur Machen or Stephen King or any of the millions of other authors of wierd imaginitive tales who also managed to write great prose?

We will probably not be bashing half our head in with an axe just yet. Our own theory is much simpler if much more boring. People become boring and unimaginitive because they are overwhelmed by utterly boring things, like filling in tax forms, looking for a better rate on their bank account, ferrying bloody relatives about or chasing up sodding useless builders who are supposed to be building their conservatory. Then there is the sheer amount of time one's brain spends worrying about the world, the economy, the government, the EU, immigration, the Islamic threat etc etc.

Maybe great authors are just better able to clear their minds of all this distracting crap. They would not have written a thing otherwise.

News? What news?

We at bloggoth manage to avoid being depressed by the weather forecasts by watching them on BBC South East. The lady weather forecasters they have are so chewy that they we would not notice if they were predicting hurricanes and biblical floods.

Today we looked at the news online as usual but could not tell you a single thing that has happened. Every paper, including the local ones, seems to have a banner at right advertising a woman's underwear company LA REDOUTE, showing a succession of extremely scantily clad botties. We go through the motions of getting up to date with all the horrible things that are going on the world but we only have eyes for the scantily clad botties. Is everyone seeing this or is it one of these clever Google things where it picks up your interests and selectively feeds you the material you want? Will it soon be that case that any Google search, any click on a link, will simply feed me masses of pictures of ladies' botties?

Suits me, who wants to know the news anyway? it is uniformly depressing.

Were we better off with a tribal society?

Two million years of progress since the stone age but has anything really changed? At times it seems that all we have done is redefined the nature of tribalism. Nations and political groupings of nations are tribes, they are just a lot bigger than they used to be. They are also further away but technology, the global economy, fast transport and mass migration overcome that little problem, the modern tribe can threaten without living next door.

Tribes exist in other ways too but instead of being geographical they are based on wealth, education and belief. The elite, including those who claim to be socialists, have no affinity to the working man and have no concept of the problems that he sees as a result of their grandiose schemes and ideals. They see no problem with immigration or the EU because those of other countries that they encounter are part of their own tribe, the educated elite, and they take all the benefits. The wealthy business owner profits from cheap third world labourers, the ordinary man has his neighbourhood changed beyond recognition and suffers the third world crime and practices that the migrants bring with them.

Numerous mutually hostile tribes exist throughout the world - left, right, anarchist, Christian, Muslim, atheist. All that has changed is that they are no longer confined to distinct geographical areas and have far more capacity to inflict harm on each other. One cannot read a paper without seeing another example of the continual war these tribes are waging in the corridors of power, on the streets, in the press and in cyberspace.

Maybe multiculturalism isn't such a bad idea. Add in a decent global catastrophe that destroys civilisation and we might get back to the simpler and saner Britain we had before the Roman conquest when you and your neighbours were fellow tribesmen with broadly the same allegiances and all your tribe needed to defend itself was ditches, spears and arrows.

Hey! He's back!

A little while back I mentioned that the Great God Sod had deserted me. Now he is back with a vengeance.

I was determined to make my writers' club today having missed it last time but then I got a note through the door that my van had been damaged by somebody attempting to steal next door's truck. Got onto the insurance company and a man from the appointed garage ran back a little later to say he was in the vicinity, could he come that afternoon? No 2 son turned up at last minute, some meeting with the registrar about his wedding, and needed the missus to run him in so she would not be around. Ah well, missed the club again but at least I would get my van sorted promptly. Then it suddenly snowed like fuck and the bloke rang to cancel when he was about 20 minutes away.

Welcome back great one, I have missed you.

PS It's a bit crap but the story is here.

Jolly decent of them

Coven member HMRC is Shite was posting about the deadline for filing tax returns so I checked just to make sure it was still Jan 31st and the bastards hadn't sneaked it forward like they did with the Corporation Tax payments.

directgov tells us that reasonable excuses for not filing on time include "the death of a partner shortly before the filing date - you may need to show that you'd taken steps to prepare the return before this happened"

So if your partner is dying of cancer don't let that little thing put you off getting most of your return done, HMRC may want to see what you have filled in if he/she pops her clogs in the last day or two. If he/she goes more than a week or two before the submission date that should leave you plenty of time to get over it and submit your return. If you do leave it to the last minute and he/she is inconsiderate enough to have a heart attack while you're at it, make sure you finish your submission before calling 999, you might get fined otherwise.


There are so many variations and there seems no obvious reason why mankind functions in the way it does. Just imagine if evolution had taken a different turn and we fertilised in the way that plants now do.

Illegal porn

We at bloggoth don't care, they can't catch us. Here for the non existent readers is some illegal category 3 pornography.

If anyone would like some full category 5 for their ZX81 just send £50 to xoggoth Towers.

Never knew that

Previous song mentions Pierrot and Columbine. I always thought it was Harlequin and Columbine. Actually it was both, they come from the Harlequinade a sort of early pantomime and poor old Pierrot got usurped. Harlequin would magically tranform things by slapping them with a stick, hence the term slapstick.

Back when music wasn't crappo the bear

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Damn. Missed it.

Beats me why people watch these awful reality shows, Big Brother, Srictly Come Dancing, X Factor. If I was forced to choose I'd prefer to watch crappy soaps or football.

However, I do wish now I'd watched the "disgusting" X Factor Final with lots of scantily clad dancers showing their bottoms. We at bloggoth can never get enough disgusting, especially when it's bottom related. They should have a prime time TV show called The Disgusting Show featuring The Disgusting Dancers and hosted by Miss Disgusting Huge Bottom in which the object was to compete for who could do the most disgusting things and offend the most viewers. The winner would be the one who caused the most complaints to OFCOM.

It would do kids a world of good, maybe they would grow up as normal human beings instead of miserable religious preaching, interfering, nonsense-believing, bomb-planting nutcases.

Tolerance. It must be!

A pre-Islamic Christian site has opened in the United Arab Emirates. Naturally, the very existence of this only pre-Islamic Christian site in the area is hailed as an example of Islamic tolerance. Of the "Pay your dues, keep your head down and be quiet" Islamic variety anyway.

On the other hand, the site was abandoned in 750, still relatively early in the poorly documented history of Islam in that area. Maybe it would be relevant to enquire why.

"Education, education, education" True words from a liar

We lost our own dominant position over a hundred years ago but parts of this item on the coming demise of the US as the world's greatest power are relevant to our own continued decline. The most telling paragraph in our view is this one:

Add to this clear evidence that the U.S. education system, that source of future scientists and innovators, has been falling behind its competitors. After leading the world for decades in 25- to 34-year-olds with university degrees, the country sank to 12th place in 2010. The World Economic Forum ranked the United States at a mediocre 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010. Nearly half of all graduate students in the sciences in the U.S. are now foreigners, most of whom will be heading home, not staying here as once would have happened. By 2025, in other words, the United States is likely to face a critical shortage of talented scientists.

Tony Blair's mantra was right even if his approach was the nonsense you would expect from a British Socialist; he spent large amounts of our money on a simplistic and ineffectual attempt to end inequality, not just among our own but among any from the rest of the world that could make its way here. We can see the legacy of this attitude in the student protests because too many see higher education as a right regardless of how little their own expensively acquired skills might contribute to Britain's future prosperity. These students tell us my own generation, which paid much lower fees, had it easy but the fact is that one thing was a lot harder for us, getting into college or university in the first place. In 1968-9 there were 410,000 full-time students in Great Britain, while in 2008/2009, there were around 3.4 million. *Note

I feel sorry for the able but poor students but they are not paying for previous generations who mostly paid more than enough extra in taxes to pay for their education; they are paying for the presence in higher education of huge numbers of fellow students who really should not be there, those who will make no extra contribution to the UK's future prosperity. If they cannot repay their fees over a working lifetime, they are also clearly not benefiting that much themselves.

To return to Blair, I said British Socialist because true socialist states do not seem to make these mistakes, they certainly do not in China. The Chinese encourage pride in achievement and competition for university places is fierce. When they overtake the US that will be a major factor.

Note: The increase is not explained by that in practical vocational courses due to the decline of apprenticeships. The number in universities alone was 1.97 million in 2007, nearly 5 times the total 1968-9 higher education figure in the previous link.

Topic: True words from a liar       Comment here.       Comments so far: 0

My god, my god! Why hast thou forsaken me?

Not your ridiculous Christian/Muslim/Jedi/whatever god, I mean the REAL god, the only god whose law demonstrates his existence every single day of our lives, THE GREAT GOD SOD!

Even those idiots who are not believers in THE GREAT GOD SOD will know his LAW. He and his invisible demon minions endlessly contrive to annoy us in in very minor things. The GREAT GOD SOD does not dispense cancer, make your wife unfaithful, get you sued for libel by major companies or inflict HMRC tax investigations on you, rather his law inflicts you in annoying little ways umpteen times a day. You have seven people for dinner, you can only find six matching plates although you know the set should have eight; you get invited to a party and it is on the same day as another even although you hardly ever get invited to anything, you need six large rawplugs for a DIY job, you can only find five,

That's how THE GREAT GOD SOD's law should run but WTF has been going on in my life? We had a new carpet fitted recently and decided to use the bits left over to carpet the upstairs hall and make a runner to avoid everyday wear and tear. Almost every bit plonked down fitted right in as it was. Today we rearranged the garage to accomodate the missus's new freezer. Everything just fitted in; Freezer width + workbench width = available space - 0.5cm.

Every DIY job we have done for the last six months, large or small, everything is just the right length/width/height/diameter. Not just DIY either. We turn up late at the gymn and the car park is full BUT one person is leaving just as we arrive. A string of unsynchronised traffic lights and each one turns green as we approach. We plan to drive miles to the garden centre to buy some fat balls for the birds but just happen to pop into the new ALDI for something and lo, they have cheap fat balls, although we have never seen them on sale there before or since. It's like that episode of Red Dwarf where Lister gets infected by the luck virus although the non existent readers will note that my luck is much more tedious.

This has now been going on now for six months. It should be great but it seems too good to be true. We can't help wondering if some punishment is looming. Some big bad misfortune to cancel out all those very minor fortunes.

Yes, but

The ethnic nature of our town, like everywhere else in the South East, is changing at a frightening rate. About 5 years ago you hardly ever saw or heard anyone who was not white British, now blacks, South Asians and Far East Asians are everywhere and you frequently hear foreign language in the street. The area is heading the way of South East London where I was brought up, which, apart from the Brixton area, was white when I left there 28 years ago. Now, in some areas like Streatham, you would hardly know you were in Europe. My RC primary school was totally white British, as was the state Primary about half a mile away. Now the descriptions of the two schools on findmyschool begin:

Some insist that ethnic origin is not important. The practical facts about human nature and the way people think tell us that is not entirely true but it is certainly the case that, when major groups of the migrant community confer real advantages, our perceptions are much more favourable and our concerns are minimal, one never seems to see concerns expressed about the legal Sikh, Hindu or Chinese communities. Unfortunately, reliable non-racist sources show that the contributions of some other major ethnic groups from poorer countries to be very negative. The descriptions for these schools continue:

There are some promising signs in the Afro Carribean community but other groups are going backwards. Stats for Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims in the UK from the Office for National Statistics and other usually reliable sources show they are almost four times over represented in the prison population, more than twice as likely to be unemployed, over three times as likely to be in age standardised poor health and over three times as likely to need social housing as the groups needing the least. The cost of anti-terror operations to counter threats, stated to be primarily Islamic in nature by former Home Secretary John Reed, has risen to £3.5bn, up £1bn in 3 years. The burden on the rest of us is expanding fast due to a population growth rate that is ten times higher.

There is no conceivable way that these can be positives for the UK and it is high time the immigration "debate" was based on reality rather than pious pretence.

Snow and religion

Ghastly day spent shifting patio slabs and pot plants and shovelling snow thanks to getting ready for Missus bloggoth's sodding conservatory to be delivered tomorrow. An occasional break on CUK where one of the usual fundamentalist atheists kicked off another atheism vs religion argument.

There really are some illogical ideas around. A common one is that showing evidence of the truth of some parts of the bible or other religious text supports the religious ideas it espouses. It does not. There are several facts to be considered:

Anyone who wants a story to be taken seriously will make it as credible as possible and will incorporate real facts into it.
Take the film "The Mummy". How effective would the film have been if the mummy simply popped up in the desert with no explanation as to who he was or what happened to him? The storyline of a man who is entombed alive after cuckolding the Pharoah draws on historical knowledge and the Pharoah in question was actually a real person. That does not make the story of a mummy returning from the dead true anymore than the existence of Transylvania proves the existence of vampires.

What comes down through history is self selective.
Those who believe in the religious tales have an interest in passing them on but people do not generally write down experiences that they thought were of no significance. Say two men met the prophet Muhammad. One believed he had met a man of great wisdom who spoke with Allah, the other nodded politely and went off muttering "what a nutcase". Which of these encounters is going to be passed on in the Haddiths?

A story may be believed because the teller is extremely charismatic, manipulative or convincing.
Plenty of intelligent people believe Ron Hubbard's version of his life story although commentators outside Scientology say he polished and invented to further his own ends. Assuming the story of Moses ascending Mount Sinai is true we only have his word for it that he spoke to god. Maybe a charismatic Moses convinced others that god had given him the ten commandments to bolster his status as leader, that would not make his story any more true than some of Hubbard's.

We know little or nothing about the story tellers and their motivations.
So how do we know they were reliable and impartial? A fraud wanting to claim influence as a prophet would use those who could make a persuasive case on his behalf. Were some writers of the Haddiths or the Biblical texts simply the paid publicists of their time? Did men of influence support the fraud because it suited their purposes?

Stories change over time to bear little resemblance to the basic facts
We can see that with the Arthur Tales. A few minor references in old Welsh poems got transmuted to the story we know today with round tables, holy grails and magic swords. Of course there were floods in Biblical times and maybe there was even a man called Noah who built a huge boat. That doesn't mean the rest of it isn't total fiction.

Texts are deliberately altered
There are numerous versions of Christianity and Islam and changing religious views mean deliberate alteration - there have been very different versions of the Bible. The religious are often seeking proofs for a sacred text that bears little relation to what was originally written. Strangely, the text remains the immutable truth despite numerous mutations.

Enough people repeating the same thing is taken as proof
We see this happening today with conspiracy theorist blogs. 9/11 was a setup by the US government and a link to another blog page advancing a rather weak argument and referencing other blogs proves it. When we see enough sources saying the same thing we assume there must be some truth in it. If a historical reference bears out what is in the bible is it evidence of the truth of the bible, or could one have copied from the other? Could it even be that both have the same fictional origin?


We were intending to comment on Assange's arrest, the whole thing utterly stinks. Mr Sheep has saved us the trouble.


We have always had a problem with parts of evolution - how did it work when small changes in the process had no obvious advantage in themselves and how did it explain very complex evolutions, for example the snake with a slow acting diuretic venom that tracks down its prey by following the scent of urine? This video deals effectively with the less obvious mechanisms of evolution.

Inspiration according to Bradbury

xoggoth can't think of a story for his writers' club and wants us to come up with some ideas. He suggests we can get inspiration from just looking around the office like Ray Bradbury says he does in the introduction to The Ray Bradbury Theater on the Horror Channel.

That's not a bad idea. Right everyone, look around the office for ten minutes and then we can brainstorm our brilliant ideas.

Ok, mankies - what have we got?

Maybe the paper clips could start a revolution and invade the pen tidies.

Or the desk lamp secretly wants to be an office chair for some reason?

Or a nice risque love story about the mouse mat falling in love with xoggoth's coffee mug while the mug mat fancies the PC mouse and they are all secretly shagging each other but in the end they all find out and have a foursome?

I'm not sure this is working, perhaps we would get more inspiration in the shed.

Hey yeh! We could do a story with boxes of old screws spying on bits of wood that xoggoth kept cos they might come in handy or crusty old paint brushes planning to take over the world or something.

Good grief!

Corruption is everywhere

Who would be remotely surprised if dodgy deals are behind the FIFA decision given the nature of Russia and the presence on the executives of third world members? Corruption is the norm in countries with relatively new forms of government and in the third world, just as it used to be in the UK and other Western countries. Our superiority in this, as a result of more affluence, better laws, an independent police and judiciary and a freer press, has evolved over a long period and is only relative.

Sometimes corruption in the West isn't recognised for what it is. It seems Boris Johnson has withdrawn the offer of a free stay in London's exclusive Dorchester hotel for Fifa executives during the 2012 Olympics. What? So he offered them free accomodation at the UK's most expensive hotel during a major event that had nothing to do with football on condition they voted for the UK? WTF do you call that if not corruption? If we want choice made only on the quality of the bid then, beyond the necessary accomodation and hospitality during the presentation, the FIFA rules should state that nothing whatever should be provided for officials however the provision is used. Corruption should not have to involve an official personally benefiting. Even if money is donated to some worthy cause, that is still deceit, secretly influencing votes in a way that has nothing to do with demonstrating the quality of the bid.

This quaint view that corruption is only about "honest" bribery blinds us to the extent to which it exists in the West. Despite the expenses and cash for questions scandals, the lining of pockets that goes on in most Western nations is small beer in comparison with, say, that in Western Africa but political corruption, the flouting of the principles of democracy and freedom for narrower interests, is still rife. Politicians lie. They hide, filter or distort the truth in pursuit of their own ideals and obsessions. They waste public money on projects which are shrines to their own vanity. They rig elections by pandering to minorities who control the outcomes in marginal seats and heed the lobbying of big business or other narrow interest groups who fund their parties. Our "free" press avoids some investigations or asking too searching questions of the establishment lest their access is curtailed.

In all the deluge of legislation imposed on the rest of us it is a pity there is never time for any that might give us real democracy, provide real scrutiny of our laws and our law makers, define what the duties of public service are, set limits on the rewards for it and, most important of all, set the severest penalties for those who break the rules.

Update: Now it is being denied that a free stay was offered to FIFA. So why did the BBC specifically say "Boris Johnson has withdrawn the offer of a free stay". If the stay was not free, what exactly is it that has been cancelled? If being able to make a booking through London 2012 was a facility only granted if we got the World Cup that is still bribery, it's just a bribe of less value. We are now being told that London 2012 has not decided on allocations, so where did this news story come from in the first place? We will probably never know and have to be content with this "explanation" that explains nothing whatever. Corrupt politicians, corrupt sports bodies and a corrupt press. They are in it together.

We cannot keep pretending about the nature of Islam

Yet again we have the "liberal lefty" BBC being outspoken about the nature of Islam, this time on the case of a Christian woman who was sentenced to death for supposed blasphemy in Pakistan. On a major item on the TV last night they made clear that the blasphemy law is frequently used just to settle scores and conviction is not necessary, an accusation is enough to get the accused and their families killed.

Attacks on Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Ahmadhis are commonplace in Pakistan and increasing. Attacks on and discrimination against Christians and Hindus and Ahmadis are commonplace and increasing in Bangladesh too, that country's reputation for moderate Islam is well in the past. Moreover, this is not simply about attacks by radical groups, the authorities turn a blind eye or are even complicit.

Both countries are Islamic states and whatever little tolerance there is bears no resemblance to tolerance as we define it and which Muslims expect from us in the UK. Non Muslim citizens in Pakistan are not able to lobby for the laws they want, to participate in government to the highest level, to build churches and temples as easily as Islam can build mosques or to celebrate their faith openly and they do not have equality within the judicial system. Obviously there are no laws against offence or even hate speech against their religions. In practice, if not yet officially, Bangladesh is little better and the slide to a fully Islamic state appears unstoppable. The tolerance in these countries is on a par with that of Moorish Spain that is always quoted as a shining example of Islamic enlightenment by its apologists; you might be ok (in between major massacres and expulsions) if you do what you are told, follow your own faith very, very quietly and don't expect to have any significant say in society.

After seeing what happens to the rest of us in these Muslim countries from which our own Muslims mostly come are we are seriously supposed to feel happy at their fast growing presence in our midst? It is irrelevant to say that many are successful and don't believe in Shariah as that is presumably true in Pakistan and Bangladesh too but it doesn't stop these things happening. If we keep taking in people from those countries without proper controls and keep allowing them to identify more with those countries than with Britain then logically we are going to get a minority population that reflects all the unacceptable attitudes and practices of those countries. There are reasons why Islam is increasingly viewed with hatred in the UK and the main one is that we are not total idiots.

If the government had any sense it would:

Yes, we do need positive steps to help Muslims in the UK too but opposing those attitudes that are completely contrary to our own values and raising the poor perception of the group by reducing the fears people have would do more than anything else to help the able and decent ones. If things carry on as they are the government may find that EDL marches and mosque attacks are merely the start and, human nature being what it is, we won't bother to distinguish.

Free speaking lessons

It seems that David Cameron spent £66,000 on TV coaching by Obama's body language expert. What a shame he did not consult we at bloggoth. We have spent a very long time studying Obummer's speaking techniques and can now release this video for free. All those who want to be world leaders would be well advised to study it.

Image by Center for American Progress Action Fund from Washington, DC
(Barack Obama at Las Vegas Presidential Forum)

PS Note that if you have a mole by your nose or other noticeable facial mark this should jump from side to side in the manner shown. This indicates flexibility and a capacity for achieving consensus between left and right.

Remembered for what's important

A noticeable problem of ageing is the tendency of everywhere, except your head, to sprout lots of hair. The missus commented on my eyebrows this morning which I have not mown for a few weeks. I don't recall having to trim my eyebrows when I was 30. Anyway, shaggy eyebrows, who springs to mind for those of us old enough to remember them? Dennis Healey, former chancellor and George Woodcock, former TUC leader. Can you remember anything else about them, a single speech or action? Of course not but we do remember they had huge eyebrows.

What did Rastputin actually do that was significant? Dunno, but he had piercing eyes and took a lot of killing. Who was Marie Antionette married to? Dunno but she made a comment about cake. (or was that Margaret Thatcher?) Put dates and places to the military victories of Julius Caesar. You probably can't but you do know he shagged Cleopatra. Ditto General Kitchener, erm, but he did have a huge moustache and pointed at you from posters. Mahatma Ghandi? Something to do with independence for India wasn't it? And he always wore a blanket with bare legs and had silly little glasses. Disraeli? He was Jewish and very dapper. Even Winston Churchill is remembered as much for being a portly cigar smoker and heavy drinker as he is for leading us to victory.

The lesson is obvious. If you want to be remembered it is not enough to make an impact on human society, you have to look odd, have some eccentricity or do something out of the ordinary even if that means ridiculous. If David Cameron wants to go down in history as a great Tory leader he needs to start looking for that memorable sound bite or that physical absurdity that takes our mind off the tediously reasonable speeches.

Big mistake

It seems they are to retire the Andrex puppy in favour of a digitised dog. I rather think they are losing sight of the main idea here. The value of a light coloured puppy in an advert for toilet tissue is that it has a very noticeable arsehole and craps all over the place while still being totally cute. It is a stunningly clever way of getting us to think well of the unnaceptable. Will it be the same in a digitised version? I doubt it.

If they must replace the puppy maybe they could use a nice fat lady instead. We at bloggoth could never get enough of a nice fat lady with a very noticeable arsehole who craps all over the place.


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